Wednesday, December 25, 2019

Article Review On Using Literature Essay - 1235 Words

Mathematics Article Review Articles are designed to teach the audience a key value or important element. However, most articles are written in a technical fashion and full of jargon. Readers become intimidated by large passages that appear bland or mechanical. Therefore, in choosing an article to review I wanted an article that captured my attention and one that I could learn from. In the NCTM online database, I discovered a brilliant article from October 2015. The article, PractÄ ±cal Problems: Using Literature to Teach Statistics written by Mairà ©ad Hourigan and Aisling Leavy, had a clear and developmentally appropriate approach to integrating literature and mathematics. Upon reading the abstract I became hooked. The abstract of any article or piece of literature serves as the attention getter. I love literature and to learn more about how I can use it in mathematics is something that I want to learn. I believe that every subject is connected and should be presented that way. We cannot teach one without the other. Segregating the subjects and skills does more harm than good to students because it does not promote higher order thinking. Mairà ©ad Hourigan and Aisling Leavy not only captured my attention but they kept it. In the article they described how literature and math can build understanding of probability and statistics while building on prior knowledge. I also appreciated that they presented the integration of literature into mathematics in a unique manner. TheShow MoreRelatedNrs-433v Week 1 Literature Search: Prevention of Surgical Site Infection1272 Words   |  6 PagesNRS-433V Week 1 Literature Search: Prevention of Surgical Site Infection To purchase this tutorial visit here: contact us at: NRS-433V Week 1 Literature Search: Prevention of Surgical Site Infection Details: Conduct a literature search to locate research articles focused on a practice problem of interest. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Analysis Of Out Of The Attic By Briann G. Greenfield

Likewise, many historians consider the importance of studying the Colonial Revival from a material culture lens. Alan Axelrod articulates, â€Å"Objects play a central role in the processes of the Colonial Revival.† Similarly, Briann G. Greenfield’s Out of the Attic: Inventing Antiques in Twentieth-Century New England, suggests an extension of this idea of the centrality of objects. It is, in effect, a celebration of material culture as it relates to a larger historical context. Greenfield effectively describes the evolution of historical and aesthetic use of antiques from the 1900’s onward. Acts of collecting, selling, and displaying the antiques are points of interest in her collection of essays. She notes t antiques as a means to define†¦show more content†¦Chapter three presents Jessie Barker Gardner and George Gardner as twentieth century antique collectors based in Providence New England. The couple were small time, middle-class antique collectors. They were interested in the philanthropic area of collecting. The Gardner’s sought to make a connection between the collegiate space and the museum. Eventually, the Gardner’s donated many of their most prized collectables to Brown University. They implemented very crafty and effective sales techniques. Their goal was to â€Å"subvert the market and capture the antiques at bargain prices.† Though Jessie and George Gardner relished the pursuit of collecting and philanthropy, it was almost always about the profitability. This discussion offers a connection to Thomas Denenberg’s use of Wallace Nutting. Like Nutting, the Gardner’s excelled in a plethora of marketing techniques and entrepreneurship. She further links the importance of consumer culture that Denenberg alludes too. Chapter four is devoted Henry Flynt and his efforts in historic preservation and antiques in Deerfield, Massachusetts. He, too, believed that historic objects reflected American patriotism. He criticized Williamsburg and Deerfield as being â€Å"restored or preserved villages.† Conversely, under his direction, Deerfield, Massachusetts became a â€Å"natural preservation.† This chapter further mentions companies

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Pizza Hut-Consumer Behaviour and the Preference Towards a Brand free essay sample

The research is used to measure what impact a specific change will have on existing norms and allows market researchers to predict hypothetical scenarios upon which a company can base its business plan If the objective is to determine which variable might be causing ascertain behaviour, i. e. whether there is a cause and effect relationship between variables, causal research must be undertaken. In order to determine causality, it is important to hold the variable that is assumed to cause the change in the other variables constant and then measure the changes in the other variable. Hut is one of the leading food outlets in India. It offers its customers a wide range of food items. Pizza hut as a brand has reached to its growth stage as the brand offers a variety of products and many cuisines. The market reach of the product is significant it is a known brand in the market and has 90 franchised stores in India. We will write a custom essay sample on Pizza Hut-Consumer Behaviour and the Preference Towards a Brand or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Pizza hut extensively market ant advertise its brand name by using various method and tools commercials being one of them. Pizza hut vigorously advertise through television commercials. It details the consumers about the products it offer with the range of prices, which gives the consumers a brief idea about the place and brand. The commercials tell us about the new range launched and offers. Pizza hut also do a lot of print and in door promotions, it distribute its pamphlets giving details about the variety of delicacies it offer providing the general public knowledge and interest. It also distributes a lot of discount coupons with the purchase to invite the consumers to purchase more. Pizza hut faces an extensive competition as there are many brands offering the same product line.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

International Monetary System

Introduction The international monetary system is a system through which national currencies and regional currencies are exchanged for each other on the world market. Currencies of different countries in the world are of different strengths and value in the market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Monetary System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Therefore, when they get in the international market as standards of exchange, they cannot be exchanged at the same rate or value. The international monetary system therefore lays down the rules that govern the exchange of different currencies of the world with the sole purpose of bringing in semblance and order. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) is one of the organizations that have the duty of regulating the exchange of currencies on the world market by putting value on individual country’s currencies using the laid down parameters. However, ques tions have been raised on the necessity of the international monetary system and the need for a global currency. Does a global economy require a global currency? The global economy does not require a global currency. Though the world has opened up to become a global village in terms of trade and technology, there remains a formidable imbalance in the economic strengths of different countries. A country’s economic strength is usually determined by the balance of payments, as well as the balance of trade. These are determined by value and amount of exports and imports that have been traded between the country and its trade partners. A positive balance of trade and payments will strengthen a given country’s economy. However, its currency, the negative balance of payment, as well as its balance of trade will as well weaken the country’s currency and its economy. With the use of such market forces as determinants of currency value, the world has been able to trade fo r a long without a problem. Although a global economy would be well off with a global currency, such a move would require the laying down of a global infrastructure to monitor and control the same with all players agreeing to the rules and regulations. This is not viable at all due to the differences that have been brought about by economic imbalances, which lead to work force and infrastructural imbalances in different countries (Gregorio 153).Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More An example of how a global currency cannot work at a minimum is the Euro and the Euro zone crisis. When different countries adopted the Euro in place of their own currencies, they did not see the problem of the Euro zone crisis coming. Weak economies like Greece have had to borrow a lot besides setting in austerity measures as a way coming out of their illustrious deficits. This followed because of wor king at a level that was a bit higher than what its economy could support. This further led to the thought of reverting to its old currencies by the member countries using the Euro. The world leading economies like the US whose currency is the reference point of exchange on the global market would not allow this to happen, as it would lose some of the influence that comes with different countries buying the dollar to trade on the global market. Currency is a mode of identification to most countries. Therefore, ceding this identity for the purpose taking up global identity may not be acceptable. Are International currencies parts of an Imperial Structure? Yes, international currencies are parts of an imperial structure. The United States of America as a country has a policy of defending its interests against all other countries interests on all matters. One of these interests has been the trade on the global arena and the use of the dollar as the mode of exchange on the international market. The US has an agenda to dominate the world at all levels, control it, and have its way in securing its interests. This kind of domination whether directly or indirectly is what can be described as imperialism that has so far been achieved by the use of the American dollar as a mode of exchange in the global market, as well as a measure of a given currency’s value as pegged to the dollar. On the international market, price of most commodities especially oil is pegged to the dollar. Therefore, buying commodities on the international market requires one to buy the dollar first before he/she can now do the exchange (Smith 2). The American government on the other hand is the sole producer of the dollar. Thus, it controls the availability of the same on the market.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on International Monetary System specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More This type of control can be described as imp erialist as it directly or indirectly controls the economies of other sovereign countries. The American government has resisted attempts by other countries to introduce gold as a mode of payment for their exports. This follows because such a move would diminish the American government’s influence on the global economy. Countries keep the reserves of the American dollar in their own coffers for trading with it while at the same time using it as a measure of economic strength. China for example has a substantial reserve of the American dollar that it uses to spread its economic tentacles. Its massive reserve of the dollar has enabled it compete favorably in the international market. On the other hand, it also uses its own currency, the Yen, to tip the balances of trade to its favor by devaluing it to make it praiseworthy cheap on the global market thus dominating the global market with its exports. Such dominance is imperialistic. Therefore, when countries use their currencies to the disadvantage of others, this is as well described as neo imperialism. Is the international monetary system another example of Triadic regionalism and or the influence of BRICS? The international monetary system can be seen as another example of Triadic regionalism. This is brought about by the desire of this group of countries to come together to form economic cooperation that would see the countries engage in similar economic policies for the sole purpose of preserving their economic powers and positions in the global market. The Triadic regionalism concept in this case applies to the countries in the European Union, three countries in the North America (NAFTA), and some countries in East Asia forming the APT (ASEAN) regions. The three regional corporations control almost 80% of the world market. The sole purpose of this kind of cooperation is to have a common purpose in terms of policy thus becoming a block that would give them a strong negotiating position (Hanggi 58). Thi s is truly a form of international monetary system because it allows them to have a lot of economic control over trade, which in turn tips the balance of trade in the international market to their favor. BRICS on the other hand was formed by countries aggrieved by the dominance of the Triadic regional block. Their sole purpose is to counter and reverse the gains made by the triadic group as a way of having a substantial share of the world market too. Both the Triadic group and BRICS can be described as International Monetary Systems because they have the same purpose in coming together.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The sole purpose of these groups is to find a way of removing barriers of trade from their target market at the same time protecting their own economies from the goods from other economic powerhouses, the sum total of it being to achieve favorable balances of trade in their economies. This is meant to keep their currencies strong in the international market in a bid to afford them an opportunity to trade with weaker economies from an advantaged position. Thus, to achieve this, they come up with conditions of trade that will control imports from certain countries at the same time allowing them to exploit the markets in the world market to their advantage. Therefore, the international monetary system is another example of BRIC’s, as well triadic regionalism. Conclusion The international monetary system was developed for the sole purpose of setting standards for trading in the international market. This followed because the volumes of trade between different countries had increa sed significantly thus raising the need for an order. However, the tremendous economies took advantage of this arrangement to entrench themselves as the controlling powers of the same because they had developed their economies long before others thus raising the need to maintain the status quo. Other developing countries whose economies were not as significant before, but have now developed, are also trying to take control of the markets in which they have strengths. Countries like Brazil, India, and China have also come up strongly demanding a share of the same at the international trading front because of the advantages they believe they have against others. This kind of competition has simply led to the continuous readjustment of the international monetary system as time progresses. Works Cited Gregorio, Jose. â€Å"Adjustment in Global Economy.† World Economics 12.3 (2011): 153- 163. Print. Hanggi, Holmes. â€Å"ASEM and the Construction of the New Triad.† Journal of Asia Pacific  Economies 4.1(1999): 56-80. Print. Smith, Neil. â€Å"Imperialism is A Paper Money Tiger.† The Libertarian Enterprise 638.1 (2011): 1-2. Print. This essay on International Monetary System was written and submitted by user Fernanda Z. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Hyperbole and Hype

Hyperbole and Hype Hyperbole and Hype Hyperbole and Hype By Maeve Maddox I once thought that the slang word hype was a back-formation of the rhetorical term hyperbole because advertisements that â€Å"hype† something are often filled with exaggeration. For example, an untried stage production is advertised as â€Å"Broadway’s Biggest Blockbuster.† A shampoo claims it adds â€Å"an infinite shine† to hair. A pick-up truck is shown pulling a jet plane. A person drinking a particular soft drink sprouts wings and flies. All of these selling ploys are examples of hyperbole as well as of hype, but the two words are not related. Hyperbole comes from a Greek word meaning â€Å"excess† or â€Å"exaggeration.† The verb hype, in the sense of aggressively marketing a product with exaggerated enthusiasm, appears to derive from a U.S. slang term of unknown origin meaning â€Å"To short-change, to cheat; to deceive, to con, esp. by false publicity.† The descriptive word hyped, meaning â€Å"worked up, stimulated,† as in â€Å"You’re really hyped today,† comes from a different source. This kind of â€Å"hype† derives from the excited state exhibited by a drug addict under the influence of something injected from a hypodermic needle. Hyperbole is a rhetorical term that uses an exaggerated or extravagant statement. Many clichà ©s are examples of hyperbole: I’m hungry enough to eat a horse. It’s raining cats and dogs. This suitcase weighs a ton. Sam’s all bent out of shape because of Jack’s promotion. As a literary device, hyperbole can be used for humorous effect. Mark Twain is noted for it: if you are anywheres where it wont do for you to scratch, why you will itch all over in upwards of a thousand places. Huckleberry Finn I was helpless. I did not know what in the world to do. I was quaking from head to foot, and could have hung my hat on my eyes, they stuck out so far. Old Times on the Mississippi The genre known as the â€Å"tall tale† makes use of extended hyperbole. For example, the plot elements in the Paul Bunyan stories present one exaggeration after the other: Paul Bunyan was so big as a baby, it took five giant storks to deliver him to his parents’ house. His first bed was a lumber wagon. He screamed so loudly for his meals that nearby frogs took to wearing earmuffs. When Paul grew up, he became a lumberjack and acquired a huge ax. What we know as the Grand Canyon came into existence when Paul took a stroll, dragging his ax behind him. Used in literature, hyperbole can be a source of humor or heightened emotion. Used in advertising and news reporting, it can be a source of misinformation and fear-mongering. Many of the terms used in the media to report on political activities seem to be chosen for their scare value. The term â€Å"nuclear option† is an example. We open our newspapers (or websites) to headlines like this one: Senate Votes For Nuclear Option No, the Senate has not approved dropping an H-bomb. The scary term refers to a plan to reduce the number of votes required to break a filibuster. Where did such a hyperbolic term for parliamentary procedure come from? In 2003, then Senate Majority Leader Trent Lott proposed the adoption of such a plan, calling it â€Å"nuclear.† He was tired of having the opposition block his party’s candidates for district and circuit judge appointments. I suppose he chose the term â€Å"nuclear† because he saw the plan as a way to blast through a political logjam. Politics is not the only area of reporting that makes use of hyperbole to lure readers and viewers. Weather announcers choose words and phrases associated with disaster to exaggerate the importance of unexceptional seasonal weather events. Ordinary hot summer temperatures become â€Å"a possible life-threatening heat wave.† The first hint of snow becomes â€Å"the first major snow of the season.† Hype in advertising is crass and obvious. Consumers can be swept along by it, but they probably recognize it for what it is. Hyperbole is an amusing and useful literary device that spices conversation and enriches literature, but in advertising and news reporting, its often used to evoke fear and dread. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Vocabulary category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Writing a Reference Letter (With Examples)"Have" vs "Having" in Certain ExpressionsDouble Possessive

Friday, November 22, 2019

Profile of Tanystropheus

Profile of Tanystropheus Tanystropheus is one of those marine reptiles (technically an archosaur) that looked like it came straight out of a cartoon: its body was relatively unremarkable and lizard-like, but its long, narrow neck extended out for a disproportionate length of 10 feet, about as long as the rest of its trunk and tail. Even stranger, from a paleontological perspective, the exaggerated neck of Tanystropheus was supported by only a dozen extremely elongated vertebrae, whereas the long necks of the much longer sauropod dinosaurs of the later Jurassic period (to which this reptile was only distantly related) were assembled from a correspondingly larger number of vertebrae. (The neck of Tanystropheus is so strange that one paleontologist interpreted it, over a century ago,  as the tail of a new genus of pterosaur!) Name: Tanystropheus (Greek for long-necked one); pronounced TAN-ee-STROH-fee-us Habitat: Shores of Europe Historical Period: Late Triassic (215 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 20 feet long and 300 pounds Diet: Probably fish Distinguishing Characteristics: Extremely long neck; webbed hind feet; quadrupedal posture Why did Tanystropheus possess such a cartoonishly long neck? This is still a matter of some debate, but most paleontologists believe this reptile perched alongside the shorelines and riverbeds of late Triassic Europe and used its narrow neck as a kind of fishing line, plunging its head into the water whenever a tasty vertebrate or invertebrate swam by. However, its also possible, though comparatively unlikely, that Tanystropheus led a primarily terrestrial lifestyle, and hoisted up its long neck to feed on smaller lizards perched high up in trees. ​A recent analysis of a well-preserved Tanystropheus fossil discovered in Switzerland supports the fisherman reptile hypothesis. Specifically, the tail of this specimen shows an accumulation of calcium carbonate granules, which can be interpreted as meaning that Tanystropheus had especially well-muscled hips and powerful hind legs. This would have provided an essential counterweight to this archosaurs comically long neck and prevented it from tumbling into the water when it snagged and attempted to reel in a big fish. Helping to confirm this interpretation, another recent study shows that the neck of Tanystropheus only accounted for one-fifth of its body mass, the remainder concentrated in the rear portion of  this archosaurs  body.

Profile of Tanystropheus

Profile of Tanystropheus Tanystropheus is one of those marine reptiles (technically an archosaur) that looked like it came straight out of a cartoon: its body was relatively unremarkable and lizard-like, but its long, narrow neck extended out for a disproportionate length of 10 feet, about as long as the rest of its trunk and tail. Even stranger, from a paleontological perspective, the exaggerated neck of Tanystropheus was supported by only a dozen extremely elongated vertebrae, whereas the long necks of the much longer sauropod dinosaurs of the later Jurassic period (to which this reptile was only distantly related) were assembled from a correspondingly larger number of vertebrae. (The neck of Tanystropheus is so strange that one paleontologist interpreted it, over a century ago,  as the tail of a new genus of pterosaur!) Name: Tanystropheus (Greek for long-necked one); pronounced TAN-ee-STROH-fee-us Habitat: Shores of Europe Historical Period: Late Triassic (215 million years ago) Size and Weight: About 20 feet long and 300 pounds Diet: Probably fish Distinguishing Characteristics: Extremely long neck; webbed hind feet; quadrupedal posture Why did Tanystropheus possess such a cartoonishly long neck? This is still a matter of some debate, but most paleontologists believe this reptile perched alongside the shorelines and riverbeds of late Triassic Europe and used its narrow neck as a kind of fishing line, plunging its head into the water whenever a tasty vertebrate or invertebrate swam by. However, its also possible, though comparatively unlikely, that Tanystropheus led a primarily terrestrial lifestyle, and hoisted up its long neck to feed on smaller lizards perched high up in trees. ​A recent analysis of a well-preserved Tanystropheus fossil discovered in Switzerland supports the fisherman reptile hypothesis. Specifically, the tail of this specimen shows an accumulation of calcium carbonate granules, which can be interpreted as meaning that Tanystropheus had especially well-muscled hips and powerful hind legs. This would have provided an essential counterweight to this archosaurs comically long neck and prevented it from tumbling into the water when it snagged and attempted to reel in a big fish. Helping to confirm this interpretation, another recent study shows that the neck of Tanystropheus only accounted for one-fifth of its body mass, the remainder concentrated in the rear portion of  this archosaurs  body.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Discuss the opportunities and difficulties associated with reusing Essay

Discuss the opportunities and difficulties associated with reusing decommissioned offshore installations for generating renewable energy - Essay Example Decommissioning solutions in accordance with the UK legislation concerns about safety and security of the environment, legitimate uses of the sea and support all the economic considerations whenever required. By definition, renewable power sources are those that do not require any fuel as their energy is replenish naturally. There is no constraint on their siting, therefore, because of any requirement to transport fuel rather, the location of the power unit is usually determined by natural features (DoEn, 1988). A basic constraint underlying some of these limitations is the impracticability of storing electricity on a large scale. However the renewable sources require nuclear fusion and fission power plants for the small masses of fuel required, so they can be conveniently sited on the coast with direct cooling for their steam condensers from seawater. Coal-fired power stations, on the other hand, require the transport of very large quantities of fuel and therefore tend to be near coalfields, with air-cooling towers for steam condensation and with makeup water from rivers. Tidal and wave power schemes must of necessity be on the coast or at sea: wind systems, because of their large area requirement, may well be sited offshore. Geothermal plants will probably not be economic for power production but may supply hot water for community heating; this is unlikely to be economic over long transmission distances and so the schemes will be confined to local 'hot dry rock' regions. Solar heating wou ld probably not involve distribution, but would be constrained to direct production and use in buildings in the south of England where there are more hours of sunshine (Peak Energy, 2006) Decommissioning Standards Opportunities Reusing Decommissioned installations is an opportunity in itself that conforms with technicalities like sea-bed clearance, removing installations as and when required, dealing with wastes, observing and analysing remains and monitoring and maintaining a decommissioned site. The Decommissioning Program instead of removing or doing 'from the scratch' installation, abides to the rule of removing partial installations which not only saves time and efforts of the developer but also helps him maintaining a particular standard. In this context the Government is providing full technical support to the renewable energy installation sector by not enforcing any excessive burden onto those who have been declared liable to protect the users of sea and environment. Government provides opportunities to the renewable energy sector to support IMO (International Maritime Organisation) to get along with a standard that conforms to the Removal of offshore installation and structures the Exclusive Economic Zone. In order to protect the Marine environment, the Government is keen to provide full guidance for the offshore oil and gas installations in compliance with the OSPAR Convention (December 2006, Guidance Notes for Industry) which includes support in the form of documents on offshore wind farms. Cost Reduction Reusing decommissioned offshore renewable energy has enabled the BPEO (Best Practicable Environmental Option) to provide least damage to the environment by cutting down the excessive costs in the long and short run. In this way risk is reduced using safety standards of navigation.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Rhetoric & Sterotypes Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Rhetoric & Sterotypes - Essay Example 1996). However, it seems that stereotypes have become woven into the human mind because no matter how insignificant, everyone has stereotypes formed about someone. In particular, the stereotypes of politicians, people with tattoos, feminist, and senior citizens are worth discussing. Politicians help run our legislative system. They are elected by the general public to represent their interest in the government on both the local and federal levels. Sometimes we elect representatives that represent our interest, while other times they represent â€Å"the highest bidder†. I have grown up hearing that politicians are corrupt and greasy; the power ends up corrupting their purpose. This can be seen with all the lobbying and special interest groups that now play a role in our representative democracy. When talking about politicians, stereotypes usually reflect a negative outlook with conversations mostly talking about political corruption and shady dealings with corporate owners for tax breaks. Tattoos are a form of body art that have foundations across most of the cultures of the world. The art of tattooing has been around since ancient times. Some of the common stereotypes held about people who have tattoos are: â€Å"being unsuccessful in school, coming from broken homes, having an unhappy childhood, rarely attending church, having poor decision making skills, usually obtaining further body modification while inebriated and being an easy victim of peer pressure† (Martin & Dula 2010). Many people have learned to associate tattoos with â€Å"destroying your body.† Due to the conflicting nature of tattoos, a generalized consensus would be hard to draw due not only to the popularity of tattoos, but their glorified nature in Hollywood as well as on television. The Feminist Movement focuses on the gender inequalities that exist in society and promotes women’s rights in every aspect of life. Radical feminism has lead to feminist having a negati ve appearance especially when talking about men. â€Å"People imagine a stereotypical image of an angry, man-hating, unattractive woman with hairy armpits screaming irrationally about imagined insults† (Gladen, 2008). The biggest component of the stereotype is male bashing and women supremacy. What started as a genuine movement for gender equality developed into a movement in which radical women wanting to become superior to men and have them feel the way women have been treated for ages. Gerontology is a specific study in psychology which deals with the aging process of the elderly. Across the world, there are many different views about the role of the elderly in society. In the western hemisphere, it is a common practice for the offspring to put their elderly parents in a nursing home once they are unable to care for themselves. In some eastern cultures, it is customary for the elderly to live with the parents throughout their lives. Elderly people are often viewed as ineff icient in society due to the lack of mobility and self reliance from biological and psychological aging. This negative stereotype about being a burden on their families often leads to depression and other psychological illnesses in the elderly which could eventually lead to suicide. There is some truth to all of the stereotypes. Stereotypes are ways for us to self associate/disassociate from people that are similar/different. Like all things in society, some stereotypes will hold true, even with some people conforming to that

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Good Versus Evil Essay Example for Free

Good Versus Evil Essay Good versus Evil At first, it appears that the definitions of good and evil are straightforward. According to the New Oxford American Dictionary, good is defined as â€Å"that which is morally right; righteousness†; evil is defined as â€Å"profoundly immoral and malevolent. † For centuries there has been an argument among many philosophers on the belief of â€Å"good versus evil† and whether it really exists. Some argue that human beings are the perpetrators of evil. Others argue that the world is not a bad place and that evil and suffering is, in fact, necessary. Throughout the novel, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley, there is a clear struggle involving good and evil. The reader is introduced to the protagonist and narrator, Victor Frankenstein, at the beginning of the novel. Victor, a family oriented man, becomes very interested in the modern science world and later on believes that he has discovered the â€Å"secret of life. † With this discovery he goes on to create a monster, who remains without a name throughout the whole novel. At first glance it appears that the monster did everything in his power to prevent Victor from having the happy life that he longed for. Mary Shelley purposely chose Victor Frankenstein to be the narrator of this story. Readers only get the story from his point of view. Frankenstein plays on the emotions of the readers, therefore anything he is feeling, readers feel the same way. He is seen as this helpless man who has been through so much in such a short life, and all because he was being terrorized by this heinous creature. â€Å"I entered the room where the corpse lay, and was led up to the coffin The trial, the presence of the magistrate and witnesses, passed like a dream from my memory, when I saw the lifeless form of Henry Clerval stretched before me. I gasped for breath; and, throwing myself on the body I exclaimed, ‘Have my murderous machinations deprived you also, my dearest Henry, of life? Two I have already destroyed; other victims await their destiny: but you, Clerval, my friend, my benefactor’† (122). However, readers do get a glimpse in to how the monster feels and the struggles that he comes across. â€Å" She continued her course along the precipitous sides of the river, when suddenly her foot slipped; and she fell into the rapid stream. I rushed from my hiding place, and, with extreme labour from the force of the current, saved her, and dragged her to shore I was suddenly interrupted by the approach of a rustic On seeing me, he darted towards me, and, tearing the girl from my arms, hastened towards the deeper parts of the wood he aimed a gun, which he carried, at my body, and fired. I sunk to the ground, and my injurer, with increased swiftness, escaped into the wood† (95). Mary Shelley’s anecdote of a struggle between good versus evil makes the reader constantly redefine who is truly the good one, and who is evil. At the end of the novel, the reader discovers that it is really Victor Frankenstein that is the evil one. He manipulated the readers thoughts and feelings by leading them to believe that he was the good one, that he was being tormented by this evil beast. In reality, this is how the story really goes: Frankenstein was the creator of this â€Å"beast. † Frankenstein abandoned the beast and treated it as if it were too wretched to be loved. Frankenstein, knowing how the beast felt and what he was capable of, continued to ignore the monster’s requests for a companion. Frankenstein knew that the beast would take away all of his loved ones until he got what he wanted. Victor manipulated this monster in to doing his dirty work for him. Mary Shelley displays this battle between good and evil very well. Candide, written by Voltaire, is a satire which pokes fun at a number of Enlightenment philosophies. The protagonist, Candide, is a good-hearted but naive young man. His mentor, Pangloss, is described as a teacher of â€Å"metaphysico-theologo-cosmolonigology† who believes that this is â€Å"the best of all possible worlds. † This belief, which is argued by Leibniz, is the main reason why Voltaire is satirizing his play. Pangloss is an optimist, and believes that no matter what happens, this is the greatest life anyone can live because the good will always be the case. Voltaire mocks the idea that good prevails over evil because he believes that human beings perpetrate evil. He believes that evil does, in fact, exist and ignoring that existence is wrong and dangerous. Other philosophers such as Leibniz believe that the existence of any evil in the world would have to mean that God is either not good or not omnipotent, and that idea could not possibly be true. With this reasoning, philosophers such as Leibniz believe that since God is indeed perfect, then the world that he has created can be viewed as no less than perfect as well. All the â€Å"evil† or â€Å"bad† that people claim exists in the world is only because they do not understand what God’s ultimate plan is. Voltaire strongly disagrees with this idea, as it is evident in his novel. He does not accept the idea that a perfect God exists, maybe a God does not even exist. To prove his point, Voltaire uses a great deal of exaggeration; the biggest optimists in the world, Candide and Pangloss, go through a series of hardships and horrors. These woes do not serve any apparent purpose but to attack this belief that this is â€Å"the best of all possible worlds. † A perfect example is when Pangloss tells Candide that he is dying because of syphilis. In chapter four, Candide cries, â€Å"O sage Pangloss what a strange genealogy is this! Is not the devil the root of it? † Pangloss simply replies, â€Å"Not at all, it was a thing unavoidable, a necessary ingredient in the best of worlds; for if Columbus had not caught in an island in America this disease, which contaminates the source of generation, and frequently impedes propagation itself, and is evidently opposed to the great end of nature, we should have neither chocolate nor cochineal. † This part of the novel makes the reader laugh because chocolate is not the result of syphilis; they are in, no way, related. Voltaire then adds more intelligent and rational characters into the story, such as the old woman, who have more pessimistic views about how the world works. By the end of the novel, Pangloss finally admits that maybe this is not â€Å"the best of all possible worlds. † Shelley, Voltaire, and Leibniz all touched on the subject of good versus evil. Voltaire and Leibniz had opposing views on how the world really works. Maybe there is a bigger plan, but evil does exist and evil is created by all of us. Shelley definitely showed how humans can truly be evil. No matter what, there will always be a battle between good versus evil.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

H.B. Fuller is Not Morally Responsible for the Addiction of Street Chil

H.B. Fuller is Not Morally Responsible for the Addiction of Street Children to its Resistol Products 1. In your judgment, is H.B. Fuller morally responsible for the addiction of street children to its Resistol products? In my opinion, H.B. Fuller is not morally responsible for the addiction of street children to its Resistol products. A corporation is morally responsible only for those acts and their foreseen injurious effects: (a) which the corporation knowingly and freely performed or brought about and which it was morally wrong for the corporation to fail to perform or prevent and/or (b) which the person knowingly and freely failed to perform or prevent and which it was morally wrong for the corporation to fail to perform or prevent. Only two conditions completely eliminate a person's moral responsibility for causing a wrongful injury: (1) ignorance and (2) inability. I believe that H.B. Fuller isn't morally responsible because once it released its product, it had neither control nor knowledge of how its product were to be misused. When understanding the circumstances of why H.B. Fuller's product was abused, H.B. Fuller actually helped out the economic problem by providing employment for the region. No argument can be made that H.B. Fuller did not make attempts to abort the misuse of its product. There is a fine line, however, between whether H.B. Fuller was morally responsible and if it had a moral obligation to intervene to help the issue. To understand this issue from both sides, it is also important to gain a perspective from the corporate finance world. Understanding that the goal of a corporation is to maximize the profits of its shareholders, H.B. Fuller really did not have a social obligation. If, howe... that it did not do? Although Fuller made every attempt it thought was necessary to prevent its products from causing harm, it could have provided more intervention. First, H.B. Fuller should have put more research into mustard seed oil and its effect on adhesives like the United States' chemical companies had done. Research into this solution would involve consulting with the FDA to solidify positive results. This could have very well been an easy solution to Fuller and the Latin American children. Second, Fuller should have decided to discontinue its product earlier than it did. If it did make this decision, then all sales should be eliminated, not just to retailers but to industrial vendors as well. Lastly, the company should have communicated more effectively with its parent company in the US to formulate a sound plan to addressing its ethical dilemma.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Character Analysis a Christmas Carol Fezziwig Essay

Dickens uses Fezziwig to represent views and values, which were once a common way of life for people, to give to the poor and help others, yet these values, and ideals were slowly fading in the 19th Century economic change Shown to Scrooge by the Ghost of Christmas Past, was old happy and energetic Fezziwig, who he was once apprenticed to when he was young, who taught Scrooge to be sharp witted, cunning moneylender like himself. The Ghost of Christmas Past takes Scrooge back to his young adulthood, to relearn the valuable lessons, which Fezziwig taught about life, that wealth and greed, should never come before generosity and those close around you. Fezziwig, the avid businessman, had plenty of money, yet lent it generously, while not holding back in throwing large parties every Christmas for every single one of his workers and some of their close friends. Fezziwig views his workers as members of his family, contrasting with Scrooge who wants nothing to do with his own nephew, only son of his sister, let alone one of his workers like Bob Crachit. Fezziwig and his wife were excellent hosts, involving themselves in every dance despite their age, showing that they were a â€Å"top couple†¦ a good stiff piece of work cut out for them.† Fezziwig was described as being quite old, yet lively, wearing a large Welsh wig, while having the dexterity to still be fit as an old man, in comparison to Scrooge who’s described as sickly and stiff, showing how by associating yourself with others, it keeps your spirit alive and active, when you seclude yourself, you tend to stop caring about yourself and everyone and everything around you. Not only did Fezziwig invite everyone who worked for him to enjoy and to have a merry Christmas, at the end of the night, he even went to the effort to, â€Å"shaking hands with every person individually† showing how he cared and thought well of every single worker of his, while you hear young Scrooge and Dick â€Å"pouring out their hearts in praise of Fezziwig.† The ghost of Christmas past helps to trip Scrooge’s guilt, by quoting â€Å"a small matter†¦ to make these silly folks so full of gratitude†, showing how insubstantial the amount of money and how effortlessly it would cost Scrooge to give to his workers, like Fezziwig gave to him, and how big the reward of seeing gratitude in the eyes of his workers would have and its impact. â€Å"Fezziwig had the power to render us happy or unhappy; to make our service light or burdensome; a pleasure or a toil. Say that his power lay in words and looks; in things so slight and insignificant that it is impossible to add and count them up: what then? The happiness he gave was quite as great as if it cost a fortune.† Fezziwig is a vital, key character in Scrooges transformation, used by Dickens as a FOIL against the character of Scrooge, shown to him by the Ghost of Christmas Past, contrasting the two types of rich, the one who shows kindness and generosity, reaping the rewards, by seeing the gratitude and fulfilment of happiness that brings, by giving to others. The other was on the opposite side like Scrooge, being lonely and bitter, with all the wealth in the world, yet a smile never breaking out onto their cold faces. The memory of Fezziwig’s generosity and holiday cheer helped to jolt and move Scrooge’s stony heart.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Illnesses of the 1700s Essay

Illnesses of the 1700’s There were many illnesses in the 1700’s and 1800’s that were life threatening, or even a sure death, that are in current times, not a concern, or highly curable. Examples are smallpox, bubonic plague, typhus, mumps, influenza, yellow fever, and measles. These diseases almost single handedly wiped out several native American tribes, and wreaked havoc on European communities. Small pox, overtook half of Boston in 1763. There was no cure, and to this day there is not one, however, it is now completely preventable by vaccine. This disease killed 1 out of 6 people that it infected, and left the rest with horrible scars for the rest of their lives. Inoculation began with smallpox, and spread very quickly due to this particular disease. Documentation of Native American artifacts show that small pox swept these communities, wiping out many of the skilled artisans, thus resulting in a lack of recorded history for long periods of time for these affected tribes. Bubonic Plague was also rampant in this period of time, wiping out whole communities. This highly contagious disease is now preventable and treatable, however, even with prompt treatment with antibiotics, the mortality rate is 15%. With housing conditions the way that they were during these times, people lived with many extended family members in one house, and in close quarters with those around them. Bubonic Plague spread like wildfire, affecting thousands in a short period of time. Influenza, which in current medicine, also has a vaccine, and treatments available, swept Europe prior to and after the 1700/1800’s. It is recorded that influenza in Europe infected over 500 million people, with a mortality of 12 million. It is hard to imagine someone dying from the flu, however, even now, the influenza virus mutates from year to year. This makes it necessary for a new vaccine to be developed based on the infections from a particular region so that it is effective in preventing that particular strain. Mumps, measles and rubella also had a high mortality rate, and like the majority of the diseases that affected millions in that timeframe, they are highly preventable with today’s medicine in the form of vaccines. There is no treatment once these viruses are contracted, so the symptoms are treated for both. The MMR vaccine was developed to prevent all 3 of these viruses, and are given with the standard vaccines that children get at their newborn check up. Typhus was a disease spread by lice, that caused massive losses of population. Areas that were overcrowded and communities that were undernourished fell victim to this epidemic. The lice spread quickly and thus spread the disease, people often wore the same clothes for long periods of time, allowing the lice to multiply and spread among households. Even once this disease was discovered, and was being investigated for treatment, the Doctor’s researching both became infected and died from it. It is rare to find this virus active today, and it is treatable with antibiotics. The way that the government deals with outbreaks of diseases differs today from what the procedure was in the 1700/1800’s. The standard protocol then was to quarantine entire communities, without proper testing, and unknown incubation periods, it was difficult for containment to take place. In current times, we have the CDC, a government agency dedicated to discovery, treatment, and containment of communicable diseases. They provide information to the public and are responsible for keeping vaccines updated and effective. In this way, our communities are protected from the rapid spread of epidemics. As one can see, the way that diseases are treated and prevented now, varies wildly from the lack of modern medicine that was available to even the most modern societies in the 1700s.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

General Robert E. Lee Essays - Fitzhugh Family Of Virginia

General Robert E. Lee Essays - Fitzhugh Family Of Virginia General Robert E. Lee Robert Edward Lee was born in Stradford in January 19, 1807. His father was Light Horse Henry. He had three brothers and two sisters, yet he was the youngest. His family was also was very rich. Robert E. Lee went to United States Military Academy. He spent much of his time in his library. His classmates admired him because of his leadership and devotion. He graduated in 1829. He had a high honor at West Point, he even became a superintendent at West Point. He improved the buildings and courses. Robert married Mary Anna Randolph Custis Lee. His children?s names are Major General Custis Lee, W.H.F. Lee, Captain Robert E. Lee Jr., Mary Lee, Mildred Lee was the youngest, and Agnes Lee. Robert E. Lee married two years after he graduated in 1829 and married in 1831. Mary is George Washington?s granddaughter. Lee was away so much of the time they almost never got to see each other. They had to write letters to keep in touch. Lee mostly traveled alone. Mary inherited many slaves and they stayed with her while she was alone. After the war Lee went home and nursed his sick wife. Mary had arthritis and was put in a wheelchair. Lee was a very brave, honest, and smart man. He was a soldier, yet a nurturer. Lee wouldn?t allow anything said bad about Grant. War broke out on the border of Texas between United States and Mexico. The Generals were impressed with Lee?s supervised buildings of bridges. In 1855 Lee became a lieutenant cournal of the calvary and was assigned Texas frontier. He protected settlers from attacks from the Apache and Comanche Indians. Lee hated slavery like the North, but he lived in the South. The South hated Lincoln and the North and the South started to separate. Abraham Lincoln asked Lee if he wanted to be a general for the North, but Lee said ?No.? He wanted to stay in his home state, Virginia. Lee was the first military advisor to President Jefferson Davis. On May 1861 Lee became a General. He helped draw plans for the Confederate forces in Virginia. In the Spring of 1864 Lee first met Grant in battle. There was a series of bloody battles called the Wilderness campaign. Grant destroy the Confederates with large forces and guns. Finally in 1865 Lee became general and chief of all Confederate forces. After General Johnston was wounded, Lee became a General. Lee helped plan many battles such as when they fought General Burnside. Richmond fell in April 1865, Lee?s army retreated west ward. The north surrounded the Confederates. Lee surrendered on April 9th, 1865. Grant tried to make the surrender easy. Grant allowed the Confederate soldiers to take their horses home for spring plowing. Lee said, ?It is well that war is so terrible or we would grow to fond of it. Lee made his last ride down enemy lines on his horse Traveler. Lee won but he also lost. Lee lost because he lost the war, but he won because the war was over. Lee became a private citizen for first time in forty years. He could have been rich, but he came president of Washington College in Lexington, Virginia. This school was named Washington and Lee University. Lee urged students and friends to keep the peace and to accept the outcome of the war. His attitude was extremely important a time when bitterness and hatred swept across the North and the South. In Lee?s home in Lexington Virginia on October 12, 1870. He died from an illness. Some people felt his death as a personal loss. He is buried in the chapel he built on campus in Lexington, along with other members of his family. They call this chapel ?The Shrine of the South.? It is visited by thousands of people. Lee?s home is preserved in Arlington National Cemetery. Lee?s is a legal holiday in most of the southern states near Washington D.C. January 19. Lee?s tombstone is called Valentine statue.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Understanding Indifference Curves and How to Plot Them

Understanding Indifference Curves and How to Plot Them In order to understand the highs and lows of production or consumption of goods or services, one can use an indifference curve to demonstrate consumer or producer preferences within the limitations of a budget.   Indifference curves  represent a series of scenarios wherein factors like worker productivity or consumer demand is matched against different economic goods, services, or productions, between which an individual in the market would theoretically be indifferent regardless of which scenario he or she  takes part. It is important in constructing an indifference curve to first understand the factors that vary in any given curve and how those affect the indifference of the consumer in that given scenario. Indifference curves operate on a variety of assumptions, including that no two indifference curves ever intersect and that the curve is convex to its origin. Understanding the Mechanics of Indifference Curves Essentially, indifference curves exist in economics  to determine the best choice of goods or services for a consumer given that particular consumers income and investment capital, wherein the optimal point on an indifference curve is where it correlates with the consumers budget restraints. Indifference curves also rely on other core principles of microeconomics including individual choice, marginal utility theory, income and substitution  effects, and the subjective theory of value, according to Investopedia, where all other means remain stable unless charted on an indifference curve themselves. This reliance on core principles allows for the curve to truly express the levels of satisfaction of a consumer for any good, or the level of production for a producer, within a given budget, but again must also take into account that they could be oversimplifying a markets demand for a good or service; the results of an indifference curve should not be taken as a direct reflection of the real demand for that good or service. Constructing an Indifference Curve Indifference curves are plotted on a graph according to a system of equations, and according to Investopedia, Standard indifference curve analysis operates on a simple two-dimensional graph. One kind of economic good is placed on each axis. Indifference curves are drawn based on the consumers presumed indifference. If more resources become available, or if the consumers income rises, higher indifference curves are possible – or curves that are farther away from the origin. That means that when constructing an indifference curve map, one must place one good on the X-axis and one on the Y-axis, with the curve representing indifference for the consumer wherein any points that fall above this curve would be optimal while those below would be inferior and the entire graph exists within the confines of the consumers ability (income) to purchase those goods. In order to construct these, one must simply input a set of data - for instance, a consumers satisfaction with getting x-number of toy cars and x-number of toy soldiers while shopping - across this moving graph, determining the points by what is available for purchase given the consumers income.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Vintage Ads of Coca-Cola Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 1

Vintage Ads of Coca-Cola - Article Example According to the research findings, it can, therefore, be said that the unique quality of the ad is the racial representation of all individuals. The sampling nature of the ad displays different aspects. Different racial backgrounds incorporate into the advert creating a feeling of acceptance by all the individuals. The ad is on a hilltop in Italy, represented by a youth singing a unity song. What makes the advert to stand out is the simplicity of the communication method; a song that unites individuals while educating the public on Coke. The ad is different from others, as it takes time before the product being advertised displays. The use of visual communication gives a unique topography, symbol, and photography. The ad provides the organization with information viewing, and television is a perfect example of visual communication. Visual communication is crucial in that it enhances the message that is being conveyed, enabling a better understanding. Visual communication in the glob al perspective and business world can be related to video conferencing, where business meetings are held without the relevant parties traveling to the designated locations. Visual communication has also been used widely in the business sector to advertise their products. The use of billboards does not require any speech, but tells the customer a lot, enabling even the hearing-impaired people to be able to get the intended message. Billboard communication is a common approach by Coca-Cola to interact and set a place in the highly competitive market. The rise of new technologies affects global communication, time and space, which are needed for the process to take place. In the late nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the use of the telephone was common among individuals. It is important to notice the message in the song as it achieves surround the controllable variables that make up the marketing mix. The product, price, place, promotion, and people represent the ad in various aspect ratios.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Job Evaluation at Whole Foods Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Job Evaluation at Whole Foods - Assignment Example The teams have been clustered into departments and the work is conducted by the team members. The teams need to ensure that successful operations are maintained and thus the teams are profitable to the stores, the communities and the organization. The teams have their own roles and responsibilities at the stores and thus functions as being the part of the bigger teams such as stores. It has been noticed that in the store level there are numerous store teams such as bakery, floral, meat, prepared food, products such as fruits and vegetables, customer service and facilities such as store maintenance and janitorial staff, sea foods, specialty such as cheese and chocolates. The other team members are store team leaders, departmental team leaders, specialized store support, associate store team leaders, specialized team members, associate team leaders and team members. At this instance, it is significant to determine the job titles upon the basis of the information that has been provided. Assigned Titles to Jobs It can be mentioned that Job A required a store manager or more specifically the Chef/ Cook. Job B requires a Customer Service Cashier. Job C requires a Departmental Manager or Prepared Foods Team Leader. Job D requires a Prepared Food Supervisor. Job E requires Prepared Food Dishwashers. Job F requires Overnight Grocery Team Member. Job G requires Specialty Associate Team Leader. Job H requires Associate Store Team Leader. Job I requires Grocery Team Member. Job Structure by Title and Job Letter Job A: Store Manager Job H: Associate Store Team Leader Job C: Departmental Manager Job D: Prepared Food Supervisor Job G: Specialty Associate Team Leader Job F: Overnight Grocery Team Member Job I: Grocery Team Member Job: Customer Service Cashier Job E: Prepared Food Dishwasher Process, Techniques, and Factors Process Followed to Arrive at Job Structure In the hierarchy above, the job that holds the best position in the organization was given the top most priority . Furthermore, on the basis of who reports to whom the rest of the positions have been placed in the hierarchy. Job Evaluation Techniques and Compensable Factors It can be viewed from the above hierarchy that store manager holds the highest position which has been characterized as Job A. Therefore, according to the ranking method, it has been observed that the store manager holds the benchmark job and thus all other jobs will be compared with that of the benchmark job. At the outset, Job H needs to be compared with that of the benchmark job since it lies in the second position of the hierarchy. It has been noted from the case study that the Associate Store Team Leader has to endorse and assist the store team leaders with all the store functions. He is responsible for coordinating and thus supervising the products as well as personnel at the stores. The job of the store manager has been to look after the customer service, pursue and thus fulfill with the health and sanitation procedu res. Store manager needs to perform wider variety of tasks at a time. Therefore, his job has been ranked at the topmost level of the hierarchy. The department manager needs to report to the associate store team leaders as well as to the store team leaders. He tends to manage and supervise the Prepared Food Department. The Prepared Food Supervisor is supposed to perform all the work related to the Prepared Food Team Members. He needs to report

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

The market entry strategy of international fashion brand Essay

The market entry strategy of international fashion brand - Essay Example he purpose of insuring the correct market entry of the designer brand, so that the company does not face any risk or loss after launching the â€Å"Tekbir Giyim† brands. The research that is being conducted is through questionnaires, through mall intercepts as women love to go out for shopping, and specially the increasing Muslim community in various parts of Europe is definitely interested in buying the designer brand which is being prepares specially for them. Although the products are still being sold to people but they are not yet owned by the original company â€Å"Tekbir Giyim†, which means that people do not find the brand under the company’s name, it is sold through the distribution. The business these days are getting failed easily on for no reason but yet the proper research clarifies the doubts in minds of people willing to initiate business, the job that we would be performing for the company is the same that is to identify the opportunities and minim ize the chances of loss. The company is facing a lot of trouble right now and thus the research task is to follow a sequence from the problem definition which is the base for the project to be started, to the final stage which is report presentation, which would help the company in taking on further decision, whether to go for the launching of â€Å"Tekbir Giyim† or not, meanwhile the development of an approach to the problem, research design formulation that includes the conclusive research, data collection and its preparation would also be playing a key role in ensuring us about the outcome. The basic idea to conduct this entire research on the designer brand â€Å"Tekbir Giyim† is to identify the possibility of its successful launching in a place other than it is currently available. Our main objective is to go through all the steps in marketing research process, one by one, which would ensure us whether it would be relevant for the company to go for launching or not. This research would not only be

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Literature Review of US Foreign Policy

Literature Review of US Foreign Policy Background America’s 1930s foreign policy was based on the realist school of thought. It emphasised international trade in order to achieve economic rejuvenation, whilst its security strategy demonstrated the practical restraints of Hans Morgenthau’s classical doctrine of realism through withdrawing its military’s international presence. Post-WW2 America’s role within the world hierarchy altered significantly as a direct result of internal structural and technological developments that led it to being a world superpower. American foreign policy encompassed both realism and liberal internationalism in its attempt to defeat communism. The 1970s signified a dramatic change in the foreign policy decision-making process; no longer were Presidents able to operate imperialistically making policy decisions without consulting Congress. Despite being internationally recognised as the victor of the Cold War, America lost its international footing somewhat. Political analyst Kenneth Waltz supports this assertion and argues in the article ‘Is Anybody Still a Realist?’ that foreign policy in a pre-9/11though post-Cold War era, aside from the widely accepted notion that States â€Å"at a minimum, seek their own preservation,† (Waltz, Kenneth. 1999: P.14), realism no longer played a leading role in foreign policy and national security decision-making. Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell argue that US foreign policy and National Security Strategy since 9/11 has mirrored that of former powers on a colonisation mission. A key example used to demonstrate this was Bush’s desire to install a National Missile Defence (NMD) system in Europe. They ascertain that it was part of the regimes neoconservative, imperialistic agenda to impress upon the world American exceptionalism through attempting to colonise the globe by having a military capability world-wide under the notion of ‘national security.’ (Burbach, Roger Tarbell, Jim. 2004). The US government opposes such a claim maintaining that its actions are part of an assertive-realist security strategy seen previously within the Cold War era which confronts threats to America. They argue that like America’s proactive response to the attack on Pearl Harbour, the last time America had suffered such devastation on US soil, that 9/11 warranted a similarly aggressive response. Benjamin Frankel supports this and argues in ‘Realism: Restatements and Renewal,’ that it is neo-realism, not neo-conservatism which recognises â€Å"the ultimate concern of states is not for power but for security†¦states seek maximum security not maximum power.† (Waltz, Kenneth. 1988. in Frankel, Benjamin.1996: P.91). President Roosevelt’s description of the attack on Pearl Harbour as a â€Å"date which will live in infamy,† (Roosevelt, Franklin D.A Date which will live in infamy: FDR ask for a Declaration of War), have been echoed since 9/11. Bush proclaimed the â€Å"world has changed† (Cramer,Jane K. Thrall, A. Trevor. 2012: P.30) as a direct result of 9/11 and therefore had to adapt his leadership style and policies accordingly. Literature Review This dissertation has used many sources to gain valuable information such as facts, figures, diagrams and the opinion and analysis of distinguished politicians, historians and authors. US foreign policy is a broad and complex subject which can be approached from multiple angles. Due to the restrictive word limit, this thesis has confined itself within certain boundaries which specify what direction this thesis is going to approach the title. Through critically analysing these sources, it has been possible to develop a deeper understanding of the topics examined and have helped greatly in contextualising the arguments found within the background and contemporary research. This has played a crucial role in the final conclusion reached. These boundaries are that the time scale used will be between the 1930s to the end of the George W Bush presidency. This time frame has been selected because of the opposing military policies that were used and the economic, social and international implications that such directions were to have; one being isolationist and the other being expansive. Chapters two and three have also been divided in a two-part manner. Chapter two addresses the mentality behind the decision-making process as well as the actions taken in the years preceding Bush’s presidency. Chapter three examines the mentality and actions taken during Bush’s reign. These boundaries have been drawn up in such a wa y that allows for analysis of events in a chronological order. Additionally, the ‘mentality’ has been chosen because it allows for the thesis to address multiple arguments and through thorough analysis determine if the mentality behind the decision-process has been altered and if so, has this affected the actions taken. These boundaries provide a clear sense of structure which is augmented with the aid of the many sources examined. There are a select few sources which will now be addressed due to their crucial role in initiating key arguments and theories throughout the thesis. In his article ‘The Stability of a Unipolar World,’ William Wohlforth provides an important analysis regarding the impact of the structural and technological advancements experienced in the US. Wohlforth argues that it is’ because of â€Å"a decades-old policy of harnessing technology to the generation of military power†¦The US combination of quantitative and qualitative material advantages is unprecedented, and it translates into a unique geopolitical position.† (Wohlforth, William C. 1999: P.17-18). This thesis supports this assertion and uses it as a key argument throughout to provide explanation behind America’s actions and the mentality with which such actions were conducted with. This dissertation comprises a variety of theoretical debates, all attempting to provide clarity and reasoning behind America’s actions both pre and post 9/11. Richard Rose’s ‘The Postmodern President: The White House Meets the World’ is used to provide support and elaborate on this thesis’ suggestion that after 1991 the â€Å"United States has lost its former position of dominance in the international system.† (Rose, Richard.1988:P.237). This was primarily because it could no longer justify having an expansive foreign and security policy to develop its sphere of influence through either hard or soft means as there was no longer an apparent enemy. Craig Snyder provides support for this assertion and further adds a theoretical argument in his book ‘Contemporary Security and Strategy’ that the influence of realism endured a significant decline during this period of relative peace in its use in international relations as well as national foreign policies. (Snyder, Craig A. 1999: P.65). No thesis which incorporates political theories and realism in particular, would be academically justifiable without the thoughts of world-wide acclaimed political analysts Kenneth Waltz and Hans Morgenthau being examined. Morgenthau’s work has been used when analysing the traits of classical realism to see how, if at all they relate to Bush’s actions. This thesis has paid particular attention to the work of Waltz, the founder of the concept of neo-realism, to argue that as opposed to the realist based expansive foreign policy agenda that existed during the Cold War era, States have since pursued neo-realist policies in which they aim to achieve: a sense of continuity in long-term goals, policies which are compatible with the ever-globalising international arena, clear objectives with simple directions to achieve them whilst maintaining a certain degree of flexibility to allow for adaptation to the fluid nature of the international stage. (Waltz, Kenneth.1999). Post-9/11, US foreign policy has often been interpreted as some of the most controversial around the globe. This is because they have been perceived as part of America’s apparent neoconservative agenda devoted to establishing an Imperial America. Roger Burbach and Jim Tarbell are two academics who support such a notion and argue in their ‘Imperial Overstretch: George W Bush the Hubris of Empire’ that the impact of 9/11 provided Bush’s regime with the fuel to pursue his extreme neo-conservative goal of creating a US Empire. The critical and negative wording of the title is such that even without reading any of the actual book, Bush is already portrayed as a leader who has been corrupted by the desire to create an empire. Therefore, in order to maintain academic legitimacy, this thesis recognised that Burbach and Tarbell are obviously biased against the Bush administration. This is not to say that their work should be dismissed, because it shouldn’t, but rather caution should be – and has been – applied when selecting what information to use from their book in this dissertation. Particular attention has been given to George C. Herring’s ‘From Colony to Superpower: US Foreign Relations since 1776.’ This is because this book provides a great insight into US foreign policy history and does so whilst exhibiting thorough analysis of events throughout this time. It has helped this writer significantly in developing a deeper understanding of events that have occurred and placing them in the relevant context. Articles, quotes, resolutions and speeches by Bush’s administration and even himself are all examined in this thesis. This is because they provide raw clarity and reasoning behind the decisions made post 9/11.As president of the world super-power, the American people looked to Bush to act and respond to this terrorist assault. In an address to the nation on 9/11th he stated that America â€Å"will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbour them.† (Bush, George W. quoted in Kean, Thomas H. 2004. P.326. The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States.). Such a statement sets the rigid and uncompromising tone with which Bush was to significantly adjust his foreign and security policies to deal with the situation. Understanding the mentality behind Bush’s decisions is of vital importance to this thesis because if the mentality is proven to have affected the manner in which foreign policy was decided a nd implemented, and if this is different to the various American administrations, then this will playing a determining role in answering the dissertation question. It is for this reason that Bush and his teams’ speeches, articles and resolutions are analysed in great depth throughout this thesis.

Friday, October 25, 2019

how to do things right :: essays research papers

I plan to compare Lars Eighner’s essay â€Å"On Dumpster Diving† and Daniel Orozco’s short story â€Å"Orientation†. Eighners writes his essay after being homeless and experiencing poverty due to a loss job. He gives instructions on how to be an ingenious Dumpster scavenger, during the everyday life as a homeless person. On the other hand, Orozco writes a short story about going through a very detailed orientation on the first day at a new office setting job. Although both of the stories are completely different, one about a homeless man and his dog and his means of surviving , and the other describing a cooperate job, both works compare by: providing specific instruction on how to carry out their responsibilities proficiently, they are both the go-to people in the writing , and they both exhibit the same type of attitude toward work.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One way Eighner’s essay and Orozco’s short story compare is the use of precise instructions that pertain to successfully complete a specific task. Eighner gives great detail for the way one would scavenge through a Dumpster in a proficient manner. As one could imagine, there are obviously things that should not be used or eaten that could be found in a garbage can. He shows incredible knowledge about what types of food appear and what type of condition they are in, whose Dumpsters to ransack through, what is safe to eat and what type of things one could keep from scavenging during a regular day. He also displays knowledge on how to react when people are around and the type of behavior a homeless person should display in public. In comparison to Eighner, Orozco gives direct instructions to the implied reader as to what one should do during their days work within an â€Å"office environment†. He presents the information in such a meticulous way, he doesn’t leave one room to have any questions. Not only does he tell them what to do, he tells them how to manage their time wisely, and how to keep oneself out of trouble. He gives a considerable amount of information about the lives of those who work in the cubicles and who one should become comfortable with and who to stay away from. Seeing as though they are both giving instructions on how to skillfully complete a task, they are both seen as highly respected by others around them.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another way the two works compare is they are both experts at what they are doing.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

The Manual Method compered to ICT

I did not have to use any form of computer of ICT equipment to do this task, as it could have been done by hand. To do this I would take a piece of paper and pencil and draw the company logo and either by freehand, or with the use of stencils could have written out all of the information required and then included the vacancy details. To keep a track of the staff wages and production situation I could have used a card for each position. This would keep all of the job details including: shift times and rates of pay etc. I could use an adding machine to calculate pay, tax and national insurance etc. This manual system would be very time consuming considering the staff wages needs to be recalculated on a regular basis. THE BENEFITS OF ICT The use of ICT is of great benefit for this type of system as once the details are created for the first time they can be used over and over again. This can be done by saving the original spreadsheet and pay slip template then recalling it each time it has to be used. The spread sheet and pay slip can be updated easily by adding, removing or changing information. No need to start all over again each time a week, no need for a rubber or correction fluid if you make a mistake or want to delete information. I have the use of tools such as spelling or grammar checking, I can easily experiment with different size and shape of typeface, I can use colour, clipart, boarders, word-art, tables and frames to make the pay slip easier to read. By using a spreadsheet, similar features as above can be used for adding, changing and deleting information. The uses of formulas help with calculations these are redone automatically each time workers details might change. For example the user would not have to recalculate the total pay or the number of hours worked or garments produced, if job roles changed or wages went up or down, income tax and national insurance can change at least on a yearly basis. Spreadsheets are used as modelling tools to make predictions. For example, as manager could see the over all cost of the company staffing if there was to be a 3% pay rise or pay cut for all of the staff, or if they were to increase or decrease the piece rate for the number garments produced. If a manager had to make a report about these predictions he or she could use the chart functions within the spreadsheet to create a graphical of these situations. ICT has made great steps in the communication of information, files can be sent and received by e-mail instantaneously. Data can be passed around a network for other users to access or the system could be placed on a disk or CD-ROM, which could be used to keep it safe or to pass it to other places or sites.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Code of Ethics Paper Essay

According to Cancer Treatment Center of America (2013), since 1988, Cancer Treatment Centers of America ® (CTCA) has been helping patients win the fight against cancer using advanced technology and a personalized approach (About Us). Each hospital provides state-of-the-art cancer treatment by a dedicated team of oncologists, surgeons and other health experts. They offer a welcoming environment, where patients and their family members can find comprehensive cancer care under one roof. The vision of the CTCA is to be recognized and trusted by people living with cancer as the premier center for healing and hope. The organizational goals of the CTCA are to benefit the patient by providing powerful and innovative therapies to heal the whole person, improve quality of life and restore hope. Organizational goals According to Cancer Treatment Centers of America (2013), â€Å"You and your healing are at the center of our hearts, minds and actions, every day. We rally our team around you, delivering compassionate, integrative cancer care for your body, mind and spirit† (Cancer Experts Who Care). Organizational goals that are within the Cancer Treatment Centers of America (CTCA) are to provide patient care with, compassionate, appropriate and effective to assess and treatment be honest. Make informed decisions about diagnostic and therapeutic interventions based on patient information and preference, documented scientific evidence and clinical judgment. To create and sustain therapeutic and ethically sound relationships with patients and with these goals and objectives are designed to provide advanced training in the assessment and cancer treatment. An objective of the CTCA is to increase the participation of institutions serving racial/ethnic and/or underserved communities with cancer health disparities in the nation’s cancer research and training enterprise. Also, to develop more effective research, outreach, and education programs that will have an impact on ethnic minority and the  underserved populations. Corporation’s Ethical Values The roles of the company are making sure their patients come first, their main focus is not about fighting cancer, and it’s about making sure their patients are comfortable throughout treatment. The cancer treatment statistics and results of CTCA demonstrate their constant efforts to make a difference when it comes to quality of their patients. Each of their hospital provides state of the art treatment with a dedicated team which is oncologists, surgeons and other health experts. Their mission is to keep search for a cure and to continue to keep their patients in good spirits, they do not give up until they have answers. CTCA is accredited by The Joint Commission (formerly Joint Commission on Accreditation of Healthcare Organizations, or JCAHO) with Full Standards Compliance. This accreditation decision is awarded to a healthcare organization that demonstrates satisfactory compliance with applicable Joint Commission standards in all performance areas. The Cancer Center of America knows that cancer patients want their treatment to incorporate the needs of the whole person—physically, emotionally and spiritually. We know they value greatly a multidisciplinary care team that will be responsive to their personal needs throughout treatment. Organization’s Culture and Ethical Decision-Making The Cancer Treatment Center of America organization believes there is more than one way to beat cancer. There are so many people diagnosed with cancer and do not know which way to turn, confused, and angry. The cultural of the organizations is friendly, compassionate, and they treat each patient that comes into the center and gives them all the support that they need. The Cancer Treatment Center treats all types of cancer, and makes you feel welcome from the first day you arrive. Coming to the center, treated with respect and the moral decisions made by you they are behind you a hundred percent. The center is a place that never gives up on trying making a person feel better about their self. The Cancer Treatment Center of America has a vision, and that statement says â€Å"To be recognized and trusted by people living with cancer as the premier center for healing and hope† (Cancer  Centers of America, 2013). Not only does the center treat individuals that have cancer, but they also educate those who are not aware of what cancer is. It is a center for learning as well. No patient is turned down when they come to the center. According to Cancer Treatment Center of America (2013), â€Å"You and your healing are at the center of our hearts, minds and actions every day. We rally our team around you, delivering compassionate, integrative cancer care for your body, mind and spirit. We offer clear information, powerful and thorough treatment options, all based on your needs. We honor your courage, respect your decisions, and offer to share your journey of healing and hope† (Our Promise). Organization’s Ethical Values vs. Individual’s Ethical Values It is important that an organization such as Cancer of America ethical support an individual’s ethical value because of several reasons. If an employee’s ethical value does not coincide with the organizations ethical value it can cause increased stress levels while performing their daily duties. In addition, conflicts can arise due to an individual’s personal ethical values, which can cause stress and eventually lead to work place anger and hostility. Furthermore, dissatisfied employees in regards to organizational value could inadvertently or purposely sabotage the company. For example, an organization’s ethical value gives the patient’s family the authority to decide for the patient since the patient is on life support. The patient’s family member decides not to terminate the patient’s life support because the patient’s family depends on the patient’s social security funds. Your individual personal values do not agree with this because the patient is ventilator dependent, non-responsive to treatment, lacks neurological function and is terminally ill. With this case your ethical values are being affected. Values are the principles that everyone uses to define what is right, good, and just to them. Values provide guidance as it determines the proper thing to do versus what is incorrect. They are our standards, which is the reason why the organizational value should match an individual’s values. Social Responsibility The founder of Cancer Centers of America or CTCA Cancer Treatment Center of  America, Richard J. Stephenson, definitely felt he had a social responsibility for all those in need of care. He felt as if there was not enough compassion, attention and nurturing, to those that were going through physical and emotional changes. Because his mother passed away due to cancer, he felt that it was needed to introduce an all-around care facility that provided surgery, chemotherapy, nutrition, mind-body medicine, and spiritual support (Cancer Center of America). Through their website, they host a community Question’s and Answer’s online that is answered by doctors and clinical experts about questions that you have related to cancer. They also have an 800 number that you can call with your questions related to your cancer, location information and their services. On their website there are cancer survivors stories that you can read/watch that go into full detail about their experience at the facilities. I believe that when you share your vision of making something or someone better, your mission as how you will get there and making a promise to utilize all your resources to try, simply try, on making someone else’s life a little bit better, that is responsibility in itself. CTCA offers clear information, powerful and thorough treatment options, all based on your needs. They honor your courage, respect your decisions, and offer to share your journey of healing and hope. The Mission of Cancer Treatment Centers of America ® is the home of integrative and compassionate cancer care. We never stop searching for and providing powerful and innovative therapies to heal the whole person improve quality of life and restore hope. The vision at the CTCA is to be recognized and trusted by people living with cancer as the premier center for healing and hope. Lastly, they promise you and your healing are at the center of our hearts, minds and actions every day. We rally our team around you, delivering compassionate, integrative cancer care for your body, mind and spirit (Cancer Center of America). Conclusion The Cancer Treatment Centers of America is the home of integrative and compassionate cancer care. Their goal is to serve cancer patients with the best care possible, the most advanced technology, the most recent studies, and the most nurturing staff. At CTCA they believe there is not one way to beat cancer – there are hundreds. According to Garrett, Baillie, and  McGeehan (2010), the health care professional is obliged to protect patients from harm as much as is possible (Chapter 12). The teams of cancer experts include oncologists, surgeons and other clinicians who meet regularly to discuss the progress of each patient’s treatment. The ethical decisions that each member of the medical staff make are in the absolute best interest of the cancer patients and their treatment. The Cancer Treatment Center treats all types of cancer, and makes you feel welcome from the first day you arrive. They offer clear information, powerful and thorough treatment options, based on patient’s needs, as they are at the center of the hearts, minds, and every day actions of the dedicated staff (Cancer Treatment Center of America, 2013). References Cancer Treatment Centers of America. (2013). Retrieved from Cancer Treatment Centers of America. (2013). Retrieved from Garrett, T.M., Baillie, H.W., & McGeehan, J.F. (2010). Health Care Ethics (5th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection database.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Its Good Business Essay Example

Its Good Business Essay Example Its Good Business Essay Its Good Business Essay It’s Good Business: Robert Solomon In â€Å"It’s Good Business†, Robert Solomon, a philosophy professor at University of Texas, explores the fundamentals and significance of practicing good business ethics in decision making. He tackles the correlation between understanding ethics and doing a better job, and the direct implications of not taking the value of right moral into account. In addition, he explicates the myth of amoral business. Lastly, he presents the three C’s of Business ethics and the eight essential rules for ethical thinking in business. In this essay, I will explain and cite examples why I agree or disagree with Robert Solomon’s point of views about business and business ethics. Some of his claims that I will discuss are â€Å"Good Ethics is Good Business†, â€Å"unethical conduct hurts business as a whole†, and â€Å"business is not fundamentally amoral or immoral. Business is not blind scramble for profits and survival but rather established practice with firmly fixed rules and expectations, and people in business are professionals†. According to Robert Solomon, â€Å"Good Ethics is Good Business† and â€Å"unethical conduct hurts business as a whole†. I agree with his point of view because in the previous years, we have witnessed the fall down of the â€Å"big companies† due to their unethical practice. The demise of Enron, Adelphia Communications Corporation, WorldCom is an example that a business without good ethics will not exists for too long. I also agree that being aware of the 3C’s, which are Compliance, Contributions, and Consequences, is the best tool to define Good Ethics in Business. He used Break Breaker Inc. case to prove that unethical business strategy will lead to the quick demise of business. Break Breaker Inc. o some extent comply with legal rules, but failed to comply with principles of morality and community, contribute to the society by producing honest high quality services, and account the consequence of damaging their reputation. Internally, the treatment to the employees is very harsh that results to high turnover due to burnout. The company also lied to the customers in order to earn profit. Apparently, Break Breaker Inc. is not aware of this 3C’s and the value of good ethics in Business. Just like other large corporation discussed above, Break Breaker Inc. ill not be successful because once the customers’ trust is ruined and business reputation is damage through deceiving, it will be extremely hard to gain those trust again. Therefore, good ethics is good business. Johnson and Johnson â€Å"Tylenol Murder Case in 1982† also exemplifies Robert Solomon claims that good ethics is good business. The Tylenol poisoning that caused the death of some consumer in Chicago was done outside their premise. However, the company decided to spend millions of dollars to protect the consumer. They did a massive recall worth $100 million dollars, and paid millions of dollars for advertising to inform consumer about the incident. Using the cost-benefit analysis, Johnson and John will be better off if they only consider the short-term, just like in the case of â€Å"Ford Pinto†. But the company decided to do what is ethically right, and that is to protect the consumer regardless how much it will cost them in the present. As a result, Johnson and Johnson gain trust of the consumer despite what happen and Tylenol is still the leading pain relief over the counter medicine.