Thursday, October 31, 2019

Job Evaluation at Whole Foods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Job Evaluation at Whole Foods - Assignment Example The teams have been clustered into departments and the work is conducted by the team members. The teams need to ensure that successful operations are maintained and thus the teams are profitable to the stores, the communities and the organization. The teams have their own roles and responsibilities at the stores and thus functions as being the part of the bigger teams such as stores. It has been noticed that in the store level there are numerous store teams such as bakery, floral, meat, prepared food, products such as fruits and vegetables, customer service and facilities such as store maintenance and janitorial staff, sea foods, specialty such as cheese and chocolates. The other team members are store team leaders, departmental team leaders, specialized store support, associate store team leaders, specialized team members, associate team leaders and team members. At this instance, it is significant to determine the job titles upon the basis of the information that has been provided. Assigned Titles to Jobs It can be mentioned that Job A required a store manager or more specifically the Chef/ Cook. Job B requires a Customer Service Cashier. Job C requires a Departmental Manager or Prepared Foods Team Leader. Job D requires a Prepared Food Supervisor. Job E requires Prepared Food Dishwashers. Job F requires Overnight Grocery Team Member. Job G requires Specialty Associate Team Leader. Job H requires Associate Store Team Leader. Job I requires Grocery Team Member. Job Structure by Title and Job Letter Job A: Store Manager Job H: Associate Store Team Leader Job C: Departmental Manager Job D: Prepared Food Supervisor Job G: Specialty Associate Team Leader Job F: Overnight Grocery Team Member Job I: Grocery Team Member Job: Customer Service Cashier Job E: Prepared Food Dishwasher Process, Techniques, and Factors Process Followed to Arrive at Job Structure In the hierarchy above, the job that holds the best position in the organization was given the top most priority . Furthermore, on the basis of who reports to whom the rest of the positions have been placed in the hierarchy. Job Evaluation Techniques and Compensable Factors It can be viewed from the above hierarchy that store manager holds the highest position which has been characterized as Job A. Therefore, according to the ranking method, it has been observed that the store manager holds the benchmark job and thus all other jobs will be compared with that of the benchmark job. At the outset, Job H needs to be compared with that of the benchmark job since it lies in the second position of the hierarchy. It has been noted from the case study that the Associate Store Team Leader has to endorse and assist the store team leaders with all the store functions. He is responsible for coordinating and thus supervising the products as well as personnel at the stores. The job of the store manager has been to look after the customer service, pursue and thus fulfill with the health and sanitation procedu res. Store manager needs to perform wider variety of tasks at a time. Therefore, his job has been ranked at the topmost level of the hierarchy. The department manager needs to report to the associate store team leaders as well as to the store team leaders. He tends to manage and supervise the Prepared Food Department. The Prepared Food Supervisor is supposed to perform all the work related to the Prepared Food Team Members. He needs to report

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The market entry strategy of international fashion brand Essay

The market entry strategy of international fashion brand - Essay Example he purpose of insuring the correct market entry of the designer brand, so that the company does not face any risk or loss after launching the â€Å"Tekbir Giyim† brands. The research that is being conducted is through questionnaires, through mall intercepts as women love to go out for shopping, and specially the increasing Muslim community in various parts of Europe is definitely interested in buying the designer brand which is being prepares specially for them. Although the products are still being sold to people but they are not yet owned by the original company â€Å"Tekbir Giyim†, which means that people do not find the brand under the company’s name, it is sold through the distribution. The business these days are getting failed easily on for no reason but yet the proper research clarifies the doubts in minds of people willing to initiate business, the job that we would be performing for the company is the same that is to identify the opportunities and minim ize the chances of loss. The company is facing a lot of trouble right now and thus the research task is to follow a sequence from the problem definition which is the base for the project to be started, to the final stage which is report presentation, which would help the company in taking on further decision, whether to go for the launching of â€Å"Tekbir Giyim† or not, meanwhile the development of an approach to the problem, research design formulation that includes the conclusive research, data collection and its preparation would also be playing a key role in ensuring us about the outcome. The basic idea to conduct this entire research on the designer brand â€Å"Tekbir Giyim† is to identify the possibility of its successful launching in a place other than it is currently available. Our main objective is to go through all the steps in marketing research process, one by one, which would ensure us whether it would be relevant for the company to go for launching or not. This research would not only be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Literature Review of US Foreign Policy

Literature Review of US Foreign Policy Background America’s 1930s foreign policy was based on the realist school of thought. It emphasised international trade in order to achieve economic rejuvenation, whilst its security strategy demonstrated the practical restraints of Hans Morgenthau’s classical doctrine of realism through withdrawing its military’s international presence. Post-WW2 America’s role within the world hierarchy altered significantly as a direct result of internal structural and technological developments that led it to being a world superpower. American foreign policy encompassed both realism and liberal internationalism in its attempt to defeat communism. The 1970s signified a dramatic change in the foreign policy decision-making process; no longer were Presidents able to operate imperialistically making policy decisions without consulting Congress. Despite being internationally recognised as the victor of the Cold War, America lost its international footing somewhat. Political analyst Kenneth Waltz supports this assertion and argues in the article ‘Is Anybody Still a Realist?’ that foreign policy in a pre-9/11though post-Cold War era, aside from the widely accepted notion that States â€Å"at a minimum, seek their own preservation,† (Waltz, Kenneth. 1999: P.14), realism no longer played a leading role in foreign policy and national security decision-making. Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell argue that US foreign policy and National Security Strategy since 9/11 has mirrored that of former powers on a colonisation mission. A key example used to demonstrate this was Bush’s desire to install a National Missile Defence (NMD) system in Europe. They ascertain that it was part of the regimes neoconservative, imperialistic agenda to impress upon the world American exceptionalism through attempting to colonise the globe by having a military capability world-wide under the notion of ‘national security.’ (Burbach, Roger Tarbell, Jim. 2004). The US government opposes such a claim maintaining that its actions are part of an assertive-realist security strategy seen previously within the Cold War era which confronts threats to America. They argue that like America’s proactive response to the attack on Pearl Harbour, the last time America had suffered such devastation on US soil, that 9/11 warranted a similarly aggressive response. Benjamin Frankel supports this and argues in ‘Realism: Restatements and Renewal,’ that it is neo-realism, not neo-conservatism which recognises â€Å"the ultimate concern of states is not for power but for security†¦states seek maximum security not maximum power.† (Waltz, Kenneth. 1988. in Frankel, Benjamin.1996: P.91). President Roosevelt’s description of the attack on Pearl Harbour as a â€Å"date which will live in infamy,† (Roosevelt, Franklin D.A Date which will live in infamy: FDR ask for a Declaration of War), have been echoed since 9/11. Bush proclaimed the â€Å"world has changed† (Cramer,Jane K. Thrall, A. Trevor. 2012: P.30) as a direct result of 9/11 and therefore had to adapt his leadership style and policies accordingly. Literature Review This dissertation has used many sources to gain valuable information such as facts, figures, diagrams and the opinion and analysis of distinguished politicians, historians and authors. US foreign policy is a broad and complex subject which can be approached from multiple angles. Due to the restrictive word limit, this thesis has confined itself within certain boundaries which specify what direction this thesis is going to approach the title. Through critically analysing these sources, it has been possible to develop a deeper understanding of the topics examined and have helped greatly in contextualising the arguments found within the background and contemporary research. This has played a crucial role in the final conclusion reached. These boundaries are that the time scale used will be between the 1930s to the end of the George W Bush presidency. This time frame has been selected because of the opposing military policies that were used and the economic, social and international implications that such directions were to have; one being isolationist and the other being expansive. Chapters two and three have also been divided in a two-part manner. Chapter two addresses the mentality behind the decision-making process as well as the actions taken in the years preceding Bush’s presidency. Chapter three examines the mentality and actions taken during Bush’s reign. These boundaries have been drawn up in such a wa y that allows for analysis of events in a chronological order. Additionally, the ‘mentality’ has been chosen because it allows for the thesis to address multiple arguments and through thorough analysis determine if the mentality behind the decision-process has been altered and if so, has this affected the actions taken. These boundaries provide a clear sense of structure which is augmented with the aid of the many sources examined. There are a select few sources which will now be addressed due to their crucial role in initiating key arguments and theories throughout the thesis. In his article ‘The Stability of a Unipolar World,’ William Wohlforth provides an important analysis regarding the impact of the structural and technological advancements experienced in the US. Wohlforth argues that it is’ because of â€Å"a decades-old policy of harnessing technology to the generation of military power†¦The US combination of quantitative and qualitative material advantages is unprecedented, and it translates into a unique geopolitical position.† (Wohlforth, William C. 1999: P.17-18). This thesis supports this assertion and uses it as a key argument throughout to provide explanation behind America’s actions and the mentality with which such actions were conducted with. This dissertation comprises a variety of theoretical debates, all attempting to provide clarity and reasoning behind America’s actions both pre and post 9/11. Richard Rose’s ‘The Postmodern President: The White House Meets the World’ is used to provide support and elaborate on this thesis’ suggestion that after 1991 the â€Å"United States has lost its former position of dominance in the international system.† (Rose, Richard.1988:P.237). This was primarily because it could no longer justify having an expansive foreign and security policy to develop its sphere of influence through either hard or soft means as there was no longer an apparent enemy. Craig Snyder provides support for this assertion and further adds a theoretical argument in his book ‘Contemporary Security and Strategy’ that the influence of realism endured a significant decline during this period of relative peace in its use in international relations as well as national foreign policies. (Snyder, Craig A. 1999: P.65). No thesis which incorporates political theories and realism in particular, would be academically justifiable without the thoughts of world-wide acclaimed political analysts Kenneth Waltz and Hans Morgenthau being examined. Morgenthau’s work has been used when analysing the traits of classical realism to see how, if at all they relate to Bush’s actions. This thesis has paid particular attention to the work of Waltz, the founder of the concept of neo-realism, to argue that as opposed to the realist based expansive foreign policy agenda that existed during the Cold War era, States have since pursued neo-realist policies in which they aim to achieve: a sense of continuity in long-term goals, policies which are compatible with the ever-globalising international arena, clear objectives with simple directions to achieve them whilst maintaining a certain degree of flexibility to allow for adaptation to the fluid nature of the international stage. (Waltz, Kenneth.1999). Post-9/11, US foreign policy has often been interpreted as some of the most controversial around the globe. This is because they have been perceived as part of America’s apparent neoconservative agenda devoted to establishing an Imperial America. Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell are two academics who support such a notion and argue in their ‘Imperial Overstretch: George W Bush the Hubris of Empire’ that the impact of 9/11 provided Bush’s regime with the fuel to pursue his extreme neo-conservative goal of creating a US Empire. The critical and negative wording of the title is such that even without reading any of the actual book, Bush is already portrayed as a leader who has been corrupted by the desire to create an empire. Therefore, in order to maintain academic legitimacy, this thesis recognised that Burbach and Tarbell are obviously biased against the Bush administration. This is not to say that their work should be dismissed, because it shouldn’t, but rather caution should be – and has been – applied when selecting what information to use from their book in this dissertation. Particular attention has been given to George C. Herring’s ‘From Colony to Superpower: US Foreign Relations since 1776.’ This is because this book provides a great insight into US foreign policy history and does so whilst exhibiting thorough analysis of events throughout this time. It has helped this writer significantly in developing a deeper understanding of events that have occurred and placing them in the relevant context. Articles, quotes, resolutions and speeches by Bush’s administration and even himself are all examined in this thesis. This is because they provide raw clarity and reasoning behind the decisions made post 9/11.As president of the world super-power, the American people looked to Bush to act and respond to this terrorist assault. In an address to the nation on 9/11th he stated that America â€Å"will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbour them.† (Bush, George W. quoted in Kean, Thomas H. 2004. P.326. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.). Such a statement sets the rigid and uncompromising tone with which Bush was to significantly adjust his foreign and security policies to deal with the situation. Understanding the mentality behind Bush’s decisions is of vital importance to this thesis because if the mentality is proven to have affected the manner in which foreign policy was decided a nd implemented, and if this is different to the various American administrations, then this will playing a determining role in answering the dissertation question. It is for this reason that Bush and his teams’ speeches, articles and resolutions are analysed in great depth throughout this thesis.

Friday, October 25, 2019

how to do things right :: essays research papers

I plan to compare Lars Eighner’s essay â€Å"On Dumpster Diving† and Daniel Orozco’s short story â€Å"Orientation†. Eighners writes his essay after being homeless and experiencing poverty due to a loss job. He gives instructions on how to be an ingenious Dumpster scavenger, during the everyday life as a homeless person. On the other hand, Orozco writes a short story about going through a very detailed orientation on the first day at a new office setting job. Although both of the stories are completely different, one about a homeless man and his dog and his means of surviving , and the other describing a cooperate job, both works compare by: providing specific instruction on how to carry out their responsibilities proficiently, they are both the go-to people in the writing , and they both exhibit the same type of attitude toward work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One way Eighner’s essay and Orozco’s short story compare is the use of precise instructions that pertain to successfully complete a specific task. Eighner gives great detail for the way one would scavenge through a Dumpster in a proficient manner. As one could imagine, there are obviously things that should not be used or eaten that could be found in a garbage can. He shows incredible knowledge about what types of food appear and what type of condition they are in, whose Dumpsters to ransack through, what is safe to eat and what type of things one could keep from scavenging during a regular day. He also displays knowledge on how to react when people are around and the type of behavior a homeless person should display in public. In comparison to Eighner, Orozco gives direct instructions to the implied reader as to what one should do during their days work within an â€Å"office environment†. He presents the information in such a meticulous way, he doesn’t leave one room to have any questions. Not only does he tell them what to do, he tells them how to manage their time wisely, and how to keep oneself out of trouble. He gives a considerable amount of information about the lives of those who work in the cubicles and who one should become comfortable with and who to stay away from. Seeing as though they are both giving instructions on how to skillfully complete a task, they are both seen as highly respected by others around them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another way the two works compare is they are both experts at what they are doing.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Manual Method compered to ICT

I did not have to use any form of computer of ICT equipment to do this task, as it could have been done by hand. To do this I would take a piece of paper and pencil and draw the company logo and either by freehand, or with the use of stencils could have written out all of the information required and then included the vacancy details. To keep a track of the staff wages and production situation I could have used a card for each position. This would keep all of the job details including: shift times and rates of pay etc. I could use an adding machine to calculate pay, tax and national insurance etc. This manual system would be very time consuming considering the staff wages needs to be recalculated on a regular basis. THE BENEFITS OF ICT The use of ICT is of great benefit for this type of system as once the details are created for the first time they can be used over and over again. This can be done by saving the original spreadsheet and pay slip template then recalling it each time it has to be used. The spread sheet and pay slip can be updated easily by adding, removing or changing information. No need to start all over again each time a week, no need for a rubber or correction fluid if you make a mistake or want to delete information. I have the use of tools such as spelling or grammar checking, I can easily experiment with different size and shape of typeface, I can use colour, clipart, boarders, word-art, tables and frames to make the pay slip easier to read. By using a spreadsheet, similar features as above can be used for adding, changing and deleting information. The uses of formulas help with calculations these are redone automatically each time workers details might change. For example the user would not have to recalculate the total pay or the number of hours worked or garments produced, if job roles changed or wages went up or down, income tax and national insurance can change at least on a yearly basis. Spreadsheets are used as modelling tools to make predictions. For example, as manager could see the over all cost of the company staffing if there was to be a 3% pay rise or pay cut for all of the staff, or if they were to increase or decrease the piece rate for the number garments produced. If a manager had to make a report about these predictions he or she could use the chart functions within the spreadsheet to create a graphical of these situations. ICT has made great steps in the communication of information, files can be sent and received by e-mail instantaneously. Data can be passed around a network for other users to access or the system could be placed on a disk or CD-ROM, which could be used to keep it safe or to pass it to other places or sites.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Code of Ethics Paper Essay

According to Cancer Treatment Center of America (2013), since 1988, Cancer Treatment Centers of America ® (CTCA) has been helping patients win the fight against cancer using advanced technology and a personalized approach (About Us). Each hospital provides state-of-the-art cancer treatment by a dedicated team of oncologists, surgeons and other health experts. They offer a welcoming environment, where patients and their family members can find comprehensive cancer care under one roof. The vision of the CTCA is to be recognized and trusted by people living with cancer as the premier center for healing and hope. The organizational goals of the CTCA are to benefit the patient by providing powerful and innovative therapies to heal the whole person, improve quality of life and restore hope. Organizational goals According to Cancer Treatment Centers of America (2013), â€Å"You and your healing are at the center of our hearts, minds and actions, every day. We rally our team around you, delivering compassionate, integrative cancer care for your body, mind and spirit† (Cancer Experts Who Care). Organizational goals that are within the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) are to provide patient care with, compassionate, appropriate and effective to assess and treatment be honest. Make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on patient information and preference, documented scientific evidence and clinical judgment. To create and sustain therapeutic and ethically sound relationships with patients and with these goals and objectives are designed to provide advanced training in the assessment and cancer treatment. An objective of the CTCA is to increase the participation of institutions serving racial/ethnic and/or underserved communities with cancer health disparities in the nation’s cancer research and training enterprise. Also, to develop more effective research, outreach, and education programs that will have an impact on ethnic minority and the  underserved populations. Corporation’s Ethical Values The roles of the company are making sure their patients come first, their main focus is not about fighting cancer, and it’s about making sure their patients are comfortable throughout treatment. The cancer treatment statistics and results of CTCA demonstrate their constant efforts to make a difference when it comes to quality of their patients. Each of their hospital provides state of the art treatment with a dedicated team which is oncologists, surgeons and other health experts. Their mission is to keep search for a cure and to continue to keep their patients in good spirits, they do not give up until they have answers. CTCA is accredited by The Joint Commission (formerly Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, or JCAHO) with Full Standards Compliance. This accreditation decision is awarded to a healthcare organization that demonstrates satisfactory compliance with applicable Joint Commission standards in all performance areas. The Cancer Center of America knows that cancer patients want their treatment to incorporate the needs of the whole person—physically, emotionally and spiritually. We know they value greatly a multidisciplinary care team that will be responsive to their personal needs throughout treatment. Organization’s Culture and Ethical Decision-Making The Cancer Treatment Center of America organization believes there is more than one way to beat cancer. There are so many people diagnosed with cancer and do not know which way to turn, confused, and angry. The cultural of the organizations is friendly, compassionate, and they treat each patient that comes into the center and gives them all the support that they need. The Cancer Treatment Center treats all types of cancer, and makes you feel welcome from the first day you arrive. Coming to the center, treated with respect and the moral decisions made by you they are behind you a hundred percent. The center is a place that never gives up on trying making a person feel better about their self. The Cancer Treatment Center of America has a vision, and that statement says â€Å"To be recognized and trusted by people living with cancer as the premier center for healing and hope† (Cancer  Centers of America, 2013). Not only does the center treat individuals that have cancer, but they also educate those who are not aware of what cancer is. It is a center for learning as well. No patient is turned down when they come to the center. According to Cancer Treatment Center of America (2013), â€Å"You and your healing are at the center of our hearts, minds and actions every day. We rally our team around you, delivering compassionate, integrative cancer care for your body, mind and spirit. We offer clear information, powerful and thorough treatment options, all based on your needs. We honor your courage, respect your decisions, and offer to share your journey of healing and hope† (Our Promise). Organization’s Ethical Values vs. Individual’s Ethical Values It is important that an organization such as Cancer of America ethical support an individual’s ethical value because of several reasons. If an employee’s ethical value does not coincide with the organizations ethical value it can cause increased stress levels while performing their daily duties. In addition, conflicts can arise due to an individual’s personal ethical values, which can cause stress and eventually lead to work place anger and hostility. Furthermore, dissatisfied employees in regards to organizational value could inadvertently or purposely sabotage the company. For example, an organization’s ethical value gives the patient’s family the authority to decide for the patient since the patient is on life support. The patient’s family member decides not to terminate the patient’s life support because the patient’s family depends on the patient’s social security funds. Your individual personal values do not agree with this because the patient is ventilator dependent, non-responsive to treatment, lacks neurological function and is terminally ill. With this case your ethical values are being affected. Values are the principles that everyone uses to define what is right, good, and just to them. Values provide guidance as it determines the proper thing to do versus what is incorrect. They are our standards, which is the reason why the organizational value should match an individual’s values. Social Responsibility The founder of Cancer Centers of America or CTCA Cancer Treatment Center of  America, Richard J. Stephenson, definitely felt he had a social responsibility for all those in need of care. He felt as if there was not enough compassion, attention and nurturing, to those that were going through physical and emotional changes. Because his mother passed away due to cancer, he felt that it was needed to introduce an all-around care facility that provided surgery, chemotherapy, nutrition, mind-body medicine, and spiritual support (Cancer Center of America). Through their website, they host a community Question’s and Answer’s online that is answered by doctors and clinical experts about questions that you have related to cancer. They also have an 800 number that you can call with your questions related to your cancer, location information and their services. On their website there are cancer survivors stories that you can read/watch that go into full detail about their experience at the facilities. I believe that when you share your vision of making something or someone better, your mission as how you will get there and making a promise to utilize all your resources to try, simply try, on making someone else’s life a little bit better, that is responsibility in itself. CTCA offers clear information, powerful and thorough treatment options, all based on your needs. They honor your courage, respect your decisions, and offer to share your journey of healing and hope. The Mission of Cancer Treatment Centers of America ® is the home of integrative and compassionate cancer care. We never stop searching for and providing powerful and innovative therapies to heal the whole person improve quality of life and restore hope. The vision at the CTCA is to be recognized and trusted by people living with cancer as the premier center for healing and hope. Lastly, they promise you and your healing are at the center of our hearts, minds and actions every day. We rally our team around you, delivering compassionate, integrative cancer care for your body, mind and spirit (Cancer Center of America). Conclusion The Cancer Treatment Centers of America is the home of integrative and compassionate cancer care. Their goal is to serve cancer patients with the best care possible, the most advanced technology, the most recent studies, and the most nurturing staff. At CTCA they believe there is not one way to beat cancer – there are hundreds. According to Garrett, Baillie, and  McGeehan (2010), the health care professional is obliged to protect patients from harm as much as is possible (Chapter 12). The teams of cancer experts include oncologists, surgeons and other clinicians who meet regularly to discuss the progress of each patient’s treatment. The ethical decisions that each member of the medical staff make are in the absolute best interest of the cancer patients and their treatment. The Cancer Treatment Center treats all types of cancer, and makes you feel welcome from the first day you arrive. They offer clear information, powerful and thorough treatment options, based on patient’s needs, as they are at the center of the hearts, minds, and every day actions of the dedicated staff (Cancer Treatment Center of America, 2013). References Cancer Treatment Centers of America. (2013). Retrieved from Cancer Treatment Centers of America. (2013). Retrieved from Garrett, T.M., Baillie, H.W., & McGeehan, J.F. (2010). Health Care Ethics (5th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Its Good Business Essay Example

Its Good Business Essay Example Its Good Business Essay Its Good Business Essay It’s Good Business: Robert Solomon In â€Å"It’s Good Business†, Robert Solomon, a philosophy professor at University of Texas, explores the fundamentals and significance of practicing good business ethics in decision making. He tackles the correlation between understanding ethics and doing a better job, and the direct implications of not taking the value of right moral into account. In addition, he explicates the myth of amoral business. Lastly, he presents the three C’s of Business ethics and the eight essential rules for ethical thinking in business. In this essay, I will explain and cite examples why I agree or disagree with Robert Solomon’s point of views about business and business ethics. Some of his claims that I will discuss are â€Å"Good Ethics is Good Business†, â€Å"unethical conduct hurts business as a whole†, and â€Å"business is not fundamentally amoral or immoral. Business is not blind scramble for profits and survival but rather established practice with firmly fixed rules and expectations, and people in business are professionals†. According to Robert Solomon, â€Å"Good Ethics is Good Business† and â€Å"unethical conduct hurts business as a whole†. I agree with his point of view because in the previous years, we have witnessed the fall down of the â€Å"big companies† due to their unethical practice. The demise of Enron, Adelphia Communications Corporation, WorldCom is an example that a business without good ethics will not exists for too long. I also agree that being aware of the 3C’s, which are Compliance, Contributions, and Consequences, is the best tool to define Good Ethics in Business. He used Break Breaker Inc. case to prove that unethical business strategy will lead to the quick demise of business. Break Breaker Inc. o some extent comply with legal rules, but failed to comply with principles of morality and community, contribute to the society by producing honest high quality services, and account the consequence of damaging their reputation. Internally, the treatment to the employees is very harsh that results to high turnover due to burnout. The company also lied to the customers in order to earn profit. Apparently, Break Breaker Inc. is not aware of this 3C’s and the value of good ethics in Business. Just like other large corporation discussed above, Break Breaker Inc. ill not be successful because once the customers’ trust is ruined and business reputation is damage through deceiving, it will be extremely hard to gain those trust again. Therefore, good ethics is good business. Johnson and Johnson â€Å"Tylenol Murder Case in 1982† also exemplifies Robert Solomon claims that good ethics is good business. The Tylenol poisoning that caused the death of some consumer in Chicago was done outside their premise. However, the company decided to spend millions of dollars to protect the consumer. They did a massive recall worth $100 million dollars, and paid millions of dollars for advertising to inform consumer about the incident. Using the cost-benefit analysis, Johnson and John will be better off if they only consider the short-term, just like in the case of â€Å"Ford Pinto†. But the company decided to do what is ethically right, and that is to protect the consumer regardless how much it will cost them in the present. As a result, Johnson and Johnson gain trust of the consumer despite what happen and Tylenol is still the leading pain relief over the counter medicine.

Monday, October 21, 2019

cassiopiea essays

cassiopiea essays Cassiopeia was the wife of Cepheus, the Ethiopian king of Joppa (now known as Jaffa, in Israel), and the mother of Andromeda. The queen was both beautiful and vain, and the story of how her vanity caused great distress is told in relation to the constellation Andromeda. After promising her daughter in marriage to Perseus, Cassiopeia had second thoughts. She convinced one of Poseidon's sons, Agenor, to disrupt the ceremony by claiming Andromeda for himself. Agenor arrived with an entire army, and a fierce struggle ensued. In the battle Cassiopeia is said to have cried "Perseus must die". At any rate it was Perseus who was victorious, with the help of the Gorgon's head. Perseus had recently slain Medusa, the Gorgon, and had put its head in a bed of coral. He retrieved the head and waved it in midst of the warring wedding party, instantly turning them all to stone. In the group was both Cepheus and Cassiopeia. A contrite Poseidon put both father and mother in the heavens. But because of Cassiopeia's vanity, he placed her in a chair which revolves around the Pole Star, so half the time she's obliged to sit upside down. The asterism clearly shows the chair upon which Cepheus's queen sits. The Bayer stars are generally third and fourth magnitude, with the exception of the first four stars which make up the "chair". Cassiopeia has many fine binaries, a few variables of note, and several interesting deep sky objects. Cassiopeia was the beautiful wife of Cepheus, king of Ethiopia, and the mother of Andromeda. She is most famous in connection with the myth of her daughter, Andromeda. The queen made the mistake of bragging she was more lovely than the Nereids, or even than Juno herself. The goddesses were, needless to say, rather insulted, and went to Neptune, god of the sea, to complain. Neptune promptly sent a sea monster (possibly Cetus?) to ravage the coast. The king and queen were ordered to sacrifice their daughter to a ...

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Origins of the Cornucopia in Greek Mythology

Origins of the Cornucopia in Greek Mythology Definition: The cornucopia, literally horn of plenty, comes to the Thanksgiving table thanks to Greek mythology. The horn may have originally been that of a goat which the infant Zeus used to drink from. In the story of Zeus childhood, it is told that he was sent away to a cave for safekeeping to prevent his father Cronus from eating him. Sometimes it is said that he was nursed by a goat named Amalthea and sometimes that he was fostered by a nymph of the same name who fed him on goats milk. While an infant, Zeus did what other babies do cry. To cover up the noise and keep Cronus from finding out his wifes plot to protect her son, Amalthea asked the Kuretes or Korybantes to come to the cave in which Zeus was hidden and make lots of noise. There are various versions of the evolution of the cornucopia from a horn sitting on the head of the nurturing goat. One is that the goat tore it off herself to present it to Zeus; another that Zeus tore it off and gave it back to the Amalthea-goat promising her abundance; another, that it came from a river gods head. The cornucopia is most frequently associated with the goddess of the harvest, Demeter, but is also associated with other gods, including the aspect of the Underworld god that is the god of wealth, Pluto, since the horn symbolizes abundance.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Star Alliance in the field of Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Star Alliance in the field of Marketing - Essay Example Alliances were an appropriate response to the market change by the leading airlines. Star Alliance is the largest with a market share of 23.6 percent followed by Sky Team, Oneworld and Wings (Czipura & Jolly, 2007). This paper will discuss how at Star, the benefits are reaped both by the customers and the airlines, the route setup and the basis, the problems and pitfalls encountered and how Star Alliance differentiates itself from other airline alliances. The Star Alliance started as a joint marketing effort between United Airlines and Air Canada in 1992 and was formed on the premise that each could derive benefits from expanding the range of cooperation. They wanted to increase the membership and devolve authority towards a more centralized and independent organization structure (Anslinger & Jenk, 2004). By 1997 Scandinavian Air System (SAS), Deutsche Lufthansa, Thai Airways International had joined the alliance. These five members signed bilateral agreements regarding code sharing, joint marketing activities, and flight schedule coordination (Czipura & Jolly, 2007). The alliance wanted to exploit the benefits of a worldwide network. By 2006, there were 18 full members in addition to several regional members and member candidates. Today it has 24 members and has a centralized set of activities and functions. The Star Alliance serves 855 airports in 155 (, 2007) countries and expects to achieve substantial savings thr ough rationalizing their operations and in the process squeezing out competitors (Boyd, 2001). Airlines have little control over fixed expenditure like aircraft and equipments and the labor costs account for almost one-third expenses in the industry. As such most airlines are looking for saving expenditure in other areas. In 2001, Star Alliance created a new and more stable management structure. Prior to this, the alliance was driven by the individual

Friday, October 18, 2019

Sex Differences and Their Responses to Erotica Research Paper

Sex Differences and Their Responses to Erotica - Research Paper Example Also true. However, the media has reported less on whether the converse is true, in that men are adversely affected by idealized images of male bodies and penis sizes. The conventional wisdom there is that men probably are not affected by these images. This is partially true – men widely believe that their penis size is average or large, so media images of penis sizes do not affect how men view their genitalia. However, at least one study has shown that men do feel worse about their bodies after viewing other men with idealized bodies, so, perhaps, there is less of a gender inequity in this regard then was previously thought. This paper will explore all these topics in greater detail. How Media Environment Has Changed in the Past 50 or 60 Years The past 50 or 60 years has been marked by a changing standard of ideal beauty in society. According to Calabrese et al., the ideal has changed towards a thinner female body type, one that is unattainable by most women. This is seen in Playboy Magazine centerfold models, Miss America pageant winners and fashion models. As stated above, these ideals are impossible for many women to attain, which makes the average woman have dissatisfaction with their body and overall appearance, and poses risks to the female’s mental and physical health. Moreover, there has been a changing ideal of genital appearance, as viewed through pornography websites and the like. Females are increasingly exposed to these images through these websites. However, the pictures of the female genitalia have been increasingly digitally enhanced, rather than naturally occurring, which causes women further despair that their physicality does not match that which is ideal (Calabrese, et al., 2011). Calabrese et al., examined the impact on the evolution of both ideal body types and the depiction of female genitalia on how women think about themselves. They examined Playboy models from 1953 to 2007 to look at these changing ideals. 647 Playboy centerfold models were the subjects of this research. They found that a Barbie-like thinness has become the norm with the Playboy models and that, in fact, the female genitalia in these magazine spreads have been enhanced and perfected. Larger breasts, as displayed on both Barbie and the Playboy models, is another attribute of this new feminine ideal. Because of this changing ideal, Calabrese et al. states that the image of perfection and definition of physical beauty have changed, and what heterosexual men seek in their partners have also changed. Young girls are also affected, in that they gain a warped perception of the ideal female body type with they receive their first Barbie, and this perception of reinforced by these Playboy images (Calabrese et al.., 2011). Advertising The basis of advertising is simply drawing one's attention to something, or, on the other end, notifying or informing somebody of something (Dyer, 1989, p. 2). This is the basics of advertising. The way that this is accomplished is that the advertiser "magically induces" the consumer to buy the advertised product by selling a fantasy. This is because "we have a cultural pattern in which the objects are not enough but must be validated in fantasy by association with social and personal meanings which in a different cultural

Gender Disparities Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Gender Disparities - Essay Example Their preference for the son superseded their preference for their son’s happiness. One can only imagine what a woman feels when she realizes that because she is a daughter, she is less than a son. The love of her parents will always be inferior. Then when she grows, she becomes aware that this problem goes beyond her house. It affects the entire society, or rather, it infects the whole civilization. Being a daughter is her first state of defeat; it is the defeat of being a daughter, which will eternally turn her into a second-class citizen.Gender discrimination produces unfair gender norms and expectations that delimit women’s capacity for self-development. Mrs. Pritchett wants to feel loved, but she feels it is too late for she married a self-centered man who is unaware of her needs as a woman. She has not developed her personhood because of her restrictions as a woman. These experiences are unique to women because of their womanhood. Their patriarchal society produce s unfair perceptions of women. Gender prejudice drives discrimination that turns women into slaves of men, and as wives, they are slaves of their husbands. Those who are poor are worse off. Mangalam experiences sexual harassment, though this gives her power over a life of poverty. Nevertheless, her experience shows that because she is poor and a woman, she cannot attain the kind of life she wants to have. Sexual harassment is common in patriarchal countries, especially among the working-class women, since they are often powerless.... One can only imagine what a woman feels when she realizes that because she is a daughter, she is less than a son. The love of her parents will always be inferior. Then when she grows, she becomes aware that this problem goes beyond her house. It affects the entire society, or rather, it infects the whole civilization. Being a daughter is her first state of defeat; it is the defeat of being a daughter, which will eternally turn her into a second-class citizen. Gender discrimination produces unfair gender norms and expectations that delimit women’s capacity for self-development. Mrs. Pritchett wants to feel loved, but she feels it is too late for she married a self-centered man who is unaware of her needs as a woman. She has not developed her personhood because of her restrictions as a woman. These experiences are unique to women because of their womanhood. Their patriarchal society produces unfair perceptions of women. Gender prejudice drives discrimination that turns women int o slaves of men, and as wives, they are slaves of their husbands. Those who are poor are worse off. Mangalam experiences sexual harassment, though this gives her power over a life of poverty. Nevertheless, her experience shows that because she is poor and a woman, she cannot attain the kind of life she wants to have. Sexual harassment is common in patriarchal countries, especially among the working-class women, since they are often powerless against these male sexual predators (Gupta 95). Being a woman and being poor are the worst human conditions because they prepare women for a life of servitude, and with servitude, disappointment looms. Middle-class women are trapped in middle-class norms. They are afraid of what their society will think of them if

Formulate Goals and a Statement of Intent Assignment

Formulate Goals and a Statement of Intent - Assignment Example The velocity of sound in air is different from the velocity of sound within the tube; this is because of the walls of the tube. A closed tube resonate if the length of the tube is  ¼ the wavelength. The tube can also resonate if the wavelength is 3/4, 5/4, and 7/4. Since the air that is in contact with the water surface cannot move. The length of air column must be equivalent to the odd multiple of  ¼ wavelength of the sound wave. However, the distance between two adjacent water levels, which correspond to resonance will be exactly  ½ of wavelength as shown in the figure below. The resonance gives an easy way vary the length of the closed tube. Holding a vibrating turning fork at a fixed location the height of the water level was varied. This was used to record the height h when resonance occurs. Notation was made regarding the relative pitch of sound. Two frequencies was used Although the folk vibrate at different frequency the frequency were related; the first frequency is half the second frequency. This is because the height was reduced by half. The frequency measured was also consistent with the turning folk and the sound sensor measurement. Closed tube sound waves are always reflected back and forth inside the tube. The length of the tube is the correct multiple of ÃŽ »; the bouncing wave can resonate in the tube. Standing wave will be produced in the tube sending waves of known frequency. Increasing the length of the tube increases the loudness (resonating). A wave occurs when a string or air is set into vibration, the wave have velocity and frequency for it to travel. When two waves travel in two opposite direction, the interference between the two creates a phenomenon known as standing wave. The wave has got both nodes and antinodes. It is the resonance of the wave that is vibrating the air; this creates musical sounds which are mostly used in

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Week2 DQ's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week2 DQ's - Essay Example McCarthy further contended that radio, television, the media, and industry were under the control of communist influence. This initiated a four-year investigation into the government, the US Army, and the media. McCarthy’s initial accusations were met with a public that was receptive to his viewpoint due to the escalating Cold War and the fear of a nuclear capable Soviet Union. His anti-communist portrayals were often loosely based on facts, and there was a substantial effort by the USSR to infiltrate America and spy on our defense industries. However, this public acceptance soon waned as he targeted devoted military personnel and well known members of the media. His flamboyant approach and outrageous claims gained him a negative reputation as being divisive as many of his claims proved to be unwarranted. The civil rights movement of the 1950s had its roots 3 centuries earlier as slaves struggled to gain their freedom throughout America’s history. World War II had brought greater public attention to the issue through the advent of mass communications and the country’s confrontation with the reality of supporting the same racist policies that Americans, including African Americans, had fought against in Nazi Germany. With the war behind them Americans were ready to turn their attention to their internal social injustices. On June 26, 1948 President Truman signed Executive Order 9981, which outlawed discrimination and segregation in the Armed Forces based on race (Desegregation in the Armed Forces, n.d). This action set the stage for the escalation of the growing civil rights movement. The massive demonstrations and protests of the 1950s resulted in the signing of the Civil Rights bill in 1964. While it gave federal protection to minorities against discrimination, it could do little to eliminate the de facto prejudice that existed in America. The historic legislation opened the

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Conflict Management Styles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Conflict Management Styles - Essay Example Prevention of conflicts can have dire consequences on productivity. This is because it is through conflict resolution that underlying issues affecting the employees are resolved. It is also through conflict that eventually people get to understand each other and hence work better together in future. There are many approaches that are used by organizations to deal with conflict at the workplace and of course each approach yields different outcomes. Some of these conflict management approaches include avoidance, negotiation, arbitration, litigation or dismissal and transfer of irreconcilable employees. In most cases organizations will apply a combination of two or more conflict management tactics. In my workplace the popular conflict management approach used is avoidance. This approach takes the form of simply ignoring conflicts among employees in the hope that the issues of contention will disappear. Needless to say this approach only suppresses conflict and aggravates the problems. With time the conflicts become irrepressible and erupt to scandals. Disgruntled employees sabotage office resources and in case the conflict is among co-workers the scenario may take to physical confrontation. This tarnishes the image and reputation that an organization takes so much to build. Another approach used at my workplace is instant transfer of one or both parties to the conflict and in some cases dismissal. This approach has its pros and cons in that transfers can have an adverse effect on the employee and the same for dismissal. However, other times it has been used to dilute tension betwee n worker with bad blood. Separation thus seems to be very logical. Management at the workplace should ensure that it refrains from using such a technique. The techniques used at my workplace contradict with my personal conflict management preferences at varying degrees. I highly believe that avoiding a problem in the hope that it goes away does not help. Communication is crucial to conflict management. It is important to note that conflict mounts slowly from simple arguments then accumulates to intolerable tensions culminating to conflicts. Management can contain and dissolve these arguments and tensions before it translates to conflict. This is possible by monitoring employee relations and identifying potential conflicts. (Nelson & Quick, 2006). In addition, frequent open discussions among the employees and the management can help to quell discontent felt by the workforce before it matures to conflicts and scandal. Further, proper channels and policies that clearly outline the organization's stance on conflict and the expected code of conduct at the organization can help to alleviate conflict. For example, harassment is popular at th e workplace because the organizations lack clear cut rules and regulations to govern relationship among people in the workforce. Women especially fall victim to sexual harassment from their bosses and managers and in most cases feel helpless and turn to conflict in order to grab attention of others. If proper codes of conduct are placed then conflicts at the workplace can be managed. Another shortfall of transfers and dismissal of parties to conflict is that it assumes that only main participants are

Week2 DQ's Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Week2 DQ's - Essay Example McCarthy further contended that radio, television, the media, and industry were under the control of communist influence. This initiated a four-year investigation into the government, the US Army, and the media. McCarthy’s initial accusations were met with a public that was receptive to his viewpoint due to the escalating Cold War and the fear of a nuclear capable Soviet Union. His anti-communist portrayals were often loosely based on facts, and there was a substantial effort by the USSR to infiltrate America and spy on our defense industries. However, this public acceptance soon waned as he targeted devoted military personnel and well known members of the media. His flamboyant approach and outrageous claims gained him a negative reputation as being divisive as many of his claims proved to be unwarranted. The civil rights movement of the 1950s had its roots 3 centuries earlier as slaves struggled to gain their freedom throughout America’s history. World War II had brought greater public attention to the issue through the advent of mass communications and the country’s confrontation with the reality of supporting the same racist policies that Americans, including African Americans, had fought against in Nazi Germany. With the war behind them Americans were ready to turn their attention to their internal social injustices. On June 26, 1948 President Truman signed Executive Order 9981, which outlawed discrimination and segregation in the Armed Forces based on race (Desegregation in the Armed Forces, n.d). This action set the stage for the escalation of the growing civil rights movement. The massive demonstrations and protests of the 1950s resulted in the signing of the Civil Rights bill in 1964. While it gave federal protection to minorities against discrimination, it could do little to eliminate the de facto prejudice that existed in America. The historic legislation opened the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Fighting cocks Essay Example for Free

Fighting cocks Essay A richly textured social history of Hispaniola†¦ the cock flight is designed to pit equal combatants against each other, and among humans equality is in short supply on Hispaniola. Perhaps this explains why the victorious cock brings glory to his owner yet the victors in the human competition have hardly been inspiring. Kirkus Reviews (January, 1999) There are lots of situations in history when people of power try to use others to fight for the interests which they represent and use them as marionettes or as fighting cocks. We often become witnesses of historical events in which politicians were using ordinary people to fight for their ideals. The idea of the fighting cock is clear to everybody- in a general sense it’s a bird which fights in the arena for the amusement of its owner and as long as the cock wins, it remains alive. Whenever it loses, it gets cooked for the next dinner. Of course, the idea of the fighting cocks in the novel has an allegoric sense but it is hard to imagine any other word which would describe the events going on in the history depicted in the novel with a different term. In order to give a full review of the novel, we are going at first to focus on the main points which it covers, i. e. on the historical period which is depicted in the novel. The main goal of our research is to show how events were going in the period of history which we are analyzing, what contribution Michele Wucker has made to the analysis of the events and what made her work outstanding. We are also going to investigate who were the allegoric fighting cocks in the novel and their owners and how they were trying to achieve their goals by using the fighting cocks. In Michele Wucker’s novel Why the Cocks Fight- Dominicans, Haitians, and the struggle for Hispaniola, a complex exploration of the cultural divide between Haiti and the Dominican Republic is given and the novel focuses on the 1937 massacre which is the central movement in Hispaniola’s history. It appears impossible to understand the essence of the novel without knowing some information about the island Hispaniola which serves as the arena for the fighting cocks in the novel. Investigations show that Hispaniola rises out of the Caribbean between Cuba and Puerto Rico and nowadays still remains a mystery to most North Americans. During the conquest, France and Spain tore the island apart and thus considered themselves a general owner of the island. In a while, the conquerors found themselves no match for the Africans they brought there to work and die in the sugarcane fields. The Spanish-speaking Dominican Republic has diverged considerably from its French-speaking island neighbor but the two nations share more than a porous common border. In order to give a full idea of the differences between those nations, we can give the following information: while in the recent years the Dominican Republic has become a state which a GNP growing faster than GNP of any other Latin country, Haiti remains the poorest country in the Americas. Wucker’s novel focuses on the often tortured relationship between Haitians and Dominicans. They are the cocks which were mentioned in the title of the novel. Those cocks are fighting for territory and power in a cockpit of an island and the stakes are cultural and psychological, sometimes even matters of life and death, in a fight which has been going on for centuries and which brought lots of sorrows to the nations, like any fight. Even though the nations are sharing the same island, they have completely different cultures and thus share different ideals. One nation is French-speaking and black, another one is Spanish-speaking and mulatto. Just as the owners of the fighting cocks contrive battles between the birds, the leaders of Dominican Republic and Haiti often stir up nationalist disputes and exaggerate their cultural difference as a way of deflecting other kinds of turmoil. Even though ordinary people would probably not want to participate in the struggles from their own will and desire, the leaders do their best to force their people to realize that they need to fight for right to rule. The phenomena of Michele Wucker’s book is that the author weavers together the histories and current plights of Haiti and the Dominican Republic. It is not an easy task to depict both historical facts and also the realities of modern times but Michele Wucker has done a very successful job on that. The author unveils the seemingly chaotic yet ritualistic world of Dominicans and Haitians and in her novel moves back and forth from the time of Columbus to the 20th century and through the intervening years to emphasize recurring themes rather than a linear story.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Risk Assessment and Risk Management

Risk Assessment and Risk Management Assessment 4 Risk Management In the world of business, risk is always associated regardless of how small or big your business is. It is essential to have an excellent management plan to protect the entities reputation and assets. To create a good management plan a risk management process, is a process that aides risk managers to set up priorities and assists in ensuring comprehensive management efforts, is being utilized. Risk management process is composed of six steps namely: Determine the objectives of the organisation Identifying exposure to loss Measure those same exposure Select alternatives Implement a solution Monitor and review the outcomes These steps are essential in drafting a good management plan to further understand these steps this paper will expound its application and its advantages to the enterprise. Determine the objectives of the organisation Each organization has its own and unique objectives. These objectives are the reason a company is being established and also guides them for future development. To be able to identify a risk in an enterprise a thorough understanding of the entities objective should be done by the risk managers. If risk managers completely understood the organisations objectives it will enable them to classify threats and opportunities the enterprise will face in the future and can create solutions or prevent risk associated with an organisations future actions. An example will be a company’s objective is to be globally competitive the risk managers will create a plan that will help the organisation achieve its objectives but prevent the risk associated with it like policies and laws of other country or the consumer needs for the product and service. Identifying exposure to loss Loss exposures include loss of financial assets, physical property, human loss and loss of good will. These are the risk that a risk manager might identify when assessing possible risk of the company. These losses can be prevented if proper risk identification is done before any untoward event occurs. Loss of financial assets is usually due to liability judgement, non-compliance and lawsuits. Loss of physical property can be because of bad investment, land ownership problems and natural disasters that may damage the property. Human loss is related to death, injury or resignation of employees that can affect the operations of the company. Reputation is very important for a company to function if consumers trust an organisations services and products this will increase their reputation but otherwise it can lead to loss of good will. Measure those same exposures An organisation not only needs to identify the risk or loss but as well as measure the impact of those risks to the organisation. These can be achieve by using different tools is assessing risk for example a client complain and satisfaction survey reports. This survey will help risk managers identify the areas where in they need modifications and improvement let as say in the survey patients complained that the nurses are rude therefore the managers should assess the employees in that department and try to do necessary adjustments to increase client satisfaction at the same time prevent human loss. Another one is incident reports these are usually a common tool used to identify risk it is a report made by employees that includes events that occur beyond the normal daily operations. Others are genetic occurrence screening, employee compensation claims data, contact leases and agreements and informal discussion with managers and staff these can be used to determine the risk and its eff ect on the organisations operation. Select alternatives As stated earlier risk is inevitable in handling these risk a risk manager uses risk treatment strategies categorized into two which is risk control and risk financing. Risk control is preventing losses and justifying the effects of losses. It is composed of three techniques which are exposure avoidance, loss prevention and segregation of loss exposure. Exposure avoidance is the reduction of loss to zero if focuses on the eradication of the possibility of loss to occur. It is used when a potential risk can be critical threat to the organization and there is no way to reduce or transfer those risks. Loss prevention gives emphasis on the possibility of an occurrence of an event and reduction of loss by educating staff and reviewing of policies and procedures. Loss reduction reducing the severity of loss an example is having fire drills, alarm system and immediate incident investigation to an event. Segregation of loss exposure this is distribution of assets like supplies to different d epartment to prevent loss for example in the first floor of the facility the flood damaged the supplies of medicines but on the second floor where other supplies are placed these can be used and distributed to the other department reducing the loss and continues the operations of the facility. Risk financing is paying losses that have happened it is composed of two techniques which are risk retention and risk transfer. Risk retention is taking responsibility of the potential losses which is related to the given risk and creating plans to cover the monetary consequences of that certain loss. Risk retention are usually used for loss that can’t be transferred like legal laws as well as small risk like paying for personal property damages like loss of a mobile phone, broken chair and others. Risk transfer is transferring of the financial responsibilities of the organisation to a third party like insurance companies. In selecting a solution to those losses the risk manager should determine which technique will be suited for the current risk. The risk manager should see to it that before choosing a solution he should determine which alternative has a lesser effect on the organisations normal operations and which one is cost effective for the organisation. Implement a solution Implementation of the solution is putting the plan into action. This will involve the use of the technique identified by the risk management professional which is the best to prevent further organisational loss. This technique will be assumed by other department managers within the organisation. For example if the risk manager professional identified that the best technique risk financing and risk transfer the risk manager may include selecting an insurer and creating a good insurance policy for the organisation. Monitor and review the outcomes The last step in risk management process this is to check the effectiveness of the risk management program. It is an approach done by risk managers, higher management, different department managers, and legal counsel and claim managers to evaluate the risk and its impact to various areas of the organisation. This will enable the organisation to see the flaws and further improve the risk management plan of the organisation. The evaluation is done by comparing the annual report made by the risk manager against the bench mark they have created as well as the previous annual reports in the past years. Risk assessment process is defines as an organized process for identifying and evaluating events that effects the accomplishment of objectives in a positive or negative way. These events can be related to political, legal, environmental, social and competition. It can also be an internal factor like human resource, organisational processes and infrastructure. Risk assessment like any process is made up off different steps which are: Identification of relevant business objectives Identifying events that could affect the achievement of objectives Determining risk tolerance Assessing the inherent likelihood and impact of risks Evaluating the portfolio of risk and determining risk responses Assessing residual likelihood and impacts of risks Identification of relevant business objectives Objectives are the goals that an organisation wants to achieve in order to prosper in the business world. Each organisation has its own set of objectives that may be the same or different from other organisations. Through these objectives a risk manager will be able to extract different risk that could threaten the organisation. Objectives can be constructed by using the SWOT analysis wherein it determines the strength, weakness, opportunities and threats. After the objective identification and finding out the possible risk a risk management plan can be started. Identifying events that could affect the achievement of objectives According to an organisation objective the risk managers should create an initial inventory of undertakings that may affect the accomplishment of the organisations objective. These events can be from within the organisation or from the external environment. The internal factors are organisations policies and processes, the human resource, technology and information that are taken from internal sources. Meanwhile, external factors are related to politics, economics, legal, sociological and environmental. After assessing these factors the risk manager can then categorise them as either a threat or an opportunity for the organisation. Written annual reports of internal and external factors will provide the risk manager of accurate numbers and percentage to pinpoint which threats needs immediate action. Determining risk tolerance The acceptable level of deviation comparative to the accomplishment of a specific objective of an organisation is called risk tolerance. It is a percentage or level in which a risk can be accepted by the organisation but have a certain range of limitation that could still enable an organisation to operate. Assess inherent likelihood and impact of risk In risk assessment it is part of the process to identify the events that has a potential impact on the accomplishment of the organisational objective. These events should be considered to be risk and has to be evaluated based on the chances of it to occur. It is essential that this event should be assessed on natural basis without bearing in mind the risk response that already exists. An inherent risk map should be assess by a risk manager, it is a portfolio view of risk that aides analysis and action, to determine the which risk has more effect and should be a prioritized for an immediate response. Evaluating the portfolio of risk and determining risk responses As we all know risk is inevitable it cannot be fully eliminated if an organisation wanted to have a return of investment they should take on some risk associated for their actions. Evaluating the risk portfolio will enable the risk manager and the organisation to see the impacts of the risk to the organisations objectives and goals. It will also evaluate the effectiveness of the risk response they have made and further improve if such risk arises in the future. Risk tolerance varies depending on the risk type as well as the responses to those risks so it is essential to assist the risk response and the action given and its effectiveness. Assessing residual likelihood and impacts of risks Assessing residual risk will help evaluate the effectiveness and appropriateness of the risk response if it is in within the acceptable level or within the risk tolerance of the organisation. It is assessing the internal checks and balances are still in place within the organisation. Therefore, we could see how essential risk management is to an organisations progress. Risk management is not just a simple work just to identify and provide a solution but it is a systematic and scientific way of identifying, implementing and evaluating the effects of risk to the organisation. The organisation will always face risk to be able to move and not stagnate on the current status they are in. It is a must that a risk management professional understand the organisations objective for him or her to extract and create an excellent risk management plan. It is also important to evaluate the effectiveness of the risk management plan and see to it that flaws are modified for better result in the future. Bibliography: Southern Cross University (09 October, 2014). Corporate compliance insight. (09 October, 2014). Internal Auditor (10,October, 2014). Health and Safety Executive (10 October, 2014). Work and safety blogs (10 October, 2014). Southern Cross Healthcare. (10 October, 2014).

Sunday, October 13, 2019

The Case for Introducing a Property Tax, Collected at Local Government

I propose that an annual residential property tax be introduced and collected at central government for an introductory period with a view to control being handed over to local government and the revenues generated by the tax to be used solely for local publicly provided goods. But for this to be an efficient and effective method of funding local authorities and not adversely affect the balances of the exchequer there needs to be an overhaul as to how local authorities are currently funded and run. Introducing a property tax will hopefully broaden the tax base and go some way to overhauling how the tax system works in Ireland and how local authorities are funded. Rationale for a residential property tax in Ireland Stability There are many reasons in support of a residential property tax. Firstly, it will provide a stable and less volatile income for the exchequer, as is the case with a transaction such as stamp duty, and generally improve macroeconomic stability. The tax income collected by stamp duty made a huge contribution to the exchequer, but as we can see from Fig 1.1, it tended to fluctuate, making it more difficult to budget long-term and susceptible to market forces, as is the case currently. A â€Å"recurring annual tax is less economically distortionary than the imposition of tax on either income or capital† (TSG 09/07) and a more reliable and stable tax income achieved from a proposed residential property tax would help with investment planning, as an â€Å"over-reliance on expenditure and transaction taxes has resulted in tax revenue dropping more quickly than (nominal) GNP† (Commission on Taxation Report 6:2.2). As we can see from the data contained in the ‘Commission o n Taxation Report 2009’ (Fig 1.1), revenues from sta... ...t such scenarios and ensure the equitable nature of the tax is maintained and â€Å"serious administration and avoidance problems arise when rates differ between jurisdictions† (McDowell 1988). Bibliography Research Papers McDowell, M. 1988. University College Dublin, Department of Political Economy. Financing Local Authorities: The Questionable Viability of a Local Property Tax. Belfield, Dublin 4, Ireland. Gurdgiev, Dr.C. 2009. Trinity College, Dublin. Macroeconomic Case for a Land Value Reform in Ireland. Dublin 2, Ireland. Reports Tax Strategy Group. 2009. Property Taxation. Dublin. Ireland Commission on Taxation. 2009. Report 2009. Dublin, Ireland: Stationary Office Online Resources Collins, S. 2011. Property Tax Brought Forward. The Irish Times, 21st December. Available at:

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Criminals Can Think Twice or Die Once

Capital punishment has been in effect since the 1600's (Cole 451). However, in 1972 the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that the death penalty was cruel and unusual punishment, which was unconstitutional according to the Eighth amendment. It was public opinion that the current methods of execution, hanging, electrocution, and facing a firing squad, were too slow and painful upon the person to be executed (Cole 451). The U.S. Supreme Court reversed this decision when a "cleaner" way to bring about death was found in 1976. This "cleaner" way is death by lethal injection, which is quick and painless if administered right (Cole 450). Since capital punishment has been reinstituted many people have argued for and against capital punishment. Some say the death penalty is what the criminal deserves while others object to it because death is irreversible. I feel the death penalty is a good form of justice because only about 250 people a year get the death penalty and they are guilty beyond a doubt a nd don't deserve living with the possibility of parole. The sentencing judge or jury are ordered by the Supreme Court to look for "specific aggravating and mitigating factors in deciding which convicted murderers should be sentenced to death" (Cole 451). Some of these mitigating factors are the defendant's motivation, character, personal history, and most of all remorse (Costanzo). Every year approximately 250 new offenders are added to death row. In 1994 there were 2,850 persons awaiting execution. Yet no more than thirty-eight people have been executed a year since 1976. This is a ridiculously low number compared to 199 persons executed in 1935 (all from Cole 451). The reason for this slow execution rate is the process of appeals, from sentencin... ... is a punishment that will remain active for a long time in the future, even with all the criticism. It is an ancient way of dealing with extremely serious offences that plague our country today. Hopefully the appeals process will be shortened, but remain effective, so more criminals can be executed, making prospective criminals think twice. Works Cited Bailey, William C., "Murder, Capital Punishment, and Deterrence" 1994. Journal of Social Issues. Cole, George F., The American System fo Criminal Justice 1995, New York. Costanzo, Mark "Attorney Persuasion in the Capital Penalty Phase" 1994. Journal of Social Issues. Death Penalty Discussion, Sept. 12, 1994. Search on Turbogopher under "Execution". Death Penalty, May 12, 1994. American Civil Liberties Union. Search on Turbogopher under "Execution". The Electric Chair, Aug 13, 1993.

Friday, October 11, 2019

The Code of Hammurabi

After the fall of the third dynasty of Ur, King Hammurabi came to power in ancient Babylon from 1792 to 1750 BC. As an influential ruler, he accomplished many things, including the reunification of Mesopotamia. His interest in state affairs and his opinion of himself as a â€Å"shepard to his people† most likely led to his greatest contribution to Mesopotamian life, the Code of Hammurabi. The 282 laws mainly focus on responsibilities of public officials, standards for agriculture and commerce, expectations for women, and regulations of sexual relations.Hammurabi believed that the laws were sent by the gods, which explains their strict expectations. In addition, the laws generally follow the philosophy of â€Å"an eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth†, revealing the importance of a strict justice system in Mesopotamian society and establishing the authority of the gods and the state. Overall, the punishments were very harsh, with most offenses resulting in death or di sfigurement.Although today's legal standards greatly differ from those of 18th century BC, the Code of Hammurabi can be seen as the foundation for modern day Western legal codes. One reason why modern society's legal system differs from Hammurabi's is because the concept of order in society and, even, in the family has changed greatly. While there are still economic classes today, they are not judged differently in the court of law. In ancient Babylon the social classes of the offender and victim were factors in determining the severity of the penalty.Family life has also changed from a power based (patriarchal) system to a more nurturing and supportive (unified) atmosphere. For example, during Hammurabi's reign, if a son were to hit his father, he would be punished by having his hand cut off. In today's society this would be considered â€Å"cruel and unusual†. Except in extreme situations, the law would not even have reason to get involved. Such is the case for many of the 18th century BC's codes. Mahatma Ghandi made this distinction clear when he said, â€Å"An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. Modern legal codes aim more at consequences that will help change the behavior, as opposed to punishments that â€Å"get back at† the offender. Despite the differences, Hammurabi's approach to justice was very influential to the development of modern Western legal systems. They were not the first set of laws of this time, but they were the most structured and thorough. In other cultures the law was simply whatever the king said it was, which inevitably would change depending on certain factors.However, with Hammurabi's laws set in stone and displayed for everyone to see, it was clear what was expected of the people. This concept of a fixed law is the primary similarity between Hammurabi's legal codes and those of today. In addition, the code of Hammurabi established that there be a â€Å"process† in law. Because there were now penaltie s for wrongfully accusing another, it made people think twice before bringing up false charges against somebody. In modern society, specifically the U. S. , this concept is found in the fifth amendment under the clause â€Å"without due process†.The Code of Hammurabi may seem harsh when applying it to modern society, but since values, practices, and standards were different at that time, it really wasn't too far fetched. The inhabitants of Mesopotamia valued the individual rights of the people and the means by which to protect those rights. Even though the process may be different today, the general goal of establishing justice within the society is the same. Hammurabi not only marked his place in Babylonian history, but also throughout the world, by constituting a model of moral codes that civilizations would duplicate for centuries.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Night World : Spellbinder Chapter 17

They walked out to Eric's jeep. The night air was very cold and there was no moon. Thea kept her hand on Eric's back, ready to press if he hesitated. But he never did. At the door of the jeep, Thea looked at Blaise. She was afraid to show any expression. Could Aradia see them? She wanted desperately to give Blaise a last hug. Aradia said, â€Å"Is there a window from the shop onto this street?† Thea looked at Blaise. Blaise said, â€Å"No.† â€Å"Then you can say good-bye. After this you're going to have to pretend not to know each other.† Thea stared at her, then felt a wild choked giggle well up. â€Å"Now I know why you're Maiden,† she said, in a bare whisper. â€Å"But-does anyone else realize?† â€Å"l don't think so. Some may wonder, but I think they'll keep their mouths shut. Say good-bye quick.† Thea hugged Blaise, couldn't make herself let go. â€Å"Thank you. Oh, Eileithyia, Blaise, I'll miss you.† â€Å"Now I'm the last of the Harman line,† Blaise said in a bad imitation of a smirking voice. â€Å"I'll have a bedroom to myself,† she added in more believable tones. â€Å"And I'm going to get Sheena good.† â€Å"Who?† â€Å"That's right, you didn't hear. She was the one who turned us in. She's one of Tobias's little girlfriends, Circle Midnight. It seems he's been spying on us. He told her enough that she understood we were doing forbidden spells, and she told Gran.† â€Å"It doesn't matter now.† â€Å"Are you kidding? I'm getting sent to the Convent. I'm going to kill her.† The bells rang as Blaise tossed her head. Then she tightened her grip on Thea. â€Å"I don't know why you want to be with a human,† she whispered. â€Å"But I hope you keep on wanting it now that you have it.† â€Å"Blaise, when you get back-please don't hurt them anymore. They're people. Really.† Blaise sighed noncommittally; Thea could feel it. But all she said, almost too softly for Thea to hear, was, â€Å"I'll miss you-sister.† Then Thea could let go. When she was in the jeep, Aradia leaned into the open door. â€Å"Two things,† she said rapidly. â€Å"And they're all the help I can give you. Mother Cybele mentioned Circle Daybreak. I've heard rumors that there axe witches somewhere who are starting it up again. Witches who want to forget the Burning Times, and who don't hold to Night World law. I don't know if it's true. But if it is, maybe you can find it.† Thea's breath was taken away. The possibility leaped inside her like some unimagined joy. â€Å"And the other thing,† Aradia said, with a rare smile-almost a brief grin. â€Å"Word is that some of your Redfern cousins have started going peculiar. I've even heard that they're talking about finding human soulmates, just like you. You might try and contact them and see what the story is.† Thea's breath came back, and with it, tears. â€Å"Oh, Aradia. Thank you.† â€Å"Good luck, Thea. And Eric. Both of you, wherever you go.† Eric, who had been sitting quietly behind the wheel, reached out to touch her hand lightly. â€Å"And you, too.† Thea could tell by his voice that he was puzzled and dazed, but he was trying not to show it. Then they drove away. Thea turned around to watch Blaise getting smaller and smaller. A little wind blew Blaise's hair, and she looked like a dark and mysterious Aphrodite, a goddess who always did what you least expected. Eric drove fast until they were a good distance from the shop, then pulled to the curb on a tiny residential street. He looked at Thea and said cautiously, â€Å"Am I immune to this stuff? Because I'm not forgetting anything. Or is it going to kick in any minute now?† Thea kissed him. Then she began to laugh hysterically. â€Å"No. No.† â€Å"You mean we're really safe? You're going to keep your powers?† â€Å"Yes! Yes!† She had to keep telling him over and over to convince him. But finally he got it and his face changed. Was transformed by his lightning-bolt smile. He squeezed her and shook her and finally jumped out of the jeep and yelled â€Å"All right! Way to go, Blaise! All right! Yes!† â€Å"Eric!† He pounded the jeep. â€Å"Eric, get back in, you idiot! There might be Night People around.† Then, still laughing uncontrollably with love and gratitude and the relief of tension, she said, â€Å"Come in here.† And she held out her arms. He jumped back in. They fit together perfectly, his arms around her, his breath against her hair. â€Å"I'm so happy,† he said. â€Å"I love you, witch.† Thea was laughing and crying at once. â€Å"I love you, too.† He kissed her temple. She kissed his cheek. Then he kissed her mouth and stayed there for a long while. And Thea forgot about laughing, forgot that there was a world outside the two of them. And then they sat together in the darkness, resting against each other, just breathing. Safe. Connected. Thea was with someone who knew her, who saw what she saw. Her soulmate. And they were free to be with each other, without being hunted, without fear. She was filled with joy and tranquility. And with quiet sadness, too. It wasn't as if this new beginning came free. She still was an exile, cut off from her family. Gran was lost to her. If she saw Blaise, it would have to be in secret. She'd given up a lot. Almost everything. But she didn't regret it. Not with Eric warm and solid in her arms. Not with the Night World saved from civil war, and the threat to the humans here over. And what now? she wondered. Strangely, even though there was no clear answer, she didn't feel afraid. She could visualize many futures, and they all seemed equally likely. Now they would go to Eric's house, and Eric's mother would be puzzled but generous, and Roz would be ferocious but delighted. And next week Thea would go back to school and transfer into honors zoology. She would get a scholarship to Davis and become a vet and use her powers to find out what was wrong with sick animals. Or she would find herself interested in wolves or elephants and would become a naturalist and visit faraway places to study them. Or she and Eric would adopt a puppy like Bud and write a book together to help people understand their dogs. Or she would find Circle Daybreak and meet witches who wanted to forget the Burning Times. And they would be the first to reintroduce humans to magic, and Rosamund would grow up fierce and proud, knowing all the legends of Hellewise. Or she would find her vampire cousins and see if the soulmate principle was really coming back. And their group would be like a magnet, attracting other young Night People with radical ideas, starting an underground revolution. Maybe a new generation of Redferns and Harmans were forming alliances with humans. Maybe it was time for hatred to stop. Maybe the old powers were waking and new times were coming. Maybe the world was about to change. Only one thing was sure. There were infinite possibilities. She held Eric and felt his breathing and was at peace with the night. [The End]

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Ethics: Nursing and Abortion

Working in the field of abortion isn’t an easy task furthermore participating in the abortion procedures. But the field of nursing you have to follow a code of ethics, a set of rules and regulation. Nurses have their personal opinions about abortion, but because they are health professionals and their opinions are sought as such, they are obligated to understand why they hold certain views. Nurses need to be clear about why they believe as they do, and they must arrive at a point of view in a rational and logical manner. To assist nurses in this task, the ethical issues surrounding abortion are enumerated and clarified. To better off explain research on this ethical topic I’m going to further explain my research on my findings on both points of view and balanced both sides so you can get a better understanding. For those of you whose doesn’t know what an abortion is the proper meaning for it is, ending a pregnancy before the fetus (unborn child) can live independently outside the mother. If abortion happens spontaneously before 24 weeks of pregnancy, it is called a miscarriage. An induced (or â€Å"therapeutic†) abortion is caused deliberately in order to end the pregnancy. Working in that environment is certainly a sensitive one, regardless of your personal opinions or not you must undergo certain training to properly fit the job and follow protocol. Not only working in that surrounding a main issue but the ethics of abortion already another ethical dilemma. There are many strong arguments about the issue for those who are in favor and against it but sometimes there is not proper training assigned to resulting in personal feelings conflict with the pre and post procedure affecting the patient and their decision. Classes on the principles of nursing ethics give the nurse the tools to base ethical decisions upon. However, this knowledge is then shaped by the values, beliefs and experiences of the nurse. Recent investigation and studies have showed there has been conflicts arising within that environment. But in that particular circumstance there is not a wrong or right, but there is do the ethical thing without harm. To first start my paper I’m going to briefly speak about the proper ethical way to deal with the whole abortion procedure including there responsibilities as a registered nurse regardless of the circumstances and different environments. Some of the different responsibly according to nynsa, org are, the responsibility and obligation to provide competent and supportive nursing care (ANA, 2001, Provision #1 & #3). The responsibility to provide the patient with objective information and to offer access to resources before, during and after a voluntary termination of pregnancy (ANA, 2001, Provision #1 & #2). * The responsibility to provide care without imposing personal beliefs on patients who choose to abort (ANA, 2001, Provision # 1 & #2). * The obligation for educational preparation, and the responsibility to obtain such, to assist and meet the emotional, physical and psychological needs of patients who are considering or have had a voluntary termination of pregnancy (ANA, 2001, Provision # 3, #5 & #7). The right to their own moral, ethical and religious beliefs (ANA, 2001, Provision # 1). * The right to refuse to participate in a voluntary termination of pregnancy, except in an emergency situation, where the patient's needs do not allow for substitution (ANA, 2001, Provision # 4 & #5). * The right not to be subjected to coercion, censure or discipline for reasons of such refusal (ANA, 2001, Provision #4, #5, & #6). * The right and responsibility to seek employment in areas where the care of patient choosing abortions will not be assigned. These are some of the responsibilities of being a Nurse within the termination field. Despite the protocols they must follow to prevent harm it’s not entitled to something may agree on. Remember nurses are being rotated on a day to day bases meaning they travel around the hospital working in different departments. Despite being pro- life or prochoice they must follow the ethical guidelines not only to keep their jobs and also comfort the patient in every way as possible. Nurses need to be clear about why they believe as they do, and they must arrive at a point of view in a rational and logical manner. To assist nurses in this task, the ethical issues surrounding abortion are enumerated and clarified. To do this, some of the philosophic and historic approaches to abortion and how a position can be logically argued are examined. According to nursing connect. com, the nurses and social workers that were surveyed worked in a variety of settings including acute care facilities, ambulatory clinics and outpatient health centers. We did find that about 40 percent are frustrated and 40 percent are fatigued. One out of three feels powerless and the same even said they were physically ill. † Many nurses believe that feeling conflicting in the decisions has took a toll on patients because attitudes justify a lot in decision making. In an article I read prior to doing my research a Nurses by the name of Ulrich quoted, â€Å"If one believes that they know t he ethically correct course of action but are precluded from carrying that out, then patient care suffers in some way. Ulrich believes that communication and broader dialogue on the subject will help to limit moral distress and the negative impact it has on health care providers. According to Ulrich again, â€Å"Improving the ethical climate begins with administration and managerial leaders. First, I believe they have to recognize that nurses and other health care workers are facing tremendous ethical challenges in providing care and encountering stress related to these concerns. To me, this only impacts the quality of care that is delivered. I do believe with the proper tools, communication, as well as lots of training they can create a better atmosphere and ethical comfortable environment they can focus less on the ethical problems their facing. Every nurse who speaks up when feeling ethical or moral distress is one step closer to eliminating the issue entirely. Recent research according to the school of political and social science, they create assessment basically having little committee regardi ng the questions and concerns of the nurses and survey says it has increased positively. A lot of associations has been created in effort to reduce the ethical dilemma in the abortion procedure. One to be specific is known as the New York State Nurses Association (NYSNA) Position Statement on Abortion was in response to the increasing legislative activity concerning abortion law, as well as requests from the professional nursing community with regard to their rights and responsibilities and the rights of their patients pertaining to the issue of abortion. NYSNA has, through the Council on Ethics and Human Rights, continued to study and research the issues surrounding abortion and reaffirms the position of the rights of women as patients and nurses. There’s many more ethical procedures a Nurse to follow according to the clinic or nursing guidelines. The nurse should keep the patient informed of all aspects of the procedure, provide a supportive presence, perform standard physical monitoring during the operation and afterwards, provide contraceptive counseling, and act as a sounding board or discussion of interpersonal relationships and future plans. High quality nursing requires understanding the physical and psychosocial aspects of abortion reflecting the nurse's recognition of the cultural, religious, and socioeconomic factors involved. This requires a nurse who is fully aware of her own feelings and can adapt or defer them to the patient's needs. In cases of suction or dilation abortions, these actions are particularly import ant, since the patient is in the hospital only a short time and can be easily ignored. In cases of saline infusion, the nurse should be fully aware of possible complications, including retained placentae, hemorrhage, infection, or uterine perforation. If the patient is readmitted for any of these complications, the nurse should continue to play the informative, supportive role. The nurse and social worker should also be aware of the possible psychological sequel of abortion and watch for mental health problems. It is concluded that post abortion counseling is the best time for contraceptive counseling. Conscientious professional support along these guidelines should insure a positive experience for the abortion patient. Ethics committees involve individuals from diverse backgrounds who support health care institutions with three major functions: providing clinical ethics consultation, developing and/or revising policies pertaining to clinical ethics and hospital policy. To conclude my research paper I hope you came out with a clear balance on the ethical dilemma involved in nursing with it comes to abortion procedures. Its takes a lot working in a field such of this when you’re pro-choice or pro-life but sometimes when you’re working in a certain settings there’s rules and guidelines that you must follow. But you should never feel obligated to something that’s you’re not for but in this situation your personal opinion should be kept to yourself that’s why in turn they created association, committees, and clubs set up with ethical consultants that helps with your concerns sometimes even with your thought of guilt. Hope you came out with my paper not only with an open mind but also a balancing side to both sides. Of course this ethical dilemma isn’t something that can be changed overnight because it is a very sensitive topic.