Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Periodic Table

109 1 The Visual Elements Periodic set back 2 H 3 Hydrogen 4 This chart shows the 109 currently known and form every(prenominal)y named elements that comprise the Periodic Table (IUPAC 1997). individually element is correspond opthalmicly by an image produced for the 109 visual elements project. The Periodic Table is an arrangement of all known elements in govern of increase atomic number. The Periodic Table fits all the elements, with their widely several(a) somatic and chemical properties, into a logical pattern. at that place are eighteen vertical columns in the table which landmark the elements into groups. Elements at heart a group have tight related physical properties. Horizontal rows list the elements in baffle of their increasing business deal and are called series or periods. Properties of elements change in a systematic way with a period. 5 6 7 8 9 10 He Helium Li 11 atomic number 3 12 Be Beryllium B 13 vitamin B complex 14 C Carbon 15 N north 16 O Oxygen 17 F fluorine 18 Ne Neon Na 19 sodium Mg 20 Magnesium 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Al Aluminium 32 Si Silicon 33 P Phosphorus 34 S Sulfur 35 Cl Chlorine 36 Ar Argon K 37 Potassium 38 Ca Calcium 39 Sc Scandium 40 Ti Titanium 41 V Vanadium 42 Cr Chromium 43 Mn Manganese 44 Fe Iron 45 Co Cobalt 46 Ni Nickel 47 Cu Copper 48 Zn Zinc 49 Ga Gallium 50 Ge Germanium 51 As Arsenic 52 Se Selenium 53 Br Bromine 54 Kr Krypton Rb 55 Rubidium 56 Sr Strontium 57 Y Yttrium 72 Zr Zirconium 73 Nb Niobium 74 Mo Molybdenum 75 Tc Technetium 76 Ru Ruthenium 77 Rh Rhodium 78 Pd Palladium 79 Ag Silver 80 Cd Cadmium 81 In Indium 82 Sn Tin 83 Sb Antimony 84 Te Tellurium 85 I ! Iodine 86 Xe Xenon Cs 87...If you want to get a mount essay, order it on our website:

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