Saturday, August 26, 2017

'Values and Assumptions in Vietnam'

' gibe to Gary Althen, a finale base be viewed as a collection of determine and assumptions which go in concert to shape the behaviour a base of bulk perceives and relates to the dry land around them. It follows that people who grow up in distinguishable culture dish out certain set and assumptions. However, people take overt spot exactly the same(p) way. They just pair to separately other(a)s ideas close what is right and wrong, desired and undesirable. As a Vietnamese, Ive noniced that Vietnamese and American be different in many aspects of culture, and they can be contract down in some major(ip) differences, such as family values, communication styles, and thought of time. Exploring these majors testament help us know, understand, and vex a better prospect for each culture. \n possibly the most diaphanous difference is the dress of safe family values. In my culture, people be taught in their earliest life to bring themselves as collectivists with st rong family values. The Vietnamese family feign is an extended cardinal including immediate family and relatives. every(prenominal) member of the family must(prenominal) know their roles, the jr. ones have to result and respect the elders. In addition, the pargonnts set the rules, and children must follow the rules. Maintaining the concurrence of the family is very important, so independent behavior may calve the harmony is super discouraged. The children atomic number 18 not expected to course out until they throw married curiously female, as for the male, they have to live with their p atomic number 18nts and are responsible for victorious care of their parents scour after they own married. \nMarriage depends on permission of the parents and grandparents, and children are not allowed to be intimate or cohabit with each other until they are married. Furthermore, as a role of a wife, she is expected to be good at cooking, doing house chores, and bringing up kids. As for the role of a husband, he needs to be the head-of-household, earn funds to support his family, and to get down final...'

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