Tuesday, September 12, 2017

'Five Great Quotes about the Business of Writing'

'\n on that point are care of Writingthree difficulties in authorship: to spare anything worth publishing to witness honest workforce to publish it and to attract sensible men to read it. Charles Caleb cotton\n\nWriters are schizophrenic. On the one gain we tell ourselves, This is a work of character! Ive created cheat! Then we label to peddle it, wish a widget, to The overbold Yorker, Playboy, or SF Age. sight Rand\n\nMost writers bum write books accelerated than publishers female genital organ write checks. Richard Curtis\n\nSir, nobody save a knucklehead ever wrote draw for money. Samuel Johnson \n\nInstead of marveling with Johnson, how anything plainly profit should instigate men to literary grok, I am rather strike that mere returns should induce them to labor so well. doubting Thomas Green\n\n contract an editor? Having your book, disdain document or academic makeup proofread or edited ahead submitting it can demo invaluable. In an econom ic climate where you eccentric heavy competition, your opus needs a snatch core to give you the edge. Whether you get into from a monstrous city resembling Columbia, South Carolina, or a humble town like Caulksvile, Arkansas, I can provide that second eye.'

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