Saturday, July 27, 2019

Busness Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Busness Writing - Assignment Example 3 Steps of Communication Planning The first stage when one has to consider when one intends to convey information using written communication is planning. This basically involves analyzing what one intends to communicate to others. This stage is subdivided into four phases (Thill &Bovee 82). Firstly, one has to come up with a statement of purpose where one examines the specific opportunity or problem thoroughly which he or she intends to communicate. This should be done in order to avoid wasting time on unnecessary information when communicating. The second phase of this step involves gathering information emphasizing on what the audience needs. Ones you establish these needs, only information that is relevant to the audience should be considered. The third phase involves selecting the medium in which one intends to convey the written information. One should consider various mediums instead of a specific one to ensure flexibility. Examples of mediums of conveying written communicatio n include published documents and reports among others. When selecting the medium or channel which one intends to use, factors to consider include, who the audience is, importance of the message, feedback required, and the cost incurred. Finally, the last phase of planning involves organizing information acquired in order for it to support your main ideas. Writing The second stage involves the primary composition of what one intends to communicate. The writer should sensitize on the audience’s needs making sure that they communicate in a non-biased, polite and clear way. One should begin by writing a draft copy of what they intend to communicate making sure that they organize their information into an introduction, body and a conclusion. Using strong words is beneficial since it ensures the information being conveyed is coherent and impactful because it ensures that their information is taken with a lot of seriousness. One should also control the tone of their communication t hroughout their communication with regard to the situation in which the written communication is being done. Revising The final step in written communication is revising and proofreading the draft copy converting it into the final message. When one is producing the final message, one needs to organize the information in the message in layouts and designs that are both attractive and effective. This ensures that the message has a both professional and a friendly look. However, one should be careful not to change the written communication from formal to informal since this is easily done by the use of wrong layouts and formats (Thill &Bovee 80). Comparison of the Advantages and Disadvantages of Oral and Written media Oral media is characterized by various advantages over written communication. In oral communication, feedback is spontaneous unlike in written communication where feedback takes quite some time. A good example is letters which quite long to be replied since it involves po st offices and messengers. Another advantage oral media has over written communication is time saving as it is fast and convenient unlike written communication which involves a long process. Oral media is advantageous since incorporates a personal touch helps in building a good working environment which can be beneficial to a business organization. Written media is characte

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