Friday, July 26, 2019

A raisin in the sun Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

A raisin in the sun - Essay Example Even though Beneatha is the one with the college education, Mama is the more worldly and intelligent of the two. It may not be book intelligence, but it is the kind of knowledge about life and the world that makes someone wise. Mama has the kind of intelligence and knowledge that comes with having lived a long life full of various experiences. â€Å"There is always something left to love. And if you ain’t learned that, you ain’t learned nothing (145, individual).† This comes after Beneatha makes a comment that she can no longer love her brother after he messed up the way he did with their money. Mama, though also upset by the situation and where it has led the family, is more wise to understand that people make mistakes and that this is no reason to love them any less. Beneatha also believes that her type of intelligence makes her more wiser than her mother. Mama strives to bring respect into her household regardless of the situation or the person. This is seen especially during the debacle with the welcome man from the neighborhood that they want to move into. Mama tries to respect the gentleman and the news he has to bring, understanding the closed-mindedness of some people during that day and age, but she also tries to keep respecting herself and her family. â€Å"And you’ve stopped caring?† â€Å"Yes - I think so (133).† As the world crumbles, Beneath loses respect for everybody - her brother, her mother, and humanity as a whole. Mama just finds this as an opportunity to grow. Again, Beneatha is unable to see eye-to-eye with Mama. In the Younger household, Mama is the sole caretaker, tending to everybody at once. For the most part, the other members of the household try to put the others before themselves. Beneatha, on the other hand, focuses only on herself. While the family slowly collapses around her, she can only take notice to the fact that her education might suffer.

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