Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Environmental Lobby and Voting Trends in the United...

The Environmental Lobby and Voting Trends in the United States The environmental movement in the United States has typically focused its resources on public education, legislative lobbying and litigation. However, the movement’s success in the latter two is highly dependent on the quality and character of elected officials. Successful public education on behalf of the environment translates into greater environmentalist electoral success. This paper discusses national trends that impact and influence the environmental lobby’s ability to achieve favorable electoral results, and the manner in which the lobby has responded to those trends. Overall, the American public is receptive to environmentalism, but the political realm is†¦show more content†¦From 1988 to 1992 40-50% of strong Republicans supported increased federal spending on the environment, while the vast majority of the remaining strong Republicans supported the status quo. After 1994, independent leaning Republicans and weak Republicans increased their support for decreased environmental spending by roughly 10 percentage points each, bringing each group to 12-13% support for decreased spending. Strong Republicans, however, moved from about 2-8% to roughly 23% support for decreased environmental spending. Again, these changes indicate the highly partisan nature of support for decreased environmental spending. The â€Å"Republican Revolutionâ⠂¬  of 1994 brought a much more Conservative flavor to the Republican Party. Strong Republicans would be more likely to toe the party line on issues like environmental spending, and post-1994, the Republican Party line was arguably more anti-environmentalist. This willingness among strong Republicans to carry the party line on environmental issues may be partly responsible for the widening gap between some groups of traditional Republicans. Republicans showed their strongest support for environmental spending in 1988, the year after President Reagan signed the Montreal Protocol. Here again, a sign that strong Republicans may be following party cues more than individual preferences on environmental issues. The nation as a whole was more supportive of environmental spending in 1988 than in most years, but even strongShow MoreRelatedCorporate Internal Policy Interference : A Paramount Determinant Of The Mncs Direct Influence Over Government Policy1547 Words   |  7 PagesPowerful industries lobby governments to ensure public policy decisions remain favorable to the industry represented, giving greater power to large lobby groups than to environmental and public interest groups (J. Roberts, 2011). 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