Friday, August 23, 2019

Early Design on the American Landscape- TOPIC- Effigy Mounds, Iowa Essay

Early Design on the American Landscape- TOPIC- Effigy Mounds, Iowa - Essay Example It has been realized that a number of these ancient landscape designs have been eroded by the time factors but, the altered cultural model has necessitated the preservation of some of these remaining historic sites. It is imperative to explore various preservation concepts that have been used over time to keep the ancient artifacts and scenic landscape to the present time. US have numerous sites of cultural heritage that is characterized by a wide range of architectural techniques. Various modes of preservation have been used to keep such historical pieces of art on land. It is equally important to establish some of the original structures that existed where a given feature currently occupy. Effigy mounts has been referred to a representation of some sort in the form of a picture or object that is easily identifiable by many. It may also mean a symbol that is used by different cultures to for the purposes of historical value or having a known significance to such community or groups of communities (Birmingham, Robert and Leslie, 66). In the modern times however, icons of places are mostly represented by beautiful architectural buildings. Though past icons such as monuments, statues and historical buildings are still recognized as icons of different places, there is a rapid change in the way icons are perceived and this has been brought about by the construction of amazing pieces of architecture. This paradigm shift has been driven by the demand for popularity and instant fame as well as for business purposes. Different regions are now in competition with one another in the construction of stunning architectural buildings. Most of Effigy Mounts features’ management is undertaken by Natural resources department of Iowa. It is just one among the many state owned tourist attraction sites in the US in co-operation with the museum agencies of the federal state. Effigy mounds are one of the greatest caretakers of various attractive sites in US. The attractive f eature is found in Iowa State; this state is one of the centers that showcase the master piece of art. The planning of this state was so planned in a way that it captures the need of the entire community at large. The location of the park is so strategic that it lies between the outskirts of the main town centre and the upcoming neighborhood. In the context of art as a perfect tool that actually symbolizes the creativity and the ultimate performance of the society, we shall consider its land mark park. The design and the infrastructural alignment in the city’s artistic work are such that administrative block being at the centre and residential environment forming an attractive settlement ring around it. About the Effigy mounts According to data from Effigy mounts, Iowa state city boasts of a well equipped schools of visual arts and monumental items where such beautiful artifacts are found. This state has various departments and these are divided into three main parts; one dea ls with filming affairs, another one repair and finally the department of artifacts. The library department is concerned with the management of the park’s arts records which they can produce at the demand or consent of the state’s authorities. There is a cultural heritage and museum department in the state which houses some of the finest artistic material in the region. Among them are some of the traditional items that were used

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