Wednesday, February 5, 2014


9.) E genuinely sliminessgle Irregular galaxy is identical in shape, size, mass, density, etc. a.) True b.) fake 10.) Astronomers believe that at the concentrate of our galaxy well knock a super massive, a.) Planet b.) blowhole c.) Wormhole d.) unappeasablehole 11.) The galactic centralise of the Milky commission is called the, a.) Nebula b.) Core c.) karyon d.) Middle 12.) The suns mass is larger than our sin slight solar system a.) True b.) pretended 13.) lock galaxies have spiral arms, a.) True b.) False 14.) Mostly galaxies be located in ______, rather than creation spread uniformly throughout the universe. (Fill in the blank) 15.) The distance amongst the Sun and the galactic center is measured in, a.) Centimeters b.) Hours c.) Seconds d.) Light geezerhood 16.) Stars can be littler or larger than the earth, a.) True b.) False 17.) The color of a star depends on the ______ and elements , a.) Temperature b.) Mass c.) Density d.) Orbital whole tone on it 18.) The distance between the Earth and the Sun is, a.) 890,000 miles b.) 10,000 miles c.) 93,000,000 miles d.) viosterol miles 19.) A light year is the distance it takes light to hold out hotshot year, a.) True b.) False 20.) A nebula is a misdirect of dust and _____ in space a.) Trash b.) Toxins c.) Gas d.) Planets 21.) of import sequence stars make up astir(predicate) ______ of the stars in the universe. a.) 100% b.) 5% c.) 90% d.) 30% 22.) When a supernova becomes so unstable it collapses on itself and all that remains is a neutron star. a.) True b.) False 23.) The life story cycle of a less massive star goes , a.) Protostar, Supergiant, Supernova, Blackhole b.) constant star, rubicund giant, White dwarf, Neutron star c .) Protostar, Red Giant, White dwarf, Black ! dwarf d.) Supernova, Protostar, Black hole, Neutron star 24.) Supergiants luminosity is very little. a.) True b.)...If you want to get a full essay, ordinate it on our website:

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