Wednesday, August 7, 2019

Discipline and Management Essay Example for Free

Discipline and Management Essay Included in this essay is a comparison between discipline and management also behavior and misbehavior. Beginning the essay is a short definition and a short word picture of discipline, management, behavior and misbehavior. Next is a comparison of how each are different, similar, related. Discipline is described in the Merriam-Webster online dictionary as first being â€Å"punishment† or then further down states it is â€Å"training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character. † In our text book, Building Classroom Discipline, C. M. Charles states that discipline in the classroom is â€Å"Teachers’ efforts to maintain classroom decorum and secure student’ cooperation and exercising self-control. † Discipline should not be thought of as punishment but instead a learning road of self-control. Discipline is a person’s ability to conduct appropriately or a short word picture could be[pic]. With in the classroom, management is a written plan of action so that class runs smooth. Webster dictionary describes management as â€Å"conducting or supervising of something†. Management is the process of controlling and discipline is the act once management has failed. Management and discipline are interrelated and work together to for a common plan and a smooth ran class. If there was no [pic] (management) designed the discipline would not work. Webster’s dictionary states that behavior is â€Å"the manner of conducting oneself†. Behavior described in our text book Building Classroom Discipline â€Å"is the totality of one’s physical and mental activities. † Behavior is everything that we do whether good or bad. One word that best describes this is[pic]. Misbehavior is considered as a person’s actions â€Å"that disrupt teaching, interfere with learning, demean others, or otherwise violate the moral codes of society. † (C. M. Charles 2008 p13) In Webster’s dictionary they describe misbehavior as â€Å"a bad manner of conducting one self. † Both of the terms are related however [pic] (misbehavior) is the disruption of behavior as a whole. Behavior is the bigger picture and misbehavior is a smaller unit within behavior. The two are interrelated and you can not have one with out the other. With the appropriate action taken in advance misbehavior could be minimized. There are different types of misbehavior and some are more serious than others but none of the less takes away from instruction. This is why it is very important to have a discipline plan devised. In the above essay is a comparison between discipline and management also behavior and misbehavior. Beginning the essay is a short definition and a short word picture of discipline, management, behavior and misbehavior. Next is a comparison of how each are different, similar, related. To complete this essay is a short description of why it is important to have a discipline plan.

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