Friday, October 18, 2019

Formulate Goals and a Statement of Intent Assignment

Formulate Goals and a Statement of Intent - Assignment Example The velocity of sound in air is different from the velocity of sound within the tube; this is because of the walls of the tube. A closed tube resonate if the length of the tube is  ¼ the wavelength. The tube can also resonate if the wavelength is 3/4, 5/4, and 7/4. Since the air that is in contact with the water surface cannot move. The length of air column must be equivalent to the odd multiple of  ¼ wavelength of the sound wave. However, the distance between two adjacent water levels, which correspond to resonance will be exactly  ½ of wavelength as shown in the figure below. The resonance gives an easy way vary the length of the closed tube. Holding a vibrating turning fork at a fixed location the height of the water level was varied. This was used to record the height h when resonance occurs. Notation was made regarding the relative pitch of sound. Two frequencies was used Although the folk vibrate at different frequency the frequency were related; the first frequency is half the second frequency. This is because the height was reduced by half. The frequency measured was also consistent with the turning folk and the sound sensor measurement. Closed tube sound waves are always reflected back and forth inside the tube. The length of the tube is the correct multiple of ÃŽ »; the bouncing wave can resonate in the tube. Standing wave will be produced in the tube sending waves of known frequency. Increasing the length of the tube increases the loudness (resonating). A wave occurs when a string or air is set into vibration, the wave have velocity and frequency for it to travel. When two waves travel in two opposite direction, the interference between the two creates a phenomenon known as standing wave. The wave has got both nodes and antinodes. It is the resonance of the wave that is vibrating the air; this creates musical sounds which are mostly used in

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