Friday, March 6, 2020

Ethical Manner And Interests Of Service Users Social Work Essay Essays

Ethical Manner And Interests Of Service Users Social Work Essay Essays Ethical Manner And Interests Of Service Users Social Work Essay Essay Ethical Manner And Interests Of Service Users Social Work Essay Essay Within the societal work model, the societal workers ought to act in an ethical mode and act in the best involvement of the service user. To make this successfully the writer will demo cognition of those are chief demands for pattern ; the writer will demo an apprehension and articulate thought accomplishments, to be after a strategic manner of advancing equality within the pattern. The writer will analyze and reflect on personal values and bias and prejudices, professional values and turn out to be committed to the cardinal political orientations within the pattern through the scenario. The writer will besides take organizational position screening schemes for turn toing anti-oppressive pattern and anti-discrimination rules in pattern. Finally, the writer will reflect on the group work and what has achieved from it. From a personal position, the writer will analyze ain values, prejudice and biass. In analyzing single values the writer felt it is appropriate to give a background how these values are formed. They are formed by a composing of interaction in a assortment of ways, societal background, function theoretical account, faith, school, regulations, and many others. Personal values are non inactive as they keep developing and altering through experiences. As a kid turning up it frequently that child observes the function theoretical accounts of the parents, instructors and other influential persons that are respected. Some of these values are, what we hold beloved to that is deserving safeguarding . ( Thompson, 2000 ) These values help the writer to place oneself in keeping our unity as portion of who we are. ( Cuthbert and Quallington, 2008 ) Personal values are the footing upon which ethical rules and values are established.A A Similarly, our ethical principlesA that determine the action s we take in react to the existent state of affairs. The writer s initial reaction to the scenario Mike was carrying a knife, and he was incorrect to be transporting a knife. Furthermore, society at big has negative feeling towards individuals transporting knives. Due to transporting this knife, he committed a serious offense, which ends person s life. It is clear the writer may experience biass about theA knife. Equally, the writer has personalA Christian values refering to Mike. These Christian values are found in Proverbs 22:6 Train up a kid in the manner he should travel: and when he is old, he will non go from it. ( Bible, 1960 ) This text illustrates that rearing and care is a important function in society, and where clip is spent with Mike fiting him with the household values ; and disbursement clip with him learning the appropriate values such as how to interact with others and allow him be cognizant of what is right and what is non. When this is non taught so it would be hard for Mike to cognize what is morally right from in correct and hence, would be unethical to direct him to prison without conveying standard acceptable behavior. Besides the writer has strong feelings about kids who are been criminalise without holding that right function theoretical account, due to hapless parenting accomplishments and deficient rearing support. On the other manus, the writer has prescriptiveA moralss which a usher to our day-to-day life. From research the writer discovers that there are three kinds of normative ethical theory: virtue, deontological, and consequentialist, ( Moral Philosophy, 2005 ) . Virtue theory focuses on the ethical character of the agent which evidential in our idiosyncrasy. The deontological theory focal points on the Acts of the Apostless ought or ought non being preformed irrespective of the effects. The consequentialist theory focuses on what is the best effects the action is non of import the terminal justifies the agencies . ( Moral Philosophy, 2005 ) and hence, directing Mike to prison may non be the best effects for Mike. So, it would be deserving analyzing the significance of the societal profession in the context of societal work. From the societal work perspective the societal work profession promotes societal alteration, job resolution in human relationships and the authorization and release of people to heighten wellbeing. Using theories of human behavior and societal systems, societal work intervenes at the points where people interact with their environments. Principles of human rights and societal justness are cardinal to societal work. ( IFSW, 2001 ) Clearly, the societal work is a profession that promotes societal alteration within society. In doing these alterations, there are core values within the pattern that societal worker demands to hold cognition of. These nucleus values take case in point of personal values in moving in the best involvement of Mike. The British Association of Social Workers ( BASW ) the codification of moralss for societal work, list five basic values associating to the ethical codification ; ( a ) human self-respect and worth, ( B ) societal justness, ( degree Celsius ) service to humanity ( vitamin D ) unity and ( vitamin E ) competency. Adhering to this codification substantiates that the societal worker is moving in an ethical model in determination making.A A Alongside these, the societal worker must hold an apprehension of the General Social Care Council ( GSCC ) codification of pattern for societal attention workers. That is to protect the right and advance the involvement of the service user and carers, to establish and keep trust and assurance , to promote the independency of the service user whilst protecting every bit far as possible from danger or injury , A A to respect the rights of service while seeking to guarantee that their behavior does non harm themselves or other people , toA A uphold pu blic trust and assurance in societal attention services and Be accountable for the quality of your work and take duty for maintain and better your cognition and accomplishments. ( GSCC, 2002 ) The latter codification has a legislative force and applies to all societal attention workers within England and Wales. It permits appropriate enforcement of societal work values and stipulates a construction for ethical policy devising. It can be seen that within the context of societal work pattern, there are set cardinal moral and ethical rules to which societal workers are and should be committed. ( Banks, 2001 ) These professional rules are transcribed and articulated within the codifications. Traditionally, Biestek ( 1957 ) illustrated there s an of import linkage between the societal worker and the service user and to keep what is in the service user involvement Biestek came up with the seven values of societal work. These values are individualization, purposeful look of feelings, controlled emotional engagement, credence, non-judgmental attitude, client self-government and confidentiality. ( Biestek, 1957, p.23 ) From this societal work continues to transform and spread out, so are the societal work values, particularly since the traditional values that have been the footing of societal work patterns. ( Bank 2001 ) Today, it can be seen that these established values of Biestek appear to somehow underpin values and moralss in pattern. Another of import value such as regard for a individual ( Banks, 2001 ) is one of the basic rules that can be read many books, non merely sociological but besides in philosophical. ( Kantian Moral Philosophy, 2004 ) .A A A On the other manus, there are theoretical accounts and political orientations that assist societal workers to compose and organize our ideas that assist doing professional opinions. ( Oko, 2008 ) A A From these professional values, theories, political orientations and ethical consideration societal workers develop their ain specialist manner of pattern. The writer should turn to barriers that will forestall Mike to be treated in a professional mode. In spite the writer thought that transporting the knife has affected the quality of JB life. The writer besides makes it clear where this kid is non cognizant that such behavior is unacceptable it would be unethical to direct him to prison. The intent of societal work is to advance human self-respect and worth for Mike and James Rachels compactly presents philosopher Immanuel Kant s attack towards people whom they have an intrinsic worth in other word dignity which makes them valuable above all monetary value ( Rachels, 1999 pg 132 ) Since, Mike is valuable above all monetary value an unmeasurable thought degree in the philosopher s head. Therefore, the writer should invariably reflect whether action paramount Mike s public assistance in subdivision 1 kids Act ( CA ) 1989. In so making the writer must be witting of profession values, counsel and statute laws in doing determination. The writer must be cognizant of Mike s values. It is important for the societal worker to be non-judgemental throughout.A A It is non the societal worker s function to judge persons or households, neither delegating guilt or artlessness nor faulting Mike stating that it is Mike s duty for his jobs or demands. ( Biestek, 1961 ) From the facts of the instance, in order to be non- judgmental, and the societal worker needs to cognize whether Mike understands the nature and the earnestness of the offense. Where he does non understand it is ethical to set him behind bars? In the Crime and Disorder Act ( CDA ) 1998 s117 A child is defined as under the age of 14. However, in the United Convention on the rights of the Child ( UNRC ) is defined as under the age of 18.A A UNRC provides a set of minimal criterions against which to prove jurisprudence, policy and pattern as it affects kids. ( Gillen 2006 ) Mr Justice Gillen in a conference in Belfast illustrated that in England and Wales the grade by the given of doli incapax for kids between 10 and 14 ( Gillen, 2006 ) Gillen would see, did Mike committed the mental component in the offense required by the condemnable jurisprudence when so making they knew what they were making was earnestly incorrect? ( Gillen, 2006 ) A A In order to reply this inquiry, the writer must confer with research on moral development. Psychologist Jean Piaget and Lawrence Kohlberg, studied the ethical development of kids. Piaget examined how kids develop moral logical thinking, by giving two scenarios, one that break more spectacless without purpose ( strictly accident ) and one who a kid had an purpose to take the jam when no 1 is about and interrupt one glass. So in the ethical quandary whose is naughtier ? He found that immature kids have an nonsubjective morality, and they were much more crude apprehension of right and incorrect behavior than make older kids who were more subjective morality as they identifies the bad act.A A Piaget did non experience that kids got to this phase of moral development until they are beyond 11 old ages. ( Kids Development, 2000 ) Kohlberg carried Piaget s work to a different degree, into adolescence and maturity in his quandary. He asked the childs what they think was the right thing to make. Kohlberg came up with three degrees with two phases in each. First degree is the pre-conventional ( present one penalty and obeisance, phase two individuality ) kids up to 10 old ages in this group. Second flat conventional ( stage three interpersonal conformance, present four societal system and scruples ) age 10 and over to adulthood. Third degree is the post-conventional ( stage five societal contact and single rights, phase 6 universal and ethical rules ) . ( Kids Development, 2000 ) It had to be proven that Mike understands that perpetrating such offense is incorrect. It can be seen from the two psychologists that someplace above 10 and beyond a kid should develop a moral apprehension. However, what the psychologist did non reference in their conjectural positions is what happens if that kid has a behavioral problem/disability. Despite their positions, A throughout thisA development rhythm parent s engagement is important. It is arguable that Mike s guardian lacks the parenting accomplishments, and hence, he was unable to develop the moral apprehension of what is right. Additionally, A withA his behavioral jobs, it would be unethical to direct Mike to prison without turn toing this job. Mike seems to be a kid in demand and the societal worker should hold Mike s best involvement at heart.A A And by making so the societal worker must be impartial throughout. ( Bateman ( 2000 ) cited in Parrott ( 2010, p. 105 ) .A A The societal work must protect Mike from injury and research the effects of the offense Mike committed and whether the penalty will do more injury than good. In moving in Mike best involvement, the writer must demo the tribunal that if Mike goes to prison, he is likely to endure emotionally and being stigmatise like the childs in the Bulger instance. This might intend that Mike will acquire a decreased sentence and non passing the maximal sentence of 14 old ages for earnestness of the offense within s91 Power of Criminal Courts Sentencing Act 2000. It would be unethical to for a kid at 13 to be lock off for 14 old ages. It could transgress the European Convention of Human Rights in footings of condemning pattern and under Article 6 the suspects did non a cquire a just hearing. ( Brammer,2007 ) .A A Clearly, Mike should be treated reasonably so the writer from an organizational position will analyze these issues. From the administration position, it is deserving specifying societal work as an administration, the work of Robin ( 1990 ) , Mullender and Perrott 2002 pg 75 ) describe an administration as a consciously coordinated entity, with a comparatively identifiable boundary, that function on a comparatively uninterrupted footing to accomplish a common end or ends. Similarly, Hafford-Letchfield ( 2006 p4 ) draws attending to the importance of an administration s map and intent and metropoliss work of Buchannan et Al ( 2004 ) who describe the administration as a societal agreement for accomplishing controlled public presentation in chase of corporate ends. ( Oko, 2008 pg 68 ) It is a consciously coordinated entity intending they have a set intent. And each administration has different civilization and mission. Some are statutory and some are voluntary but each administration operates within a model of statute laws, strategic direction with policies and processs, which are guidelines efficaciously as benchmark of best pattern in societal work competency. Administration has a greater responsibility in footings of leading, direction, safeguarding, modernizing, battling favoritism, A A and promoting effectual pattern and developing professionals develop and back up our pattern development and the construct of the brooding practician emphasises our ain function in developing and keeping high criterions. ( Oko, 2008 pg 88 ) In accomplishing these benchmarks the administrations can set about more when working within a multi-agency apparatus of different civilization that works straight with Mike and his household every bit good as with tribunal, other condemnable justness system and other administrations or voluntary groups that support him and recognize the singularity, value and participationA which he makes to society. As an constitution there is a demand to accomplish equal chance within society, the Discrimination Law Association ( DLA ) seeks to beef up developments in favoritism jurisprudence and pattern in the United Kingdom, Europe and at an international degree. Besides, the DLA appreciates and recognises the authorities enthusiasm in undertaking favoritism across Europe ; and back up the positive developments taken in accomplishing equality within society. ( DLA, 2007 ) A A In order to keep equality the authorities set up a committee to supervise favoritism Torahs within the UK ; from this the Hepple study was produced, which made a figure of recommendations including the delivery in of anti-discrimination Torahs in a individual legislative act under a individual enforcement organic structure. ( Hepple et al 2000 ) Therefore, it is really of import for the societal work administrations to keep this equality ( Equality Act 2010 ) in pattern and be able to recognize and battle favoritism and subjugation in pattern. Discrimination can be on evidences of race, coloring material, cultural beginning, nationality, sex, age or disablement. This can be direct favoritism ( harassment or exploitation ) and indirect favoritism. Direct favoritism occurs when a individual is treated less favorably because of one the evidences ( above ) . When doing the comparing the relevant fortunes of the plaintiff and the comparator must be the same or non materially different. ( McColgan, 2007 ) A A Harassment the plaintiff will necessitate to demo that the behavior constitutes less favorable intervention and sums to a hurt ( Palmer et Al, 2007 pg 255 ) People, who have been unlawfully victimised, can do a formal ailment under the Human Rights Act 1998, Race Relation Act, Sex Discrimination Act or Disability Discrimination Act. However, indirect favoritism may happen because of lack of consciousness about how regulations will impact certain groups. It may be unintentional for illustration, created regulations that appear to be impersonal or just, but when applied into pattern a smaller group can non stay by it for spiritual grounds or other. ( IDS, 2004 ) Anti-oppressive pattern is cardinal in an administration in back uping societal workers to work in a non-discriminatory mode, which promotes the moralss and values of the profession.A A Anti-oppressive pattern is a uninterrupted critical contemplation, this encouraging authorization and equality. It covers the full holistic pattern attack. Therefore, it is of import for the societal work administrations to place the actions of favoritism and subjugation, whether they happen deliberately, or accidentally they need to be challenged. Anti-discriminatory and anti-oppressive patterns have to extinguish favoritism and subjugation non merely from our ain pattern, but it has to be challenge in the pattern of others and the institutional constructions in which we work. Social workers occupy places of power and control, and possibly that is why there is important range for favoritism and subjugation, whether it be knowing or by failure. ( Thompson, 1998 ) Contemplation In my contemplation, I will discourse how I felt as portion of the group. What I have achieved and country of betterment for me personal values and struggles. As portion of the group I felt was really witting, of how much I speak because I wanted to guarantee there was a balance, between all of us. The subject is an country of less experience for me and through it gave me the enthusiasm to make a batch of research. I felt for the first few hebdomads of this research that it was ruling my life, and I became really cognizant, so I decided to maintain the program of my timetable. As portion of the group I learnt the importance of squad work and the consequence of one member absent have on the group members. I have learnt that even though that member was losing, we did a great occupation in the presentation. As Preston Shoot ( 1993 ) put it working with a group provides learning chances but canA besides be nerve-racking when they experience the power of group kineticss, A brush troubles, which cloud the manner frontward, or doubt the effectivity of their work Preston-Shoot ( 1993, pg 119 ) this is true because working in such a scene has been a piece for me, and at times I felt the force per unit area was on and I had to research more and in uncertainty of the effectivity subject, but are three hebdomads of research it started coming together when a member of the group asked the countries each of us wanted to cover. So yes, it has been nerve-racking but was successful. In listening to others I discover that it broadens my readings, I find it interesting to se e each of us comprehend state of affairss otherwise. I enjoyed working with the group but for the hereafter, I believe the thought of implementing a regulation on communicating would be a great thought. My countries of development are being able to organize my work burden and maintaining to my timetable. As Thompson provinces: Skill development in societal work tends to affect two chief elements 1 ) edifice on, consolidating, heightening and sharpening bing accomplishments ; and 2 ) recognising, understanding and developing new accomplishments Thompson, N ( 2000, pg83 ) For me, I build on the legal cognition I have and uniting it with the values and ethical acquisition and at the same clip recognizing the factA maintaining to personal clip postponing. I feel I am still developing the ethical accomplishments and with clip I will bring forth great consequences. On a whole, I learnt so much about values and moralss I felt that I have become a better individual, I am encompassing the transmutation, and I am watching myself mature into a practician. Mention Banks, S. ( 2001 ) Ethics and Values in Social Work. Palgrave/ BASW Biestek, F. P. ( 1961 ) The casework relationship, London, George Allen A ; Unwin Bible, ( 1960 ) The Holy Bible, New King James Version, USA. Herald Brammer, A. ( 2007 ) Social Work Law.2nd edn. Pearson. British Association of Social Workers ( BASW ) Code of Ethics for Social Work ( ) Cuthbert and Quallington ( 2008 ) Health and Social Care Theory and Practice: Valuess for Care Practice Reflect Press Devon. DLA ( 2007 ) Discrimination Law Review: A Framework for Fairness Response by Commission for Racial Equality. Gillen, J. ( 2006 ) The Age of Criminal Responsibility: A The Frontier between Care and Justice Child Care in pattern 12 ( 2 ) pp.129-139 GSCC Codes of Practice ( ) Hepple, B. Coussey, M. Choudhury, T. ( 2000 ) Equality: A New Framework The Report of the Independent Review of the Enforcement of UK Anti-Discrimination Legislation , published by Hart. IDS, ( 2004 ) Race and faith favoritism, Employment Law Handbook. 2nd edn. London: Incomes Data Services. IFSW, ( 2001 ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 18 November 2010 ) Hafford-Letchfield, T. ( 2006 ) Management and administration in societal work. Exeter: Learning Matters. Kantian Moral Philosophy ( 2004 ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 1December 2010 ) McColgan, A. ( ed. ) ( 2007 ) Discrimination Law Handbook. 2nd edn. London. Lag Oko, J. ( 2008 ) Understanding and Using Theory in Social Work. Exeter: Learning Matters. Parrott, L. ( 2006 ) Valuess and moralss in societal work pattern. Exeter: Learning affairs. Parrott, L. ( 2010 ) Valuess and moralss in societal work pattern. 2nd edn. Exeter: Learning affairs. Rachels, J. ( 1999 ) The Elementss of Moral Philosophy. 3rd erectile dysfunction. McGraw-Hill College Thompson, N. ( 1998 ) Promoting equality, Challenging favoritism and subjugation in the human services. Mcmillan Press. Thompson, N. ( 2000 ) Understanding societal work, Fixing for Practice. Palgrave. Web sites Moral Philosophy ( 2005 ) available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed:21 November 2010 ) Kids Development ( 2000 ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed on 28 November 2010 ) Kids Development ( 2000 ) Available at: hypertext transfer protocol: // ( Accessed: 28 November 2010 )

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