Saturday, January 25, 2014


-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Volume 19 - Issue 10, May 11-24, 2002 Indias National cartridge from the publishers of THE Hindi -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Table of Contents THE STATES Mining dangers A globe audition brings to light the serious threat common consciousness mining, often il lawful, poses to the environmental science and livelihoods in many districts of Tamil Nadu. S. VISWANATHAN ENVIRONMENTALISTS and charitable rights activists have repeatedly drawn public fear to the possible ecological repair of the indiscriminate mining of gritstone in the river basins, coastal areas and hillock regions of Tamil Nadu. The threat to the livelihoods of local communities from this mindless commercial drill seems to be more tangible now than ever before. afterward intense studies in divers(prenominal) regions and interaction with th e affected people, the be given for the Protection of wet Resources-Tamil Nadu has identified 15 adverse consequences of sand mining. They include the depletion of groundwater; lesser availability of water for industrial, untaught and swallow purposes; destruction of agricultural land; loss of employment to maturate workers; threat to livelihoods; human rights violations; and damage to roads and bridges. COURTESY: fly the coop FOR THE security measure OF WATER RESOURCES-T.N. Sand mining in attainment on the banks of the Sankaraparani in Cuddalore district. There has been a significant adjoin in sand mining since the beginning of the 1990s pastime a boom in the construction industry, and the activity reached frighten proportions in several areas, particularly in the southern and westward regions of the State, after court restrictions on sand mining came into make in neighbouring Kerala in 1994. Isolated attempts by local communities to anticipate legal remedies did succeed to some extent, with courts iss! uing directions to the State government to scotch sand...If you want to get a full essay, array it on our website:

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