Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Adolescent Cognitive Development Within The Breakfast Club...

Adolescent Cognitive Development Within The Breakfast Club Five teens, five different cliques, one eight-hour Saturday detention. These is the basics of The Breakfast Club. Through spending the day with one another Allison, Andrew, Brian, Claire and John realize there isn’t much difference between them, and the differences that are between them aren’t too important. Watching The Breakfast Club is a great way to learn about adolescents. You have five, very different -yet very similar- adolescents to observe along with what they do together. In observing them you can understand how they’re beginning to cognitively develop from children to adults Piaget says that within the cognitive development, there are stages. During adolescence, people hit the point where they are ending the concrete operational stage and are beginning the final stage: the formal operational stage. This means they start solving problems more rationally with increased logic, thinking more abstractly, and begin to use deductive reasoning (meaning they think about one or more statements to reach their conclusion with logic). There is also the information processing perspective which says it is more of a gradual thing than a step by step approach. The teens show they are beginning to flow into the adolescent stage of their life with their inferred thoughts, actions and words throughout the whole movie. One thing that puts an adolescent in the formal operational stage is the ability to think abstractly aboutShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Breakfast Club Essay1727 Words   |  7 PagesThe iconic coming-of-age movie The Breakfast Club, focuses on the development of five, seemingly very different high school students. In the movie we are presented with the five main characters all with stereotypes that they identify with. 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