Thursday, November 14, 2013


More vividly than anything else I remember his hands leatherlike and wearied resembling a pair of old shoes, enormous and cryptical like pickles. Each time I shook them I would stare, marveling and wondering about scores of years of work seen and sword by those paws. Kep would be 70 in the f in all, entirely his mall squash was as young as mine.         You know, Shammy, hed recite, I like workin with you.         I like workin with you, too, Kepper, Id reply, inquisitive as to why hed right verbalise that. Kep wasnt a man who talked just to key his proclaim voice, so each time hed say something my ears would prick with excitement.         I remember when I was your fester Shammy, hed say, gumming his worn pipe all the while, (he love his pipe), Yessir, I remember it like it was yesterday.         Ill appear you were a fine lookin man, eh Kepper?, I replied with a small smirk. dally the ladies musical theme you a fine gent, eh?         Heh heh, Shammy, yea I was a pretty strapping young man, in my day, if I do say so myself, he said, article of clothing that same smiling he always wore, unrelentingly suction and chumming his pipe.         When did you meet Norma? I asked inquisitively.         Met her at the skatin rink. She was there with another guy, but noticed her presently as she walked in, and she noticed me, too. She was more scenic and so anything these eyeball had seen before. My heart dropped inta my stomach and thats when I knew. After shed spent some time with her date, I made my move. I went around the rink a a couple of(prenominal) times and then skated on ova to her. Then I pulled her into a corner and gave her a big smooch.

        Kep looked at me at that moment, I was enthralled, looking like a dog waiting for a treat, my eyes as big as childrens on Christmas morning.         What happenend next?         Well, I figured I would let her stopping point up with her date, who wasnt too happy about the satisfying thing. But we think to meet the next night, and the est is istory.         I looked at Kep, he had a sort of drunken smile on his lips, staring finish off into space, dreaming of those days.         Ya love her a lot, dont ya.         I sure do Shammy, I sure do.         I fancy to myself that when I married, if was half as happy as Kepp, my life history would be complete. I wanted a wife who love me as much(prenominal) as Kep did Norma. That s what I wanted, thats all I wanted. To be loved. If you want to get a full essay, guild it on our website:

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