Thursday, November 21, 2013

Food Borne Illness Salmonella

Salmonella What is the infectious agent (pathogen) that causes this infectious distemper? For instance, the name of the bacterium, virus, or parasite. Salmonella enteriditis is the pathogen that causes salmonella. Salmonella (S.) is the genus name of a large number of vitrines of bacteria. Each event is distinctly identifiable microscopically by its specific protein coating. The types argon otherwise closely related. Salmonella bacteria be rod-shaped, flagellated, Gram stain-negative, and argon known to cause disease in humans, animals, and birds (especially poultry) worldwide. The two study diseases caused by Salmonella atomic number 18 gastroenteritis ( as well termed non-typhoidal salmonellosis or Salmonella poisoning) and typhoid pyrexia (typhoid and paratyphoid fevers) in humans. Infections caused by these bacteria or their toxins are called salmonellosis. How is the infectious agent transmitted through feed or water? Salmonellosis is spread to the great lowbor n by ingestion of Salmonella bacteria that contaminate food. Salmonella is worldwide and discharge contaminate al more or less both food type, but blasts of the disease have involved cranky ballocks, raw meat (ground plain and other poorly cooked meats), egg products, fresh ve lowerables, cereal, pistachio nuts, tomatoes, and foul water. is a professional essay writing service at which you can buy essays on any topics and disciplines! All custom essays are written by professional writers!
Contamination can pay back from animal or human feces that contact the food during its processing or harvesting. Potential direct sources of Salmonella are pets such(prenominal) as pet turtles, dogs, cats, most farm animals, and humans that are infected or are carriers of the organisms. You contract salmonella by eat o! r drinking something that has been dirty with feces from infected people or animals. You can also get salmonella if you contaminate your detention by cleaning up animal droppings or handling raw poultry and meat then take with your hands or lay your hands in your mouth. What is an example of a real support outbreak of this foodborne illness in the United States? The latest outbreak of Salmonella was in April 2012...If you want to get a full essay, secernate it on our website:

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