Tuesday, August 25, 2020

5 Deadly Sins to Avoid on Your Road to Finding a Job

5 Deadly Sins to Avoid on Your Road to Finding a Job When you’re looking for a vocation, it very well may be enticing to surrender and start to question yourself. It tends to be troublesome particularly if all signs point towards disappointment. Here are 5 lethal sins you ought to stay away from on your street to getting a new line of work. 1. Don’t be afraidDon’t dread disappointment orâ what individuals think. You can’t change the likelihood of it is possible that; you can just confuse yourself. Give everything, and everybody, your absolute best. Act naturally and endeavor to be just as acceptable as you can be, at that point better. There will be things you can’t control, however center around what you can do and take comfort that at any rate you won’t be keeping yourself down unnecessarily.2. Don’t let anybody mention to you what to doIf you wind up attempting to settle on significant choices to satisfy notable individuals throughout your life, make a stride back. In the event that it composes, down what all the voices in your mind are stating. Record their upsides and downsides so you can get rid of your own.â 3. Don’t slackNo matter your latent capacity, in the event that you don’t put the work in and get yourself out there, you’ll never break those boundaries. Practice more, work more enthusiastically, and keep an uplifting disposition even despite snags. Some of the time going ahead when you sense that you can’t is the last step.4. Don’t ease upMaybe you’re glad enough where you are. Be that as it may, is it extremely worth taking a chance with your most out of this world fantasies for â€Å"happy enough† or agreeing to â€Å"good enough†? Never be happy with where you are. Remain hungry. Remain positive. Watch out for the prize.5. Don’t give upThis is a piece of the â€Å"don’t fear failure† step. Disappointment can really be helpful. It can give you what you have to defeat the last deterrents, make the modifications, and set yourself in good shape for progress.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Libertarian Use of Punishment to Show Free Will Essay

Libertarian Use of Punishment to Show Free Will - Essay Example Libertarianism is the view that we have through and through freedom. Through and through freedom is a demonstration dependent on an explanation that an operator makes to pick a move from a scope of options (O’Connor, 2011). How decisions come to pass made now and again of varying thought processes may concur with the expansion of quantum indeterminism in individuals’ cerebrums. Following my first reason, libertarians regard that we may consider people ethically responsible just in the event that they practice choice, an individual can openly decide to make a move, making them answerable, ethically. This makes individual free and morally mindful in light of the fact that they have taken a decision that is dubious. Notwithstanding the unsure decisions they set forward, barely any libertarians will declare to offer an episteme avocation that people took that sort of choices.â Libertarians choose the level of cruelty that is doled out to a person whose ethical duty has be en set up to the adequate guidelines of the general public. Be that as it may, they to concur that allocating those troublesome attribute of good obligation to people who doesn't have confidence in libertarian unrestrained choice is to make a move wrongly. Henceforth supporting my reason that discipline offered by free willed libertarian must be done to an adherent of the equivalent, so as to be considered right. The subsequent reason contends that that greater part of libertarians regard that we should consider people ethically dependable. Considering an individual ethically mindful assess a scope of practices; that might be either positive or negative. Models include: verbal allegation, recognition and fault and retributive punishment. Libertarians vary among themselves over choosing the amount of that combination moral obligation contain. In any case, because of the way that even the littlest of bothersome conduct hurts individuals, libertarians utilize the commitment of good dut y as a defense to transforms in any case corrupt conduct into culpable activity (Double). Some libertarians anyway have more to their considerations on discipline. Imprint Balaguer (1999) contends that there is sufficient reason for accepting option are unsure as we accomplish for assuming they are resolved. He contends that no one knows precisely how the human cerebrum functions. In any case, his contention neglects to offer motivation to build up that minds settle on sabotaged decisions offers space to accept we do settle on decisions based our unrestrained choice. Robert Kane (1996, 1999) takes an elective view different libertarians expressing that Kanian free choosers may just have incomplete command over their decisions. His suggests that they are just, somewhat, ethically answerable for their deeds. Since Kane’s hypothesis settles on indeterministic decisions depend upon an uncertain quantum activities, he surrender that Kanian free people need command over what they pick. Kane’s view would not be shared by customary libertarians definitely in light of the fact that his contention of having less authority over activities taken neglects to help the duty that libertarians wish to dole out. Doing this would make it hard to give stress on the significance to libertarians of relieving the acts of making an individual mindful ethically for his deeds.â The most grounded contention raised against libertarian contention to utilize discipline to show through and through freedom is the proportionality rule. The proportionality rule gives us how much punishment a petitioner may correct to a miscreant, and no more;

Monday, August 10, 2020

Concentration Choice at SIPA COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog

Concentration Choice at SIPA COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog One of the questions that has been popping up in our email in box has to do with the choice of concentration at SIPA.   You can think of your concentration as your major field of study.   Many applicants are worried that they must stick with the concentration selected when the admission application was filled out.   This is not the case. We do look for focus in an admission application and the concentration choice often will influence how a file is read.   For example, if someone selects International Finance and Economic Policy on the admission application we do look for evidence of some pretty serious quantitative study and/or work experience due to the fact that this concentration is quantitatively heavy. However, we also realize that when admitted applicants enroll and speak with faculty, take some classes, interact with second year students, and attend events, ones career or academic focus might shift and we want to be flexible and allow students to choose the pathway that is best for their professional goals.   Often this insight only comes after actually enrolling and spending time at SIPA. Thus it is perfectly acceptable to change your concentration when you register for classes in the fall.   There is no formal process, you simply must choose a concentration when you register.   There is also no firm time line to finalize your choice, however the longer you wait, the more precarious completing the requirements becomes. The counseling students receive will thus encourage you to be firm with your concentration choice sometime during your first year, and the sooner the better so that you may shape your class schedule and internships.   All of our program requirements must be completed in four semesters and deciding early will help alleviate pressure over time by narrowing your class choices. So there is no need to worry about sticking to the concentration selected on the admission application.   At Orienation new students will have the opportunity to hear faculty speak about the different options and the concentration choice will be made when you register.   If you need to change again when you register for the second semester you may, but again the more focused and certain you are, the more you will be able to gain from the program.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

Sociology An American Sociologist C. Wright Mills

1. Sociology is a science which study on relationship between the self and the society and their influences on each other. In order to survive we need each other. We cannot live by our own, so we are not independent individuals in the sociological world. Sociology also helps us to recognize our position in the society by our â€Å"sociological imagination.† An American sociologist C. Wright Mills created the term sociological imagination to know our interdependent relationship between who we are as individual and the influences around us that shape our lives. By imagining how our actions might look to another person, we can have a better understanding on ourselves and our social worlds. Mills argued that the sociological imagination is all about interaction between history and biography. â€Å"History† in this case means our time in which we live and our position in society and our needs. â€Å"Biography† is our own experiences, our actions, our thought, and our choices me make. He believed that our life and the history of society are related to each other and cannot be understood without any of them. The society shapes our actions which means that factors such as age, gender, race, ethnicity, class and level of education shape our priority choices, our view point, and our opportunities. According to Mill, one of the ways to develop our sociological imagination is to know private troubles and public issues. Private problems are problems that we alone face them and it is our own problems.Show MoreRelated Charles Wright Mills Essay examples1549 Words   |  7 PagesC. Wright Mills Charles Wright Mills was a social scientist and a merciless critic of ideology. Mills was born to Charles Grover and Frances Ursula Wright Mills on August 28, 1916, in Waco, Texas. Mills was brought up in a strict Catholic home, but he rebelled against Christianity in his late adolescence. Mills discovered his interest in architecture and engineering when he graduated from Dallas Technical High School in 1934. From 1934 to 1935, Mills attended Texas AM. Here he found himselfRead MoreSociology : How Human Action And Consciousness Shape The Surrounding Of Cultural And Social Culture1734 Words   |  7 PagesZygmunt Bauman once said, â€Å"The task for sociology is to come to the help of the individual. We have to be in service of freedom. It is something we have lost sight of.† This quote means the main purpose of sociology is to help people with our freedom of service, because it is something we as people lost sight of. Sociology can be defined by Dictionary.com, as the s cience or study of the origin, development, organization, and functioning of human society; the science of the fundamental laws of socialRead MoreComparing Peter Berger and C. Wright Mills Essay1932 Words   |  8 PagesOn reading the excerpts by Peter Berger and C. Wright Mills, it is obvious that these two sociologists have very different methods as to how the practice of sociology should be conducted. While these two authors may differ in their various methods, they both have an underlying point that they are trying to make which can be made applicable in any person’s daily life. The main point behind Peter Berger’s work Introduction to Sociology is that in order to find out the truth about a person or perhapsRead MoreThe Life and Achievements of Charles Wright Mills Essay1675 Words   |  7 Pagesin Waco, Texas, to Charles Grover and Frances Ursula Wright Mills, Charles Wright Mills was brought up in a strict Catholic home. Rebelling against Christianity early into his adolescence, Mills later became known to be one of the greatest social scientists and a merciless critic of ideology. Mills later graduating from Dallas Technical High School in 1934, discovered a great passion for engineering and architecture. From 1934 to 1935, Mills attended Texas AM where he found himself extremely dissatisfiedRead MoreThe Sociological Imagination By C. Wright Mills1315 Words   |  6 Pageswithin society. This is its task and its promise.† C. Wright Mills writes about the sociological imagination in an attempt to have society become aware of the relatio nship between one’s personal experience in comparison to the wider society. By employing the sociological imagination into the real world, individuals are forced to perceive, from a neutral position, social structures that, in turn, influence behavior, attitudes, and culture. Mills just wants the world to be able to see the connectionRead MoreEssay on The Sociological Imagination1389 Words   |  6 Pagesalso involves a deep appreciation for the importance of society and culture. Consequently, for a person that has completed a basic introduction to sociology college course and actually paid attention, I would hope that they have been exposed to some basic taste of the sociological imagination. Over the past three and a half years as a student of Sociology at State University, I believe my own sociological imagination has grown exponentially, and I have been able to apply it to different elements ofRead MoreSociological Imagination s Critical Review1319 Words   |  6 Pageswithin society. This is its task and its promise.† C. Wright Mills writes about the sociological imagination in an attempt to have society become aware of the relationship between one’s personal experience in comparison to the wider society. By employing the sociological imagination into the real world, individuals are forced to perceive, from a neutral position, social structures that, in turn, influence behavior, attitudes, and culture. Mills just wants the world to be able to see the connectionRead MoreSociologists Study A Large Range Of Subjects879 Words   |  4 PagesSociologists study a large range of subjects. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines sociology as â€Å"the systemati c study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings.† The way a sociologist may perceive something can change from what perspective they are using. Is that sociologist using functionalism, symbolic interactionism, or conflict theory? Sociologists study the history of economics, types of economies, and who is running them. SociologistsRead MoreWhat Did C. Wright Mills Mean by the â€Å"Sociological Imagination†?2277 Words   |  10 PagesWhat did C. Wright Mills mean by the â€Å"sociological imagination†? C. Wright Mills has been defined by some as the pioneer of the new radical sociology that emerged in the 1950s, in which his book, The Sociological Imagination (1959), has played a crucial role (Restivo 1991, p.61). This essay will attempt to explain what the â€Å"sociological imagination† is, and why it has been important in the development of sociology over the last fifty to sixty years. In order to do this, it will firstly be essentialRead MoreSociological Imagination Summary1307 Words   |  6 PagesAns: In the book â€Å"The Sociological Imagination†, the author C. Wright Mills begins by describing the perilous situation of the American man during the 1950s. He describes they situation as one of internment and frailty. Mills sees men as restricted by the routines of their daily lives. They go to their jobs and become workers, they go home and are family men. The American men of the 1950s were in a state of powerlessness due to the effects of World War Two and the looming threat of nuclear warfare

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Adolescent Cognitive Development Within The Breakfast Club...

Adolescent Cognitive Development Within The Breakfast Club Five teens, five different cliques, one eight-hour Saturday detention. These is the basics of The Breakfast Club. Through spending the day with one another Allison, Andrew, Brian, Claire and John realize there isn’t much difference between them, and the differences that are between them aren’t too important. Watching The Breakfast Club is a great way to learn about adolescents. You have five, very different -yet very similar- adolescents to observe along with what they do together. In observing them you can understand how they’re beginning to cognitively develop from children to adults Piaget says that within the cognitive development, there are stages. During adolescence, people hit the point where they are ending the concrete operational stage and are beginning the final stage: the formal operational stage. This means they start solving problems more rationally with increased logic, thinking more abstractly, and begin to use deductive reasoning (meaning they think about one or more statements to reach their conclusion with logic). There is also the information processing perspective which says it is more of a gradual thing than a step by step approach. The teens show they are beginning to flow into the adolescent stage of their life with their inferred thoughts, actions and words throughout the whole movie. One thing that puts an adolescent in the formal operational stage is the ability to think abstractly aboutShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Movie The Breakfast Club Essay1727 Words   |  7 PagesThe iconic coming-of-age movie The Breakfast Club, focuses on the development of five, seemingly very different high school students. In the movie we are presented with the five main characters all with stereotypes that they identify with. Claire is the princess or the beauty queen, John, often referred to by his last name â€Å"Bender,† is the criminal, Brian is the brain or the nerd, Andrew, is the athlete, a wrestler , and finally Allison is the basket case or the weirdo. The story is set in saturdayRead MoreThe Breakfast Club Essay1466 Words   |  6 Pagesbehavior and development. (Life Span page 36) Adolescent teens will most likely have difficulty with social, parental and sexual issues, physical changes to their body, identity confusion, a tendency to participate in risky b ehavior and establishing independence. In the movie, The Breakfast Club, a group of teens are sentenced to detention on a Saturday morning for various infractions committed while at school. The characters consists of five teens from different stereotyped groups within the schoolRead MoreEssay on Child Care Observation2227 Words   |  9 PagesChild Care Observation I observed children at ABC Child Development Center in the 3 year old classroom on March 1, 2010 from 8am until 11am. The classroom had a very diverse composition in the classroom, Hispanic, African American, Caucasian, Native American, and Asian (Vietnamese). In addition to diversity the ABC child development focus on maintaining a child centered environment that allows children to learn at their own pace. The classroom had 2 teachers and 24 children in attendance duringRead MoreInflence of Parental Monitoring on Adolescent Decision Making9466 Words   |  38 PagesABSTRACT Adolescents, who are neither children nor adults, stand with a foot in each world (childhood and adulthood). Their intellectual and emotional development is greater than that of young children, yet they are not fully mature. By age 14, their basic cognitive skills are substantially similar to what they will be in adulthood, although they lack the experience of adults. They are likely to have a well-developed set of preferences and a set of moral values. Risk taking is a natural partRead MoreCommunity Health Assessment of a Community2461 Words   |  10 PagesIt holds community safer for the residents and the governing body. Essex County is bordered by human made boundaries. The weather of the community fluctuates according to the seasons. The usual temperature throughout winter stays within 24 to 42 degrees Fahrenheit. In the summer, it hikes up, and ranges between at 68 to 85 Fahrenheit. Natural disasters like flood, blizzards, snowstorms, heavy rains hurricanes, power outrage, water shortage commonRead MoreRe: Assignment5996 Words   |  24 Pagesand Care Trust in Northern Ireland) are put through official examination under The Children’s Act 2004. The Children’s Trust is the other one and they gather all the local children’s and young people’s services. Consequently they help with the development of these services in order to meet the five outcomes of Every Child Matters which are: being healthy, staying safe, enjoying and achieving, making a positive contribution and economic well-being. Tadworth is an example of The Children’s Trusts andRead Morepreschool Essay46149 Words   |  185 Pages California Preschool Learning Foundations Volume 2 Visual and Performing Arts Physical Development Health Publishing Information The California Preschool Learning Foundations (Volume 2) was developed by the Child Development Division, California Department of Education. This publication was edited by Faye Ong, working in cooperation with Laura Bridges and Desiree Soto, Consultants, Child Development Division. It was designed and prepared for printing by the staff of CDE Press, with theRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words   |  1617 PagesSoftware Services Printer/Binder: Edwards Brothers Cover Printer: Coral Graphics Text Font: 10/12 Weidemann-Book Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2011, 2007, 2005, 2002, 1998 Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall, One Lake Street, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protectedRead MoreOrganisational Theory230255 Words   |  922 Pagesproblematic and challenging subject. This is not the case with the present book. This is a book that deserves to achieve a wide readership. Professor Stephen Ackroyd, Lancaster University, UK This new textbook usefully situates organization theory within the scholarly debates on modernism and postmodernism, and provides an advanced introduction to the heterogeneous study of organizations, including chapters on phenomenology, critical theory and psychoanalysis. Like all good textbooks, the book isRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 PagesPrinter/Binder: Courier/Kendallville Cov er Printer: Courier/Kendalville Text Font: 10.5/12 ITC New Baskerville Std Credits and acknowledgments borrowed from other sources and reproduced, with permission, in this textbook appear on the appropriate page within text. Copyright  © 2013, 2011, 2009, 2007, 2005 by Pearson Education, Inc., publishing as Prentice Hall. All rights reserved. Manufactured in the United States of America. This publication is protected by Copyright, and permission should be obtained

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Salmonella Free Essays

Bacteria are often the cause of various diseases that humans suffer from. They become one of the major factors of human mortality if not properly addressed. This is the reason why it is essential that people are properly informed about the effects of these bacteria and how they can be prevented and treated. We will write a custom essay sample on Salmonella or any similar topic only for you Order Now It is highly important to disseminate information to the public about the bacteria that could be acquired easily by human beings in their everyday life, especially when it comes to their food intake. A good example of food borne bacteria is Salmonella. Salmonella is a â€Å"genus of bacteria that are a major cause of food borne illness throughout the world† (World Health Organization [WHO], 2008, n. p. ). The bacteria are rod-shaped, motile bacterium. However, there are nonmotile like gallinarum and pullorum. Salmonella is observable in animals, commonly in poultry and swine, as well as in environmental source of the organism such as water, soil, and insects. Facilities like factory surfaces and kitchen surfaces are also areas where bacteria grow (Walderhaug, 1992). Mode of Transmission Contaminated food is the main mode of transmission of the bacteria. Salmonella is commonly acquired by human beings by consuming food that comes from animals like meat, poultry, eggs, milk, and others (WHO, 2008). The bacteria can infect various domestic animals, birds, as well as other wildlife. The food derived from these living things and even the consumption of these animals itself is the major cause of infection. People become even more susceptible to salmonella if the food they eat is not prepared properly. Furthermore, the bacteria could also be transmitted through water or by means of direct contact with infected animal or person. However, such kinds of transmission are less likely to occur (Louisiana Department of Health and Hospitals, n. d. ). Possible Reservoirs for Salmonella Outbreak The primary reservoirs for nontyphodial Salmonella organisms are poultry, livestock, reptiles, and pets (Chatterjee, Varman, Crevi 2006). This is due to the fact that salmonellosis is considered to be a zoonosis that has many animal reservoirs. As previously mentioned, the bacteria are commonly found in chickens, turkeys, pigs, as well as cows. Numerous domestic and even wild animals also serve as host for these organisms. This is proven by a recent examination of various animals in the United States. Salmonellae are found to be present in 41% of turkeys in California, 50% of cultured chickens in Massachusetts, and in 21% of commercially frozen egg whites in Washington (Gianella, 1996). Possible Ways of Food Contamination The main reason for food contamination is the improper handling, preparation, and cooking of meals, especially of poultry products. Food coming from animals such as eggs and chicken that are infected with salmonella could transmit these bacteria if they are not properly cooked. Food contamination could also take place during preparation. For instance, if the raw chicken used as an ingredient to make potato salad contains salmonella, the whole meal could be contaminated. Moreover, the outbreak of the bacteria is caused by the increase in the number of agents. This could occur through Salmonella typhi, which is responsible for causing enteric fever or typhoid fever. Salmonella typhi is only found in humans that could easily spread through foreign travel. People who travelled abroad acquired these bacteria through contaminated food and water. They also become probable chronic carrier of these bacteria. In fact, in the U. S. , more than two-thirds of salmonella infection in 50,000 cases of Salmonella gastroenteritis and 400 cases of typhoid fever is due to foreign travel (Chatterjee, Varman, Crevi 2006). Prevention Since the main mode of transmission of Salmonella is through contaminated food, the best possible way to prevent the outbreak of these bacteria is by means of food safety. Food safety pertains to conditions and practices which make sure that the quality of food is preserved in order to prevent contamination as well as food borne illnesses. Some of the ways that would prevent food contamination are: washing of thoroughly of hands, making sure that all utensils used for food preparation are clean, properly storing food items to avoid cross-contamination, and cooking meals at the correct temperature to kill existing bacteria that are present (A. D. A. M. , Inc. , 2008). Furthermore, the environmental surroundings should also be kept clean especially because salmonella could also be found in water and soil. People should also be more careful of the water that they drink. How to cite Salmonella, Papers

Saturday, May 2, 2020

Global Logistics Transport and Distribution Management

Question: Discuss about the Global Logistics Transport and Distribution Management. Answer: Introduction The transport and distribution management department of DHL plays a vital role in developing the potential of the business. DHL is a logistics company operating in 220 countries and territories and they have made a notable presence in the global business of logistics and shipping (DHL Express | Shipping, Tracking and Courier Delivery Services, 2017). The company DHL has achieve various organizational goals with creative operation methods and attractive solutions for their customers. DHL is a part of the worlds leading postal and logistics company Deutsche Post DHL Group (DHL Express | Shipping, Tracking and Courier Delivery Services, 2017). The essay covers the incoterms of DHL, the carrier selection criteria and relationship management process with those carriers of DHL. The DHL use to give express services to its all customers and clients (MyDHL offers solutions for shipping, tracking, billing and more. Sign up as an account holder or new user, 2017). The firm has expertise in international shipping and courier delivery services (DHL Express | Shipping, Tracking and Courier Delivery Services, 2017). The MyDHL offers the customers to use online shipping solutions. Whereas, the Express shipping gives advice to their customers regarding the fuel charges, surcharges, packaging tips, import guidelines and Waybill Tips. All sort of customer support is provided by DHL in all the countries along with Singapore. However, they have various advanced shipping solutions provided by the entire distribution network (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). The essay discusses various contemporary objectives of DHL. Incoterms Selection Consideration The study of incoterms selection of DHL needs the supportive theoretical background of Incoterms. The Incoterms are various trade terms published by the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) (Waters Rinsler, 2014). The Incoterms are international commercial terms which are used to make international trading easier between two companies operating in two countries. The first Incoterms were developed in the year 1936 and it gets updated every 10 years by ICC. The word Incoterms can be simplifies as in, co and terms, which implies, a contract between two companies with few terms. The terms are classified in 13 terms regarding excise duty and other charges applied by the governments of the two countries regarding the shipment of the goods. The incoterms introduced by ICC can be classified in two types Collect terms and Prepaid terms. The Collect terms are Ex Works (EXW), Free Carrier (FCA), Free On Board (FOB) and Free Alongside Ship (Ocean freight only) (FAS). The prepaid terms are Cost and Freight (Ocean freight only) (CFR), cost Insurance and Freight (Ocean freight only) (CIF), Carriage Paid to (CPT), Carriage and Insurance Paid to (CIP), Delivered at Terminal (DAT), Delivered at Place (DAP), Delivered Duty Paid (DDP). The company DHL uses to provide various customs brokerage services like Import Export Declaration Filling, Security Filling, Duties and taxes advancement and other permits and licensing services to its clients. Along with that, the additional services like Foreign Trade Zone, Bonded Warehouse, Duty Drawback Processing and Fiscal Representations are provided by DHL (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). The shipping company DHL has potential in the transport operations. The company has introduced DHL ProView for their clients through the facilities of online tracking services. They offer the real-time shipment assurance for the products (Dhl-usa.com, 2017). The company has achieved the title of global market leader with the unparalleled expertise services to its clients. Along with that, they have always focused on their sustainability. DHL has a very good presence in the Logistics sector of Singapore and other countries (DHL | Press | English, 2017). The strategy of the company is to focus on their goals and connect with their clients in transparent way and grow to the optimum level of service. The company has always focused on the improvement of the lives of their customers (DHL | Press | English, 2017). However, they believe to deliver Joy, Prosperity and Trust among the business clients and the partners. The DHL services assure their clients with the protection value during shipment. The company compensates all the misconducts during the shipping of goods. Along with that, they cover the freight against loss or damage due to any external cause. Whereas, other shipping companies use to overlook these things during transportation (DHL | Press | English, 2017). The company has Ad-hoc protection Policy and Annual Protection Policy. DHL have various freight security services too for their clients. These services are the incoterms chosen by DHL for the overseas clients (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). DHL has sufficient transportation capabilities. It is recommended to DHL to improve their services by applying few offers in the payment of custom duties and this will give them competitive advantage in the market (Mangan, Lalwani Lalwani, 2016). Carrier Selection Criteria DHL has achieved the success through various business strategies. The DHL believes that, a transportation company plays a major role in connecting people of two different countries. The vision of DHL is to improve the lives of the people (DHL Express | Shipping, Tracking and Courier Delivery Services, 2017). The service quality of delivering a product is the main criteria to get success in the business. The company DHL uncompromisingly delivers customer centric excellence in day to day business operations. The company focuses to build a better society, happier employees and good relationship with all the investors (DHL Express | Shipping, Tracking and Courier Delivery Services, 2017). The company believes that, knowledge and expertise can connect the people of two organizations. However, every significant step taken by the people of this organization plays a major role in connecting people of the two organizations. DHL works diligently to find new ideas to build and maintain the global family of business in easier way (DHL Express | Shipping, Tracking and Courier Delivery Services, 2017). The organization has started specialized training program for the entire workforce to pursue the goal of connect across organization. In the transportation and shipping business, the safety of the goods is a major factor for the carrier selection. The success of a delivery lies with the safety of the good. DHL always focuses on the safety and security of the goods. For this purpose, the company has started various schemes to support their client in the misconducts in shipping process (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). The cost of loss and damage are also be paid by DHL to their clients. Thus, the company draws a potential impact among the criteria of selection of carrier. DHL has established a true security culture in the field of global freight. The company has put an in-house security department (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). DHL was the first company who received the Customs Trade Partnership Against Terrorism from the US Customs and Border Protection Agency. The company has achieved several accreditations as Best Practice by the US authorities (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). The company use to manage the freight security through a global incident reporting room. The entire system controls the security of more than 100 locations and forwards the secure approach for every shipment. DHL uses to do various risk assessment to secure all the assets of the clients (DHL | Freight Transportation | English, 2017). For the security purposes, the company has introduced various insurance schemes such as Air Ocean Cargo Insurance, Road Freight Insurance and many more (DHL | Customs Services | English, 2017). The timeliness is a big factor in the shipping business. DHL always focuses on the timeliness of the delivery of each product. The company believes that, the timeliness is a major quality for selection of a carrier (DHL | Customs Services | English, 2017). Though, there are various similar companies who are the competitors of DHL and they also focuses on the timely. To get various competitive advantages among other similar organizations, DHL has introduced the tracking services for all the goods. The tracking services support the customer by enabling them with the power of knowing the status of their assets (DHL | Freight Transportation | English, 2017). The transportation strategies of DHL enable the company to achieve their business goals. However, the company can implement few more features like few promotional offers to compensate misconducts along with guaranteed quality of transport will enhance the performance level of the business (Monczka et al., 2015). Carrier Relationship Management There are various transportation goals of DHL which are discussed in the above discussion. However, the company DHL strategically handles all its measured paths to achieve these goals. The tracking and shipping business is a very crucial and tactical business to be handled by the companies like DHL (DHL | Freight Transportation | English, 2017). The quality service lies with the timelines and safety measures. The target customers of DHL always look for the best carrier in the industry. Thus, the process of choosing one particular company depends on the goals and previous achievements of the organization. Along with relationship building and managing the connection with all the clients are also important (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). The company DHL always approaches to build up good connection with all the clients and the business partners. The carriers are the heart of every successful transportation company. Thus, DHL always focus on relationship building with their carriers. The company DHL always give value to its all carrier partners and thus build a very good relationship them (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). The core purpose of any logistics business is to provide end-to-end transport support to its clients. Thus, there is a need of trust and reliability among all the carriers and the company (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). DHL use to negotiate rates and schedules with their carriers and build faith in their relationship. However, working together needs to have trust and faithfulness on each other. Henceforth relationship builds among the carriers. Along with that, the company DHL provides various technological supports to all its transportations solutions. In this way, DHL supports their carriers with all requirements. All the carriers share the technological solutions for betterment of the services. Apart from that, there is plenty of cooperation among the carriers and the company and its helps in achieving the organizational goals such as timeliness and secure services. The organization DHL has a global presence over 220 countries. Thus, it has a broad network of supply chain. There are various department for each regions (DHL | Freight Transportation | English, 2017). However, there are so many separate division among the 220 countries network chain. Thus, there is a need of cooperation among all the division and departments in the work to maintain the timeliness and other company goals. The company always thrives for the safety and security of the goods they deliver. Through this transportation safety and security they value the relationship between the company and the carriers. However, the safety and security is also necessary for building good relationship with the clients. The carriers of DHL are quite satisfied by working with the company (DHL | Freight Transportation | English, 2017). Along with that, the company DHL supports their carriers by providing all the cost involved in the loss or damage of any good during shipment. This strategy actually lowers the burden of the shipment cost for the carriers and hence they become loyal to DHL and continues with further more businesses (DHL | Monitor Shipments | English, 2017). Conclusion The company DHL has achieved their business goals by doing appropriates approaches to its carriers, business partners and the clients. The company always focused on building good relationship with all their business partners and the clients. Henceforth, they have achieved their targets every time. Presently DHL has become a global leader among all other companies and they have achieved remarkable success due to creative business operations and valuing relationship among each other. The approaches like transport insurances and other various safety and security services has made the company a unique identity among other various transport management companies in Singapore. Though they have operations in other various countries, they have made a better presence in the country Singapore due to better service opportunities in the country and thousands of satisfied customers relying on the organization. References: Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics supply chain management. 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