Sunday, August 4, 2019

Training and Development is said to be beneficial for both firms and em

Training and development is said to have a positive impact for both firms and employees, this essay will explain the terms â€Å"Training and Development† and look at the advantages and disadvantages for the Employer and employees. One of the biggest limitations of â€Å"Training and Development† is how the impact of training and development on productivity and profit is measured for organisations and individuals. This essay will therefore attempt to address the â€Å"Why then are some organisations and individuals reluctant to invest in training?† since training and development is said to be beneficial to both parties. Assuming the long term benefits of training and development can be measured by quality or profit, and then the advantages for both the employee and employer will prove satisfactory. A relevant point that will be made is that more research needs to be done on the benefits of investing in training and development for both parties and how it affects productivity positively. The HR literature sees training as the â€Å"vital component† in organisational processes of cultural change and an important behavioural device in terms of securing workforce commitment (Keep 1989). It also refers to it as the process of imparting specific skills at one point in time, it could be an on the job training or off the job training either academic or online courses. (Laird et al. 2002) goes further to define it as the acquisition of technology that permits employees to perform to standard. Not all training researchers distinguish between training and development; they can be interchangeable and tend to overlap themselves. For (Nadler, 1970) in his Developing Human Resources, he defined Development as being concerned with preparing the employee so they ca... ... their skills. For example in the United Kingdom 77% of UK jobs are in the service sector which focuses mainly on low paid and low skilled jobs In conclusion, this essay has highlighted the benefits of training and development to the employee and employer. However at its peak most of the benefits are suitable for firms that have quality has their benchmark not cost being one of the reasons why most firms do not train. The essay went further to attempt the question on why some organisations and individuals are reluctant to invest in training by pointing out that despite all the potential benefits of training and development it is not easy to gauge the benefits and contribution it makes to the individual and organisations as discussed above. Employers are largely involved in a market of low value added service and do not necessarily need a large skilled force.

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