Monday, September 30, 2019

Piracy Ruining the Music Industry Essay

For many people, music is a large part of their lives. They listen to it to as often as they can. In their cars, while they work out, study, and many other daily activities. But does anyone think about how important music is to those who work in the music industry? Some people buy CD’s, others may buy digital copies online (often referred to as mp3’s). However, there are others who download free copies of music from file sharing websites, such as FrostWire and Napster. This is a crime, and many people are not aware of it. There needs to more stringent measure to protect the music industry from these acts of piracy and copyright infringements. Piracy has affected the music industry drastically over the years. It would appear all is well for those in the recording industry. However, the music industry is worth more than half of what it was in 1999 and the decline doesn’t look as if it will improve. The RIAA (Recording Industry Association of America) reported that in 1999, the revenue for music sales topped $14.6 billion. Over time, total revenue from U.S. music sales and licensing plunged to $6.3 billion in 2009 (Alexandra. â€Å"The History of Recording Industry Sales, 1973-2010†¦Ã¢â‚¬ ). File sharing is the reason for the decline in album sales over the years. Because it is so easy to get free music, people do not find a need to purchase it. In 1984, the Supreme Court, ruled in the Universal City Studios vs. Sony Corporation case, that home recording of copyrighted materials, would be legal under the fair use provision (Stevens, Law of Cornell.). The decision was made so that it would be legal for home users to make copies of copyrighted material without obtaining any permission of the copyright holder to do so. This ruling covered music, television shows, and movies. Many people argued that they wanted to be able to use the recording devices that they purchased. There needs to be new laws to reflect the change in technology since that time. In 1984 we did not have the different file sharing sites that gave people the opportunity to upload their recordings. Piracy is very popular in many countries. This is because many cultures are interested in the American lifestyle. It is very hard for other cultures to obtain American media, so they rely on file-sharing websites to stay connected. This has affected the American economy drastically. There has been a loss of around 71,060 jobs, a decrease of worker earnings of 2.7 billion dollars and a loss of U.S tax revenue of 422 million dollars. It is estimated that the cost of piracy in the global economy in 2012 was 35.4 billion dollars, and 12.5 billion dollars affecting the music industry individually. (Goldman,† Music’s lost decade: Sales cut in half†) The U.S. government has attempted to prevent piracy by bringing lawsuits against companies such as, LimeWire, Mega Upload, and Pirate Bay. Sites such as these may be stopped, but within months another company begins a similar or more-improved service. â€Å"Would you go into a CD store and steal a CD?† questioned an angry Britney Spears in an industry-funded advert. â€Å"It’s the same thing, people going into the computers and loggin’ on and stealing our music.† Piracy is ruining the entertainment industry. The music industry has a diminished profitability, and significant job loss has occurred, and will only get worse, unless there are more stringent measures to regulate the internet and its’ file-sharing sites.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

English Literature Essay

Hannam University Department: English Language and Literature. Degree: Masters of English Language & Literature. Title: The Kite Runner: The novel presents the story of a country and people in turmoil. An abridgment of a THESIS Presented to Professor Kim Ilgu, the Faculty of the Department of English Language & Literature of the Hannam University in Partial Fulfilment of the Requirements for the Degree of Masters of English Language & Literature. By Uttam Mallick Student ID: 20114012 An brief overview of Khaled Hosseini, The Kite Runner—Stories Views on education: Khaled Hosseini is an Afghan-born American novelist and physician. He is a citizen of the United States where he has lived since he was fifteen years old. Khaled Hosseini is the first Afghan-American writer to publish a work of fiction in English in the United States. The Kite Runner is Hosseini’s first novel, and his book has achieved a significant amount of success since its publication in 2003-now in its seventeenth printing with over 1. 4 million copies sold-and has repeatedly appeared on the New York Times Best Sellers List over the last three years. Even though bookstores and libraries have been inundated with literature about Afghanistan and Iraq, none appear to have achieved the same amount of recognition or success as The Kite Runner. Since the nineteenth century, critics have called into question the literary merits of sentimental fiction for its seemingly unskilled rhetoric and inauthentic sentiment. Although the aesthetic purpose of sentimental literature has been repeatedly trivialized by literary critics, sentimental imagery, language and themes have been effectively utilized by various authors in the past to critique controversial social, historical and political practices of the times, such as slavery in Harriet Beecher Stowe’s Uncle Tom’s Cabin (1852), and continue to be effectively utilized by contemporary authors, such as perceptions of Afghanistan and its people in Khaled Hosseini’s The Kite Runner. To complete my final thesis, I will use books and reviews or published by scholarly journals as well as major and minor newspapers to analyze the popularity of the novel, including its literary strengths and weaknesses. I will try to use my own knowledge and criticism about the country and people in turmoil. Some scholarly articles on Afghanistan published shortly after 9/11 will be used to provide a social and historical context for Hosseini’s novel. Lastly, I will use both scholarly articles and books to explain the concept of â€Å"sentimentality† and â€Å"emotional narratives,† and their cultural importance, which will help me further articulate my critical approach to Hosseini’s text. Source of Data: For the research must be my own idea with some paper secondary data will be used.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

The temperature Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

The temperature - Essay Example Energy can transform from one form to another and it can also be transferred between different mediums. When a man floats in cold water whose temperature is significantly lower than his own body temperature, the energy flows from his body into the water. Consequentially, the man starts to become colder while the water around his body starts to rise in temperature. When this happens, its not heat that is transferred, rather it is the man’s internal energy. â€Å"...heat and internal energy are two quite different things; the energy associated with microscopic motions and forces is internal energy, not heat† (Reynolds and Perkins cited in Watson, 2010). The term renewable fuel is used for natural resources which reform faster than they are consumed. Various physical and biogeochemical processes are involved in the replenishment of natural resources (Think Quest, n.d.). According to this definition of renewable fuels, almost all types of resources are renewable resources. Humans need to adopt ways that would allow those resources to replenish faster than the rate at which they consume them. Nevertheless, this is not always possible, particularly with resources such as oil and coal which take too long to replenish. Alternate renewable resources include water, solar power, air and

Friday, September 27, 2019

How Families Deal with a Loved One Who Has Alzheimer's Research Paper

How Families Deal with a Loved One Who Has Alzheimer's - Research Paper Example Mild cognitive impairment is viewed as a form of forgetfulness attributed to ageing. While this disorder is a symptom of AD, it is not a must for people who suffer from mild cognitive impairment, to contract AD. Causes and Signs of Alzheimer’s Disease The well known risk factor of Alzheimer’s disease is old age, mostly when people hit the age of sixty years. It is not considered normal for aging people to suffer from the disease. It is also easier for one to have the disease if a close relative such as your sister or mother had suffered from the disease. One can also contract the disease if you happen to have certain genes that are linked with the disease. Other susceptible factors include suffering from blood pressure; however, this is yet to be proved. The disease is classified under two types which include the late and early onset Alzheimer’s disease. Late AD disease affects people who are at the age of 60 and above (â€Å"Coping with Alzheimer's disease,â₠¬  n.d.). The early onset of Alzheimer's disease is known to affect people before they attain the age of sixty. This type of disease has a fast rate of getting worse. The role of genes in this type of disease has already been established, that is why it is prevalent among family members. The common symptoms of the disease are associated with the functioning of the brain. One of the symptoms of this disease includes the individual’s inability to communicate properly. The patient will forget how to read or write or even talk. They also are emotional, increasingly aggressive and paranoid. This is as a result of increased memory loss. When the disease has progressed, Alzheimer's patients require assistance in almost all tasks which include bathing and dressing. They will often forget their relatives’ names and forget events that take place. Their judgments and thinking capacity reduce to a substantial level and they will not realize that they are in danger when something arises (Alzheimer's Disease & Dementia Alzheimer's Association, n.d.). It reaches a point where the patient has to be taken care of all the time to ensure their safety. Recognizing early symptoms of the disease will ensure that the situation does not get out of hand. It is important for family members to recognize some attributes that could indicate onset of the disease. Symptoms such as loss of interest in activities that one was recently interested in is the first sign a family can identify (Brijnath, 2011). Forgetting one’s history can also be an early symptom of the disease. They will also execute tasks that require thinking for longer periods of time. When the family recognizes these symptoms, the patient should undergo a series of test to determine if they are suffering from AD (Sell, 2008). The tests will include a complete physical checkup with a mental examination. Family members of the affected person should ensure that the doctors check for brain tumor, severe depr ession, chronic infection or thyroid disease. An AD diagnosis is made when certain symptoms are present and other causes of dementia named above are not present. Taking care of the patient who suffers from the disease can be challenging (James, 2008). This is especially to the family members of the patient. It is important to ensure their safety and wellbeing and how to care for the patients will be discussed in the subsequent paragraphs of this paper.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Prospects of Utilization of Solar Energy For Thermal Desalination Dissertation

Prospects of Utilization of Solar Energy For Thermal Desalination Technologies in Saudi Arabia - Dissertation Example The paper describes about the current scenario about water resources in Saudi Arabia and how existing demand supply gaps can be filled with the use of thermal desalination technology in the years to come. Introduction The world population including the population in Saudi Arabia is growing at a rapid pace. The established and known reserves of fossil fuel is depleting fast. It has been imperative on the part of scientist and engineers to think of alternate sources of energy to meet the increasing demand. With the rising population demand of water is increasing too. Saudi Arabia has no natural sources of water supply except the water stored in aquifers. For these reasons, the Saudi Arabia has undertaken several projects for the development of renewable sources of energy. This study explores the possibility of harnessing solar energy for the purpose of desalination of water in Saudi Arabia. Radiation Measurement in Saudi Arabia According to one research report, the average solar radiat ion in Saudi Arabia is noticed as 5591 Watt hour on unit square meter area. The data collected are from 41 stations in the period of 10 years. (Mohandas et al, 1999) The solar radiation measurement in Saudi Arabia is now available for 10 major towns namely Tabuk, Al-Ula, Unayxah, Shaqra, Dawdami, Yabrin, Turabah, Heifa, Kwash, and Najran. Though all the locations offer promising solar radiation but the area of Najran is found to be the best. The method used is called radial basis function neural networks. (Mohandas et al, 1999) Solar energy and duration of sunshine is not the same throughout the year. As per the Solar Radiation Atlas the radiation is found to be in the range of 4.1 and 6.7 kilowatt-hour /sq. meter / day. (Alnaser et al., 2004) An Overview of Desalination Process in Saudi Arabia The current market share of the Saudi Arabia in the production of desalinated water is about 30 percent when viewed with respect to the global capacity installed. In last 80 years the Saudi A rabia has spent almost $25 billion on building and operating desalination plants. The kingdom now has 30 desalination units and the country has more than quadrupled its food production. It can be said that Saudi Arabia has turned into a modern nation in the last 25 years. A more than 50 percent water need of a resident in any city of the kingdom is met through Desalinated technology. (Water Demand, 2010) Supply and Demand Scenario of Water in Saudi Arabia Saudi Arabia is mostly desert area devoid of any lakes or rivers. Saudi has limited water resources. The groundwater, stored in several aquifers across the country, is the main source that satisfies more than 90% of its water demand. Available Water Resources in Saudi Arabia, 2010 Source of Water In Million Cubic Meters Surface water (Renewable) 5000 (2230 available for use) Groundwater resources 2,269,000 (84,000 renewable water in shallow aquifers) Groundwater recharge (Renewable) 3,958 (1,196 in shallow aquifers and 2,762 in dee p aquifers) Desalination 1050 Treated Wastewater 400 Source: (p 18) The government of Saudi Arabia has been making great efforts to secure the water supplies for all purposes; some of them include such as dams, distribution systems, wastewater collection and treatment facilities in most cities and towns of the kingdom along with large sea

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Evaluate this statement in light of relevant case law and doctrine of Essay

Evaluate this statement in light of relevant case law and doctrine of promissory estoppel - Essay Example Thus, whenever it is established that there was an intention to create a legal contract, the parties involved in the creation of the intention are prevented from rescinding the contract, through the doctrine of estoppels2. The substance of a contract is the intention that the individuals had when they were establishing the contractual agreement. Therefore under the law, an agreement is only legally enforceable, if the parties are deemed by the court to have intended to establish it1. While the element of consideration is essential for a legal establishment of a contract, the intention to establish such a contract overrides the substance of consideration, since where the court can determine that the parties involved in the establishment of a contractual agreement had the intention to do so, and then the presumed consideration is as good as agreed. While the intention to create a legal relation between parties may not have been stated explicitly, it is the circumstances and the conditi ons surrounding the establishment of the agreement that are inferred, to establish whether such an intention existed2. To establish the existence of an intention to create legal relations, two principles always come into play. First, the principle of the reasonable man test, must apply. This principle seeks to determine whether, given the circumstances under which the parties to an agreement were while establishing it, a reasonable man can find there was or there was no intention to create a legally binding agreement3. The second principle is the principle of two presumptions, which presumes differently when considering the intentions of an agreement, depending on whether the agreement is a commercial agreement or a social agreement. Nevertheless, the differentiation in the nature of the agreement, when it comes to the presumption of an intention to create a legally binding contract, has a predetermined position. The conditions applicable for a commercial agreement in relation to th e principle of intention to create a legal contract are different when it comes to social and domestic agreements4. The predetermined position for a business transaction or any commercial agreement is that there is always an intention to create a legal relation. On the other hand, the predetermined position for the domestic and social contract is that there is no intention to create legal relations, unless proved otherwise. Therefore, for a business transaction, the person wishing to rescind the contract has to prove to the courts that the circumstances and conditions under which the agreement was entered into, do not qualify to establish a legal and binding obligation. On the other hand, for a social or domestic agreement, the parties involved must prove to the courts that there was indeed a need to establish a legally binding contract between the parties (Mulcahy and Tillotson 97). This presumption was demonstrated in the case of Balfour v Balfour [19193] 2 KB 571, where Mr. Balfo ur lived in a different estate with Mrs. Balfour, who could not join him due to her medical condition. Therefore, Mr. Balfour promised to be remitting $30 to his wife every month, but later default on the remittance. Consequently, Mrs. Balfour sought to enforce the agreement through a court of law, on the premise that there was a legally binding

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Physician career research paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Physician career - Research Paper Example This paper investigates the academic requirements, career outlook, and potential income of studying medicine as a career in addition to talents and personal attributes necessary to succeed as a physician. In United States, all medical practitioners with a professional degree in medicine are regarded as physicians. UBLS (2010) classified physicians in two different categories, including Medical Doctor (MD) or allopathic physicians and Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine (DO). Both classes of doctors apply all acceptable practices of treating patients, including prescription of drugs and carrying surgical operations. However, doctors of osteopathic medicine emphasize mostly on preventive medicine, muscular skeletal system of the body and holistic care of patients. Medical doctors are mainly the primary medical care providers and they are normally specialized in all medical specialties (UBLS 2010). According to OES (2011) about 50% of medical doctors practice general medicine, pediatrics, an d internal medicine. Physicians could be specialized in one or more areas of medical specialization, including anesthesiology, general pediatrics, general internal medicine, psychiatry, obstetrics and gynecology in addition to general medicine among others. The requirements for becoming a physician differ depending on the final area of medical specialization in the United States. However, physicians are normally required to complete a four-year undergraduate degree program and then proceed to a medical school where they spend another four years. This is followed by a compulsory three to seven years in resident training after which they become eligible for being licensed as doctors. In this regard, medical doctors in the United States are required to complete two degrees and specified duration of clinical residence. According to AMA (2009), both of these degrees involve general course work while during the residency; the aspiring doctor chooses his or her preferred specialty. A four- year undergraduate degree marks the beginning of physician training program in the United States. The undergraduate program involves coursework in sciences, math and English. The first degree prepares the student for entry into the medical school and students must attain specific grades to qualify. Aspiring medical students have the freedom to choose any undergraduate degree, but many of them enroll in programs with heavy emphasis on chemistry and biological sciences. However, undergraduate training differs from one institution to another. Some tertiary institutions offer pre-medical programs that include mandatory classes for medical school in addition to preparing students to pass Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) (AMA 2009). After successful completion of the undergraduate degree, aspiring medical students are required to take Medical College Admission Test (MCAT). The test compromises of multiple choice questions that examines the student‘s knowledge on physical scienc e, critical thinking, biology and communication skills. The test is computerized and it takes a maximum of five hours. The performance on this test and undergraduate degree play major role in securing admission in medical school (AMA 2009). Students who score high marks in the test and have good undergraduate degrees are almost assured of admission into the medical

Monday, September 23, 2019

Metabolic Syndrome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Metabolic Syndrome - Essay Example This complex set of conditions was named as the Clustering Syndrome X. This clustering syndrome later came to be known as the metabolic syndrome (Das 2010). Characteristics of Metabolic Syndrome The World Health Organization (WHO) defined the metabolic syndrome as â€Å"a constellation of features that included impaired glucose regulation (includes diabetes mellitus) and/or insulin resistance: the 25% of subjects with the lowest insulin sensitivity (measured directly) (Das 2010).† Metabolic syndrome is basically a set of diseases which enhance the cardiovascular risk. The main characteristics of the metabolic syndrome which have to play a role in the heart diseases are abdominal obesity, atherogenic dyslipidemia, increased blood pressure, insulin resistance, pro-inflammatory state and prothrombin rate. All these diseases tend to occur at the same time in the onset of the metabolic syndrome which directly affects the heart of an individual. (Das 2010; Ulrig 2006). Causes of Met abolic Syndrome Obesity, hypertension and diabetes individually have their own adverse effects which can affect the systems of the body. But if these diseased states occur altogether then the person would develop severe complications. Metabolic syndrome has been known as the insulin resistance syndrome because the hormone insulin in these patients is found to be in high quantities. Metabolic syndrome is believed to be caused by different mechanisms which relate to dysfunction of the body. Insulin Resistance is considered to be one of the most important features of the metabolic syndrome. By insulin resistance here it is meant that the body is not able to respond to the normal levels of insulin and this is a primary reason because of which hyperinsulinemia is seen in the patients with metabolic syndrome. It is argued that both hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance play an important role in causing hypertension, hypertriglyceridemia and reduced endothelial function which then poses risk to the cardiovascular system(Fan 2007; Das 2010). Leptin resistance is also considered to be a feature of this metabolic syndrome. Leptin resistance results in an increased quantity of leptin in the body. This increased leptin is considered to be a cause of reduced insulin sensitivity in the body. Research has shown that the rate of leptin and glucose disposal rate are inversely proportional to each other (Fan 2007; Ulrig 2006). Obesity is considered to be one of the main causes of the metabolic syndrome. It is related to insulin resistance, hyperglycemia, dyslipidemia, hypertension, prothrombin rate, and pro-inflammatory states. Adipose tissue is an active metabolic organ which helps in secreting several substances inside the body. It secretes cytokines, inflammatory mediators, fatty acids, leptin, resistin and adiponectin. It also releases efferent signals which help in maintaining the hormonal systems of the body. Thus adipose tissue is involved in a lot of metabolic process es happening inside the body and maintenance of these metabolic processes is necessary in a normal individual. If the adipose tissue of the body undergoes massive changes as in obesity it can pave a way for the metabolic syndrome. In obesity it is seen that adipose tissue is also deposited on the visceras of the body and this proves to be a major determinant of the metabolic

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Discussion on the Marketing Impacts of the Global Recession Essay

Discussion on the Marketing Impacts of the Global Recession - Essay Example The Global Recession By the end of 2007, what started as an apparently isolated turbulence in the sub-prime segment of the US housing market turned into a full-blown recession by the end of 2007 (Verick & Islam, 2010). The US housing sector, as stated by Verick and Islam (2010), was unaware of the true extent of the complexities and liabilities which, in turn, caused liquidity to dry up, bringing down the global financial system. The economic drawback was spread rapidly and simultaneously through the global financial system to all corners of the world (Jannson, Hilmersson, & Sandberg, 2010). The result is the global economic recession that peaked in 2008. There had been massive lay-offs, unemployment, unpaid mortgages, bigger debts, enormous financial problems and fraud, financial deregulation of credit, automotive sales loss and manufacturing decline. Marketing Impacts of the Global Recession Up to now, recession is still evident in the global scenario. The increasing globalization of economic activity – the interconnectedness of economic activity across national frontiers calls companies and countries to adapt to the negative effects of the recession (Kitching, Blackburn, Smallbone, & Dixon, 2009). Kotler and Keller in 2009 stated that speed of global business is accelerating diversity but that has slowed down, yet, as they say, its business is as usual. The companies must change their marketing strategies and management capabilities to keep up in the market, at the same time giving customer satisfaction. Several methods and strategies were devised or emerged as the reaction of the global market to the recession. According to Kitching et al. (2009), recessions are regarded as periods of â€Å"creative destruction†, during which some businesses and industries decline while new ideas, technologies, products and industries emerge and become the driving forces of subsequent economic activity and growth. Business strategy and performance vary with ow ner perceptions, resources, and opportunities available of the threats faced (Kitching et al., 2009). According to Orr (2010), findings suggest that two principal factors are dominant in determining international strategy during times of financial crisis – home country market conditions, and the level of domestic industry protection introduced by the foreign country government in response to the economic downturn. Other factors including the variability in relative exchange rates also influenced international strategy during financial crises. Marketing Impacts in Certain Countries of the Global Recession Several developed countries had certain impacts in both marketing and management aspects due to the recession. These countries mentioned in the discussion include Japan, the United States, European Union in general, Australia, Singapore and China. In Japan, Toyota Motor Corporation's profitability was badly affected by the recession, resulting in a fall from record profits to record losses (Greimel, 2009 as cited by Orr, 2010). In response, Toyota is planning to limit expenditure and return to its original focus on quality. In reaction to global currency fluctuations, the lower value of currencies in countries such as the US, and

Saturday, September 21, 2019

How Global Corporations Affect National Economies Essay Example for Free

How Global Corporations Affect National Economies Essay The growing size of the Multinational Companies around the world; their global operations and financial practices pose some serious questions about the implementation of best practices that do justice to everyone, including the countries with less developed economies, where many of these corporations operate. Global Corporations may create problems regarding the national balance of accounts. Every company operates globally, to maximize its profits and pay less tax. To gain the optimum advantage, they follow accounting practices that contravene the domestic ones, used within the countries where they operate. For example, corporations charge their own internal transactions and present them as expenditure. This matter has evolved in such a way, that today, global corporations are the winners, and most of the times the countries where they operate are the losers. Multinational Corporations and the Distribution of Income There is an increasing tendency among multinational corporations to transfer their intangible assets to non-domestic associates. These foreign affiliates are created for a unique purpose: to gain a larger share of their profits, by reducing operational costs. Many international businesses transfer their operations like production and services to the countries where the tax rates are lower, compared to their mother country, where the parent company has its headquarters. According to OECD Statistics, that researchers have performed, there is a remarkable growth in the transfer of all these intangible assets from 13 percent to 37 percent in a period of 28 years, from 1983 to 2011. Corporations continuously pursue the policy of getting tax benefits and find different means to get benefited by lower tax rates in the countries where the affiliates are located. They keep their main focus on increasing their profits and showing incomes in the countries where there are lower tax rates applied. They do this by transferring their intangible assets, interposing their operations, producing more in the countries where they pay lower taxes. They also tend to shift their manufacturing units to offshore locations, in low tax and cheap labor countries. They also make changes and make an affiliate into an owner and an owner into an affiliate. Naturally, an affiliate in the low tax country becomes the parent company leading to many structural changes in the entire organization and therefore, influencing business in their host countries. According to authors such as John Dunning, the ultimate result of all these activities reflects in showing a recorded low Gross Domestic Product where the tax rates are high and making the recorded Gross Domestic Product higher in the low tax countries. The raise in the lower tax countries is shown as a relative growth.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Examining HRM Initiatives utilized by Modern Companies

Examining HRM Initiatives utilized by Modern Companies What is HRM The term HRM or human resource management means managing people in different areas of the business. Human resource responsibilities consist of four types of responsibilities in the business management hiring, retaining, compensation and designing their work in the organization. The basic objective of almost every HRM department in the business organizations is to maximise the overall production efficiency of the organization and the optimal use of the human resources (employees) As Edward L. Gubman observed in the  Journal of Business Strategy,  the basic mission of human resources will always be to acquire, develop, and retain talent; align the  workforce  with the business; and be an excellent contributor to the business. Those three challenges will never change. Human Resource Management in the Current Era In recent years, HRM field changed to a great extent and has the major effect on the field of human resource management. One of the major aspects is technology development in the business environment. So human resource management has to face new challenges like to train the employees for new technologies like satellite networking and tele-conferessing and other such like devices. Importance of Human Resource Management Until a few years back the HRM department was being considered the department of less importance in the corporate hierarchy but now human resource department value in the organizations has grown dramatically because management knows that HRM department is directly responsible for the progress and nourishment of the business. Without effective HRM department it is impossible for companies to compete and evolve the current era of business competition. And this recognition of HRM importance has reached not only to the large scale businesses but also to the small scale businesses. As Irving Burstiner commented in  The Small Business Handbook,  Hiring the right people-and training them well-can often mean the difference between scratching out the barest of livelihoods and steady business growthà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦. Personnel problems do not discriminate between small and big business. You find them in all businesses, regardless of size. Importance of Performance Appraisal in Current Scenario To measure and evaluate the performance of the employees is always very crucial for business and the concerned managers and officials continuously perform this rating and evaluation throughout the year. The importance of appraising performance of the employees can be compared to the managing financials and other resources of the organization because the performance of the employees has the direct relation with the utilization of the other resources of the organization and heavily effect the overall performance of the organization. How to conduct performance appraisal programme The five key elements of the performance appraisal are: Measurement   assessing performance against agreed targets and objectives. Feedback   providing information to the individual on their performance and progress. Positive reinforcement   emphasising what has been done well and making only constructive criticism about what might be improved. Exchange of views   a frank exchange of views about what has happened, how appraises can improve their performance, the support they need from their managers to achieve this and their aspirations for their future career. Agreement   jointly coming to an understanding by all parties about what needs to be done to improve performance generally and overcome any issues raised in the course of the discussion. There are many tools for performance appraisal which are being used by the different organizations like behavioural anchored rating scale, forced choice method, checklist, graphic rating scale, rating, M.B.O. etc. Case study AUTOGLASS Ltd Background Autoglass is the UKs leading vehicle glass repair and replacement company, and has the largest market share. It is part of the Belron group, which is the worlds biggest vehicle glass company. In the UK, there are just over 2,000 employees, approximately 1,100 of whom are mobile technicians, working out of 130 branches. There are three main groups of employee: trained and trainee technicians based throughout the UK; customer service staff based in the customer contact centre in Bedford and in Autoglass branches across the UK, and support staff located in the state-of-the-art head office in Bedford. The HR department is a team of 25 people, which manages all the HR functions including: resourcing, employee relations, management development, technical training, internal communications, health and safety, and technical services. The case for alignment The organisation has always performed well. HR has a good reputation and has been an important part of the business since the late-1990s. (From the early-1990s, HR was known as Personnel and Training.) The HR plan is formulated with close consideration to the business strategy, but as well as this HR is in a position to add to the business planning processes. The HR director is a member of the executive committee, which is responsible for strategy and business development. In 2002, although the company continued to be successful, it was felt there was a need to map out new opportunities for growth and to review the strengths of the business, so Autoglass committed to a strategic review. This ran in partnership with the parent company. An important part of this was a people review, which examined: Who have we got? The demographic picture How people enter and exit the business recruitment, tenure and turnover How people are managed The organisational culture. How was alignment achieved? Although historically there has been a personnel function in Autoglass since the early-1990s, the HR director role was created in 1997.HR is now an established fulcrum between company and staff. There are two key strands to this role, which HR endeavours to interweave. Improving: business performance by working closely with the business heads and the yearly/five-year business plans the working lives and conditions of employees and, as it is not a unionised environment, HR takes this role seriously. The HR director believes that working conditions affect the standard of people coming into the company. For example, HR recently increased holiday entitlement for managers after noticing that their offering was a bit short of the national average. This was done despite some management resistance. A great example of HR working in line with the business at Autoglass was the role played in critical structural and reward changes in 2000 after it was recognised that the business structures had become too complex.HR led the approach to these changes while working very closely with regional managers, providing professional competence, guidance and moral support. For the organisation, it was an excellent example of cross-functional working. The changes included: Discontinuation of the network structure, so branches became independent Even stronger commitment to the mobile working strategy Table Of Different Significant HR Initiatives And Business Out Comes HR INITIATIVE BUSINESS OUTCOME Training and development Auto glass invest more than average in its training and development programme50, providing a comprehensive training programme for technicians through the National Skills Centre. In addition, there is a management training plan, and management development centres have been run based on carefully analysed leadership success factors Staff turnover has fallen The quality of service has improved Succession planning An organisation-wide capability review has recently been conducted The trainee management programme is Auto glasss graduate recruitment programme, which is fairly unique in the industry. Improving the quality of branch management Employee relations There is an employee assistance programme,which has a utilisation rate of just under five per cent Managing directors open house programme Field-based HR roles staff satisfaction is used as a key performance indicator and the overall index score has increased from 50 to 61 since 1995. Pay and benefits The pay scales are in the upper quartile and all staff are on a variable earnings plan Business performance has improved year on year since 2000,with 2003 being the best year ever Performance management Autoglass has a well-established performance management system. Every manager has received training in the process. Recent trends show that positive ratings are on the increase The staff survey shows the highest positive results around clarity of goals and whats expected of me.This suggests the organisation is providing a framework for employees to work to their maximum capacity We come to you. Productivity-based reward system for technicians, which was a huge benefit to the business. The management and output of the strategic people review is a good reflection of the overall HR ethos in Autoglass, which focuses on the practical and does not over intellectualise in pursuit of best practice. The HR director feels that it is more important to realise that organisations are not linear: learning about your specific case and finding out where the pain is in the business is more realistic. While working towards more blue sky improvements is important, it is critical to balance this with attending to existing problems.HR see this balance as their key role. To plan current and future HR work so that it aligns with business needs, Autoglass uses both quantitative and qualitative methods including staff satisfaction survey results, turnover and sickness data as well as listening to what people at all levels around the business are saying. For example, senior managers go out into the business and lead open house participative sessions with a cross-section of staff.HR facilitate these sessions, focusing on what issues are being dealt with in the business currently and managing staff expectations. The HR department is confident in its ability to add value. Resources for the review were found almost entirely internally rather than using large-scale consultancy to manage the process. For the strategic review, Autoglass used an internal team (including a regional manager ,a contact centre manager, an HR manager, the HR director and the rewards manager),with support from their parent company Belron and one independent consultant from The Work Foundation to provide an external perspective. Outcomes Generally, according to the staff attitude survey, satisfaction ratings have improved in gradual progression over roughly the last 8-year period to 61 from a base of 50.Although managers own the results of their area, HR feels this says a great deal about its contribution to the business and the working lives of staff overall. The pace of improvement has accelerated since the changes in 2000 that resulted from the changing the game project. The business, after an initial dip, was energised. More specifically, the people review provided an excellent birds-eye view of how HR was functioning. While the policies and processes were working well generally, it was felt that there were areas of real weakness that were a cost to the business and could be improved on. The main issue was that the recruitment process for technicians was not working. In response to the review findings, in under a year HR has designed and perfected a new approach to recruitment. Although there is habitually high turnover in the industry, this has improved. The process has been well received throughout the business. Training and development initiatives have had a positive effect on the business. Drop-out rates from training programmes are low, indicating that staff and their managers value training and give it a high priority. Around 56 per cent of people are working to a personal development plan. More crucially, the National Skills Centre had a positive impact, most notably on performance of fitters, and a business case for a relocation and expansion of the facility was approved earlier in the year. Succession planning has resulted in a balance at senior levels between internal promotion and external appointments. Most vacancies are advertised internally, but an exclusively external process is used if it is known that the necessary skills and experience do not exist in the organisation or new blood is needed. Conditions for success The good reputation of HR is critical to its involvement in business planning and performance improvements. The HR director feels that HR people who understand the business they are in and are confident to be part of the issues peculiar to it is central to sustaining their reputation. This combined with enlightened senior management is how HR sustains its strategic role. In Autoglass it is accepted that people are part of the solution rather than part of the problem. The people dynamic is crucial people are a vital part of our business, says the HR director. With an overwhelming majority of their customers meeting technicians in the field face-to-face, the people element cannot be ignored.HR is fundamental to recruiting and managing these people. Influencing business heads is an important and iterative process at Autoglass. Partnerships with business heads are central to most of the projects they work on, for example the structural and pay changes in 2000.In addition, persistence with initiatives and ideas has been a large part of HRs success in adding value. While you need a few quick wins, issues such as motivation and leadership are only long term. There is no use in pretending otherwise, says the HR director. Challenges Phase One of the overall strategic process took longer than anticipated due to some complicated market research. As a consequence, the follow-up stages have been delayed. Often the stark realities of business needs are cyclical and demand short-term responses, which can inhibit longer term thinking. However, HR views this as the way things are rather than a major challenge although there can be tensions in getting people to realise that long-term solutions are vital to managing out short-term problems. For example, getting people to use new recruitment approaches and getting people to stick with it even if it does not work at first. Sustainability Building on achievements and working with the business as they evolve. Consistently reviewing HR policies and processes. Continuing to find the weak spots in the business and looking at where HR can intervene. Pushing the boundaries of the employer of choice agenda, for instance implementing a sabbatical policy. Learning and sharing across the Belron group, particularly looking at the more mature businesses in the organisation, such as those in Belgium and Holland

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Medicine in the Middle Ages :: essays research papers

Medicine in the Middle Ages We are very lucky today. When we are sick we go and see the doctor, and he or she can usually make us better with the use of medicine. It wasn‘t like this in the medieval era. People didn‘t live very long at all. Two out of every 10 babies died in the first year of life and most people didn‘t live past 40. Wealthy people, who could afford trained doctors might live up to 10 years longer. There weren’t many trained doctors in Europe in the Middle Ages . In Paris in 1274 there were only 8 doctors and about 40 people practising medicine without any official training and they didn’t really understand how the body worked and why people got sick. When making a diagnosis doctors might consult medical books, astrological charts and urine samples. Some doctors believed disease was caused by bad smells or small worms, or the position of the planets or stars. They also charged very high fees, so only the rich could afford them. Although surgical operations were performed, they did not know about sanitisation and there were no anaesthetics. Most patients died from infection or shock. Many people didn’t believe in medicine at all. The most commonly used treatment was prayer. Ordinary people relied on methods their parents and grandparents used, such as lucky charms, magic spells and herbal cures. Some of the herbal cures were quite useful. The monks who looked after sick travellers in the monasteries were very skilled in using herbs. Some modern medicines are based on the herbs used in medieval times. In the 13th century Kings were believed to be able to cure illness, particularly the skin disease scrofula, just by touching the ill person. During the 14th century most of Europe was struck by a devastating disease called the Black Death, or bubonic plague. This disease was carried by flees which lived on rats. When the rats died, the flees jumped onto humans and spread the disease. Even though the Black Death was controlled in Europe by 1351, it came back regularly over the next 150 years. Dr Medi Evil has kindly agreed to come to the school today to help solve some of your medical problems. Hello everyone. Now Rachel, I believe you have the fever. This is because you have too much blood. I will put blood sucking leaches on you and this should fix your problem.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Free Othello Essays: The Characters of Othello :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

The Characters of Othello  Ã‚   Shakespeare's Othello is a novel that depicts on the intense relationship between Othello, Cassio, and Iago. One charter may see the other as a dear friend and a comrade, but the second one may see the first as an inferior person that he/she is envious of due to something they have. Othello is a tragedy of trust, if you learn to trust then you live in happiness, but the power of distrust is enough to make a man attempt evil and corrupt actions. During the course of the book some of the characters relations become strong, but then at the last possible moment most of those relations revert and a few increase. It is a difficult thing to explain, but I'll break it down for you. Each character had his own relation towards another, Othello had a strong friendship towards Iago, as if he were his brother. Othello sees Cassio as a fine young soldier, but as the story goes on he begins to despise Cassio because he was fed false information about Cassio that upset the war hero greatly. Iago hat es Othello, because he gave what he thought was an underqualified soldier a promotion, so he is out for revenge. Iago is also jealous of Cassio for the reason just given, he thinks he deserves the promotion and is very envious that Cassio beat him to it. Why did these people's relation change? What role does trust play in the entire play? When do we know when to trust and when not to trust? These are all questions that wonder in your heads because in some cases it is bad to trust, but in others trust is what keeps relationships and friendships alive, don't be confused its just a matter of knowing when to trust and when not to trust. Othello and Iago one of the most fake friendships ever to be put down on paper. Othello was most definitely a true to Iago, he trusted Iago on the battle field and in his social, now that is the trust of a real friend. Othello saw Iago as his most trusted soldier, consultant, and friend. Othello was the type of person that always thought people would think low of him cause of the color of his skin. He fell in love with a woman whose family dislikes him due to the color of thou skin.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Environmental Regulation of Offshore Essay

The Environmental Regulation of Offshore Waste management in Nigeria has been documented in an article published by Law Environment And Development [1]. Evidence suggest that, Director of Petroleum Resources has to adopt measure to ensure the adequate regulation of offshore oil and gas E&P waste management [3] and further evidence suggest that, all offshore oil and gas E&P activities should also be subjected to environmental impact assessment at every stage of exploration and production in order to facilitate the proper management of wastes generated [124]. There are counter argument that says although the discharge of produced sands containing LSA/NORM into inland waters and near shore waters is prohibited unless treated to the satisfaction of the Director, no mention is made of discharge into offshore waters [53] and however, certain activities such as unplanned discharge of produced water (requiring contingency permits) and the transfer of produced water to another field for treatment and subsequent re-injection (requiring transfer permits) are not covered by permits or approval under Environmental Guidelines and Standards for the Petroleum Industry in Nigeria [17] and the National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency Act 2007 (hereafter NESREA Act) empower NESREA, amongst other things, to enforce compliance with regulation on the handling and disposal of chemicals and waste except in the oil and gas sector (10).

Monday, September 16, 2019

Starbucks Analysis

Economics of Starbucks CONTENTS A. Introduction B. Analysis economics of Starbucks 1. Nature of product/service 2. Market trends 3. Production/supply process and costs 4. Structure of the industry/market 5. Government role 6. Business environment 7. Firm/Industry Location 8. Business and pricing strategies 9. Entrepreneurial ability of managers C. Conclusion D. References Introduction Starbucks, what started in Seattle in 1971s by three friends: erry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. They opened a small shop and began selling fresh and cold coffee.Starbucks has always been a place where you can find world’s best coffee. In 1970s, Starbucks open its first coffee restaurant and its name comes from a classical American novel (Starbucks, 2013). Through 1980s, Howard Schultz came into Starbucks, after a business trip to Italy and impressed by coffee culture, his perception is that how to make it come true in U. S, he experimented from Seattle. In 1990s, Starbucks has expanded their production line beyond Seattle. Stepping cross the rest sates of U. S as well as international market.At the same time, Starbucks released its special option that offer stock option to employees, which made Starbucks become a public traded company. From 2000s, Starbucks continued its awesome phenomenon, its operation widespread over 15,000 locations over 40 countries. Classical Starbuck’s coffee beverage has been well recognized by lots of customers. Nowadays, Starbucks is not merely a successful coffee retailer; it is a coffee culture and place that people enjoy their lifetime. The nine main areas will give out an explanation how Starbucks looks like.Key word: Nature of product; Market Trends; Production/Supply Process & Cost; Structure of the Industry; Government Role; Business Environment; Firm/Industry Location; Business & Pricing Strategies and Entrepreneurial Ability of Manager. Analysis of the Economics of Starbucks Nature of Product Existing products: obviously, as a coffee related retailer, Starbucks mainly focus on coffee diversify selling. The main kinds of Starbucks coffee are latte, espresso, frappuccino as well as some sweet bakery, ice cream and so on.By the way, according to the idea of Starbucks itself, what they likely do that create a friendly drinks atmosphere rather than only sell a cup of coffee. Actually, customers really enjoyed their coffee time in Starbucks store thanks to cultural environment. What is more, Starbucks also provide coffee beans, coffee pot and coffee cup and other products. In the Chinese market localization of product design, and some tea kind, drink even has a particular season sales of Starbucks moon cakes, etc.Role of technology: Starbucks always try their best to improve well-roasted coffee beans, ground to perfection and then brewed to personal taste. The CEO released a statement that the company spends 20 years perfecting a top top-secret technology that ultimately results in a cup of coffee made wi th via, that is indistinguishable from Starbuck's typical brewed coffee (CNN money, 2009). In 2008, Starbucks purchased new coffee equipment that is called â€Å"clover†. The Clover uses precise technology and a calculated algorithm to brew coffee within one degree Fahrenheit of its ideal temperature and produce the ideal flavor (Chron, 2013).It also gives a control to interaction between water and grounds. What is more advancement, it could connect by Starbucks network in order to more effect management each unit. Product life cycle: generally, product life cycle is divided into four parts, introduce, growth, mature and decline. Every production has to walk through these four parts. According to Starbucks, with different coffee launched based on seasons, it is still located into growth period but close to mature step.Starbucks play its role in coffee industry similar like what monopolist do, its production occupied almost whole market share that should directed to mature sta ge, but new production occasional launched hold Starbucks to increase its sales volume. Price elasticity: The price elasticity of Starbucks is not very high. On one hand, coffee is necessary in daily life. On the other hand, Starbucks’ goodwill has been recognized among coffee fans, it is not matters of price. Substitutes and complementary products: coffee’s substitutes will be water, tea, mike or other fruit juice.When you step into Starbucks store, customer service is unchanged if you pick up juices even a bottle of water. Market Trends Consumer behavior: Starbucks hold approximately 33 percentage of market share in U. S. however, half of this huge number accounted by guys who aged at 25- 40(Chorn, 2013). Obviously, primary target audience of Starbucks is this grouped people. The characteristic of them is relatively high income, professional careers and a focus on social welfare. Motivation of consuming of these guys to Starbucks certainly for entertainment, enjoy li fe and pursuit of fashion and communication.The sub target customers is young adults who aged at 18-24, Starbucks position itself as a place college student can hang out, studying, writing paper and meeting. The rest customers of Starbucks are kids and teens who get there by their parents. Indifference curves: Indifference curve means products, which have different combine differently to satisfy customers. A simple indifference curve is shown in figure 1 For the coffee, at the same time, environment and music can satisfy customers. Coffee can satisfy customers’ taste sense, while environment can satisfy customers’ spirits.Starbucks can develop their own cup, coffee beans to improve efficiency. Shifts in demand and supply curves: With six factors influence demand curve: consumers' income, taste and preferences, consumer expectations, related product price, the government behavior and regulations and the number of consumers. Again, six factors influence supply, number of suppliers, prices of resources, technology, supply expected, price of all products and government actions. Particularly, Starbucks hold 33 percentage of U. S coffee market share, demand of Starbucks will increased, so demand will shift toward right side.Also, thousands of hundreds location established would satisfy these demand, supply curve move right side. Production/supply Process& cost Input: what Starbucks need do if it needs transforms quality coffee is inputting coffee bean, water, some capital investment as well as labor. Production function & Cost function: production function relates to the maximum quantity of output that can be produced from given amounts of input. A graph showed below about Starbucks production function. Figure 2: Retrieved from: http://faculty. washington. edu/ezivot/econ301/labor_demand. tm Apparently, as more and more labors putted into operating room, sales of Starbucks coffee increased. However, when increasing labor beyond quantity maximum, there is no increase on quantity. Marginal analysis: marginal analysis is one of the most important managerial tools. It states that optimal managerial decision involve comparing the marginal benefits of a decision with the marginal cost. Variable costs will not affect the output of the change in Starbucks. Coffee industry did not have a fixed mode. Coffee is the taste of the food service industry depends on customer. Structure of the Industry/MarketNature of industry: Starbucks as global famous coffee retailer had build one of world’s most powerful and recognizable brands of high-quality coffee and the unique â€Å"Starbucks Experience. † It first revolutionized coffee making industry by creating â€Å"third place† between workplace and home that is a clean, friendly environment where customers would escape chaos from daily life (Wikinvest, 2013). So, whole coffee industry has been winded by Starbucks style that creating relax and comfortable place for staying by qua lity coffee servicing. The rest of other competitors is trying advance environment as well.Industry concentration: it also another important part affect marginal decision. As we mentioned above, almost one third coffee production consumed by customers derived from Starbucks, coffee industry mostly distributed by this large company, certainly, other small company or local coffee store also account for whole coffee industry. Competition: obviously, Starbucks hold a dominate position in coffee industry and has no clearly rivalry in this section. The National Coffee Association estimates that the US coffee market will reach $29 billion in 2011(Wikinest, 2013).However, the three monsters in coffee industry target their different market. Starbucks try their best to hold on unbelievable market share with some change of price strategy. Whereas, even McDonald's larger retail footprint may overlap more with Starbucks' core markets, but their stark differences as stores are reflective of the g eneral differences between their core customers. The Dunkin donuts ranked in the third, its customers experience is more similar to â€Å"coffee-to-go† rather than place to enjoy lifetime. Consequently, market of coffee to go will be a fierce competition.Oligopoly Models: an oligopoly is a market that dominated by few competitors, Starbucks controlled not less than 30% coffee market share and made a important role entire market. Whereas, McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, and Caribou Coffee affect coffee industry could not be ignored. Government Role Government role should be considered inseparable component as running business wherever domestic or global. What is good news for successful applying government role that it signed a contract with a province in China based on Chinese government role.That is positive on input procurement of Starbucks in Chinese market. There is a signed deal that Starbucks cooperate with province of Yunnan to set up its first-ever coffee-bean farm in the world to cater to a rapidly growing population of coffee drinkers in China amid a global battle for quality coffee beans (The wall Street Journal, 2010). In contrast, the illegal operation in U. K will produce a punishment for itself. In 2011, the company paid exactly zero in corporate tax rate even 398 million in sales (Forbes, 2012).The British government has already taken a action and adjust some law restriction specially. Business Environment Business environment consisted by two components, general environment and industry environment. Through a deep analysis could help the company compete well in the market and make more profit from that. The general environmental analysis in which a firm exists in following five parts, economic, political, socio-cultural, technological and demographic (Brain Mass, 2013). The recent global economic recession affect business with both rising operation cost and lower profit margin.Almost every industry even companies have been involved in to this horrible crisis. The consumer of the products are facing increase price of commodities. It made people’s life difficult and hard to pay too much on their daily food and drinks. During the economic crisis in 2008, coffee customers were still had 3. 3 cups per day on average and they may choose the lower cost coffee. The political and legal pressure is also filled with the coffee industry. Coffee companies buy coffee beans from different countries under their own regulations and customs.The company has to know the professional knowledge about how to import coffee beans from other country and follow the change of political policy. At the same time, firms must prepare well of necessary forms and permits to do coffee business. It includes business entity applications, tax forms, contracts and store leases and so on. The company also need abide by the laws and regulations issued by the local and federal governments, such as food handling regulation and labor laws. The socia l-culture segment based on the reflection of consumers and how the company response to it.As growing number of health-conscious customers, the company should keep up with the changing situation and meet demand of new market needs. Although companies like Starbucks initially resisted using anything other than whole-milk in coffee beverage preparation. Under the pressure, the product producer need come up with new products with both nutritious and tasty to satisfy the customer’s needs. Nowadays, the technological is getting more important to help extend business almost in any industries. It is also a major factor in the coffee industry.The technology is related to the product innovation, services and the consumer’s interaction. According to Starbucks, as a world’s famous coffee producer, no matter the operation or customer service, what only you could see is technological equipment. The article in â€Å"AdAge† on February 2010, Starbucks was able to use soc ial media to its commercial or customers’ feedback. Technological software is being launched in 2011 that is App Starbucks. It is could help customers make purchase, track reward numbers and check balance by mobile with internet.It is convenient for both cashers in front desk and customers who need a cup of Starbucks. Digital network is also an advantage positioned by Starbucks; Starbucks could service as a moving office even a meeting place thanks to ultimate Wi-Fi connection in its store. For brewing, Starbucks still equipped by advanced coffee brew machines. Such as clover, it precise control time, temperature, material volume in order to qualified coffee (Chorn, 2013). As environment deteriorated day by day, environmental conscious and protection is being paid more attention.It is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets business (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2013). Starbucks is considering replacing plastic package by some special biodegradable material ; what is more, Starbucks try it best to do recycling even if some location is hard to come true that. According to industry environment, coffee service has evolved into very specialized profession, the coffee retailer do not believe themselves as merely coffee seller any more. With a profusion of advanced delivery system and a wide variety of products, they willing to create an awesome culture those customers have even experienced.Truthfully, there is no direct offense to Starbucks by other coffee firms; however, more recently an intense competition between those major coffee brands, there will be more pressure on Starbucks. For instance, McDonald's has 14,000 stores in the U. S. and caters to a wider demographic than Starbucks; it also enjoys increased traffic from its variety of well-established breakfast options. McDonald's coffee sales increased 15% in 2006 (Hub Pages, 2012). From the side of customers, customers are powerful force in coffee industry. The largest segment of rev enue is coming from individual buyers.They can influence the price, quantity and quality of the product. That is to say the rate of profit of a coffee company directly affected by customers. Starbucks’s most supplements come from its loyal customers, Starbucks brand has been deep widespread among crowded. But as no apparent lower unemployment rate exists and lots of people fired from their work position, they have to tight daily expenditure even if they are crazy about Starbucks. The price strategy should be mentioned by Starbucks under tough market environment. Replan a flexible and reasonable selling price based on customer behaviors.Firm/Industry Location Starbucks is the largest  coffeehouse  company in the world, with 20,366 stores in 61 countries, including 13,123 in the United States, 1,299 in Canada, 977 in Japan, 793 in the United Kingdom, 732 in China, 473 in South Korea, 363 in Mexico, 282 in Taiwan, 204 in the Philippines, 164 in Thailand and 3 in India (Wikip edia, 2013). Starbucks’ located combined by daily and evening locations. Almost every location builds at corner of traffic lots. Besides, some of Starbucks located in college campus, because college students are its target market either.Taking a conclusion, Starbucks’ location always depend on how service customers efficiently in order to profits getting back. Business and Pricing Strategies Starbucks planned its pricing strategies divided to two columns. One is that it headed downwards most popular production such as, brewed coffee and lattes coffee. It is also redesigned its menu to feature out low priced brewed coffee or lattes. Another one is increasing the prices of its higher-end more complex drinks including Frappuccinos and caramel macchiatos, of which there is less competition from rivals.In some cases, prices are rising by 30 cents (Pricing for profit, 2009). As a result, some speculate that Starbucks is trying to make the most profit from its devoted custome rs who are hooked on its products. Different price strategy on different marketing production is in order to make good profits. Entrepreneurial Ability of Managers Entrepreneurial Ability of Managers it is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals. The mark of an effective leader is his ability to foresee the business trends and stay ahead of his rivals. Howard Schultz who is the owner of Starbucks.In a sense, Howard Schultz did what similar to Steve Jobs and other innovators have done, creating something that we really did not know we needed until we had it. He spends lots of his time in working place and focuses more on company innovation and effective management. Recently, Starbucks launched its new production that is named Verismo (Business Insider, 2013). Schultz stated that its plan is to use Verismo to be a global leader. As well-know, Starbucks cover more employees’ benefit than other coffee related comp any. No matter part-time workforce or full-time there, Starbucks provide unbelievable benefit that you never seen.That is exactly what Schultz’s belief that employee satisfaction lead to customers’ satisfaction. What is more, Starbucks encourage employee to participate to social activities, it is good way of brand reorganization. An efficient management will release a help to sales increase and profits maximizing. Starbucks always realign its top management based on specific situation. Unlike other company grouping their firm entirely wherever domestic market or international market, Starbucks divided their responsibilities for its business into three global regions, Asia, America and rest of world’s place.Every region has its own executive, which take a hold of the entire region. Which is possible of this change would help maximize its opportunities in growing market like China, Brazil and India. Conclusion Starbucks is the leader of the coffee industry devote to produces high quality and premium roasted coffee to market in many areas of the world. The success is hard to ignore the contribution from Howard Schultz. With his entrepreneurial ability and effective management, Starbucks is keeping moving forward to grow up and face changing situation and variety of problems caused by both internal and external impact.The management structure of Starbucks became a benchmark in coffee industry which many industry players are willing to emulate and study. Starbucks is powered by their continual bringing new innovative product, build good relationship with customers, ability to expand globally and right decision of select locations. Coffee and tea are popularly in all over the world and attract large number of population. Coffee industry is sensitive that can provide attractive revenues to the company. However, the company only could be success and get huge profit under the competition if the efficient and effective strategies are being taken.The key successful factors of coffee industry demand is utilize technology to enhance customer experience, innovate products, select appropriate location and prepare well to conquer competitors. References Business Insider. (2013, Jan 26). Starbucks Seems Almost Giddy about Its Verismo Machines. Retrieved from http://www. businessinsider. com/starbucks-verismo-2013-1 BrainMass. (2012). General Environment of Business. Retrieved from http://brainmass. com/business/business-analysis/191029 Chorn. (2012). Who Is Starbucks' Target Audience? Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. hron. com/starbucks-target-audience-10553. html Chron. (2012). Starbucks ; Its Use of Technology. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. chron. com/starbucks-its-use-technology-28272. html CNNMoney. (2009, Oct 2). Starbucks' new high-tech coffee. Retrieved from http://tech. fortune. cnn. com/2009/10/02/starbucks-new-high-tech-coffee/ Forbes. (2012, Dec 19). Self-Righteous Starbucks Forced To Chug a Venti of Greedy Gove rnment. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/kylesmith/2012/12/19/self-rigtheous-starbucks-forced-to-chug-a-venti-of-greedy-government/ HubPages. 2012). Specialty coffee industry analysis. Retrieved from http://meangreen. hubpages. com/hub/Specialty-coffee-industry-analysis Pricing for profit. (2009, Aug 26). Starbucks’ New Pricing Strategy: The Beginning of the End? Retrieved from http://www. pricingforprofit. com/pricing-strategy-blog/starbucks-new-pricing-strategy-beginning. htm Starbucks Coffee Company. (2013). Our Environmental Mission Statement. Retrieved from http://gr. starbucks. com/en-US/_Social+Responsibility/_Social+Responsibilities/Environment+Mission+Statement. htm Starbucks. 2013). A Brief History of Starbucks. Retrieved from http://philippines. starbucks. com/en-US/_About+Starbucks/History+of+Starbucks. htm The Wall Street Journal. (2010, Nov 15). Starbucks to Open China Coffee Farm, Securing Global Supply. Retrieved from http://online. wsj. com/articl e/SB10001424052748704462704575609733431622088. html Wikinvest. (2012). Starbucks Corporation. Retrieved from http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Starbucks_(SBUX) Wikipedia. (2013). Starbucks. Retrieved from http://meangreen. hubpages. com/hub/Specialty-coffee-industry-analysis Starbucks Analysis Economics of Starbucks CONTENTS A. Introduction B. Analysis economics of Starbucks 1. Nature of product/service 2. Market trends 3. Production/supply process and costs 4. Structure of the industry/market 5. Government role 6. Business environment 7. Firm/Industry Location 8. Business and pricing strategies 9. Entrepreneurial ability of managers C. Conclusion D. References Introduction Starbucks, what started in Seattle in 1971s by three friends: erry Baldwin, Zev Siegl, and Gordon Bowker. They opened a small shop and began selling fresh and cold coffee.Starbucks has always been a place where you can find world’s best coffee. In 1970s, Starbucks open its first coffee restaurant and its name comes from a classical American novel (Starbucks, 2013). Through 1980s, Howard Schultz came into Starbucks, after a business trip to Italy and impressed by coffee culture, his perception is that how to make it come true in U. S, he experimented from Seattle. In 1990s, Starbucks has expanded their production line beyond Seattle. Stepping cross the rest sates of U. S as well as international market.At the same time, Starbucks released its special option that offer stock option to employees, which made Starbucks become a public traded company. From 2000s, Starbucks continued its awesome phenomenon, its operation widespread over 15,000 locations over 40 countries. Classical Starbuck’s coffee beverage has been well recognized by lots of customers. Nowadays, Starbucks is not merely a successful coffee retailer; it is a coffee culture and place that people enjoy their lifetime. The nine main areas will give out an explanation how Starbucks looks like.Key word: Nature of product; Market Trends; Production/Supply Process & Cost; Structure of the Industry; Government Role; Business Environment; Firm/Industry Location; Business & Pricing Strategies and Entrepreneurial Ability of Manager. Analysis of the Economics of Starbucks Nature of Product Existing products: obviously, as a coffee related retailer, Starbucks mainly focus on coffee diversify selling. The main kinds of Starbucks coffee are latte, espresso, frappuccino as well as some sweet bakery, ice cream and so on.By the way, according to the idea of Starbucks itself, what they likely do that create a friendly drinks atmosphere rather than only sell a cup of coffee. Actually, customers really enjoyed their coffee time in Starbucks store thanks to cultural environment. What is more, Starbucks also provide coffee beans, coffee pot and coffee cup and other products. In the Chinese market localization of product design, and some tea kind, drink even has a particular season sales of Starbucks moon cakes, etc.Role of technology: Starbucks always try their best to improve well-roasted coffee beans, ground to perfection and then brewed to personal taste. The CEO released a statement that the company spends 20 years perfecting a top top-secret technology that ultimately results in a cup of coffee made wi th via, that is indistinguishable from Starbuck's typical brewed coffee (CNN money, 2009). In 2008, Starbucks purchased new coffee equipment that is called â€Å"clover†. The Clover uses precise technology and a calculated algorithm to brew coffee within one degree Fahrenheit of its ideal temperature and produce the ideal flavor (Chron, 2013).It also gives a control to interaction between water and grounds. What is more advancement, it could connect by Starbucks network in order to more effect management each unit. Product life cycle: generally, product life cycle is divided into four parts, introduce, growth, mature and decline. Every production has to walk through these four parts. According to Starbucks, with different coffee launched based on seasons, it is still located into growth period but close to mature step.Starbucks play its role in coffee industry similar like what monopolist do, its production occupied almost whole market share that should directed to mature sta ge, but new production occasional launched hold Starbucks to increase its sales volume. Price elasticity: The price elasticity of Starbucks is not very high. On one hand, coffee is necessary in daily life. On the other hand, Starbucks’ goodwill has been recognized among coffee fans, it is not matters of price. Substitutes and complementary products: coffee’s substitutes will be water, tea, mike or other fruit juice.When you step into Starbucks store, customer service is unchanged if you pick up juices even a bottle of water. Market Trends Consumer behavior: Starbucks hold approximately 33 percentage of market share in U. S. however, half of this huge number accounted by guys who aged at 25- 40(Chorn, 2013). Obviously, primary target audience of Starbucks is this grouped people. The characteristic of them is relatively high income, professional careers and a focus on social welfare. Motivation of consuming of these guys to Starbucks certainly for entertainment, enjoy li fe and pursuit of fashion and communication.The sub target customers is young adults who aged at 18-24, Starbucks position itself as a place college student can hang out, studying, writing paper and meeting. The rest customers of Starbucks are kids and teens who get there by their parents. Indifference curves: Indifference curve means products, which have different combine differently to satisfy customers. A simple indifference curve is shown in figure 1 For the coffee, at the same time, environment and music can satisfy customers. Coffee can satisfy customers’ taste sense, while environment can satisfy customers’ spirits.Starbucks can develop their own cup, coffee beans to improve efficiency. Shifts in demand and supply curves: With six factors influence demand curve: consumers' income, taste and preferences, consumer expectations, related product price, the government behavior and regulations and the number of consumers. Again, six factors influence supply, number of suppliers, prices of resources, technology, supply expected, price of all products and government actions. Particularly, Starbucks hold 33 percentage of U. S coffee market share, demand of Starbucks will increased, so demand will shift toward right side.Also, thousands of hundreds location established would satisfy these demand, supply curve move right side. Production/supply Process& cost Input: what Starbucks need do if it needs transforms quality coffee is inputting coffee bean, water, some capital investment as well as labor. Production function & Cost function: production function relates to the maximum quantity of output that can be produced from given amounts of input. A graph showed below about Starbucks production function. Figure 2: Retrieved from: http://faculty. washington. edu/ezivot/econ301/labor_demand. tm Apparently, as more and more labors putted into operating room, sales of Starbucks coffee increased. However, when increasing labor beyond quantity maximum, there is no increase on quantity. Marginal analysis: marginal analysis is one of the most important managerial tools. It states that optimal managerial decision involve comparing the marginal benefits of a decision with the marginal cost. Variable costs will not affect the output of the change in Starbucks. Coffee industry did not have a fixed mode. Coffee is the taste of the food service industry depends on customer. Structure of the Industry/MarketNature of industry: Starbucks as global famous coffee retailer had build one of world’s most powerful and recognizable brands of high-quality coffee and the unique â€Å"Starbucks Experience. † It first revolutionized coffee making industry by creating â€Å"third place† between workplace and home that is a clean, friendly environment where customers would escape chaos from daily life (Wikinvest, 2013). So, whole coffee industry has been winded by Starbucks style that creating relax and comfortable place for staying by qua lity coffee servicing. The rest of other competitors is trying advance environment as well.Industry concentration: it also another important part affect marginal decision. As we mentioned above, almost one third coffee production consumed by customers derived from Starbucks, coffee industry mostly distributed by this large company, certainly, other small company or local coffee store also account for whole coffee industry. Competition: obviously, Starbucks hold a dominate position in coffee industry and has no clearly rivalry in this section. The National Coffee Association estimates that the US coffee market will reach $29 billion in 2011(Wikinest, 2013).However, the three monsters in coffee industry target their different market. Starbucks try their best to hold on unbelievable market share with some change of price strategy. Whereas, even McDonald's larger retail footprint may overlap more with Starbucks' core markets, but their stark differences as stores are reflective of the g eneral differences between their core customers. The Dunkin donuts ranked in the third, its customers experience is more similar to â€Å"coffee-to-go† rather than place to enjoy lifetime. Consequently, market of coffee to go will be a fierce competition.Oligopoly Models: an oligopoly is a market that dominated by few competitors, Starbucks controlled not less than 30% coffee market share and made a important role entire market. Whereas, McDonald’s, Dunkin Donuts, and Caribou Coffee affect coffee industry could not be ignored. Government Role Government role should be considered inseparable component as running business wherever domestic or global. What is good news for successful applying government role that it signed a contract with a province in China based on Chinese government role.That is positive on input procurement of Starbucks in Chinese market. There is a signed deal that Starbucks cooperate with province of Yunnan to set up its first-ever coffee-bean farm in the world to cater to a rapidly growing population of coffee drinkers in China amid a global battle for quality coffee beans (The wall Street Journal, 2010). In contrast, the illegal operation in U. K will produce a punishment for itself. In 2011, the company paid exactly zero in corporate tax rate even 398 million in sales (Forbes, 2012).The British government has already taken a action and adjust some law restriction specially. Business Environment Business environment consisted by two components, general environment and industry environment. Through a deep analysis could help the company compete well in the market and make more profit from that. The general environmental analysis in which a firm exists in following five parts, economic, political, socio-cultural, technological and demographic (Brain Mass, 2013). The recent global economic recession affect business with both rising operation cost and lower profit margin.Almost every industry even companies have been involved in to this horrible crisis. The consumer of the products are facing increase price of commodities. It made people’s life difficult and hard to pay too much on their daily food and drinks. During the economic crisis in 2008, coffee customers were still had 3. 3 cups per day on average and they may choose the lower cost coffee. The political and legal pressure is also filled with the coffee industry. Coffee companies buy coffee beans from different countries under their own regulations and customs.The company has to know the professional knowledge about how to import coffee beans from other country and follow the change of political policy. At the same time, firms must prepare well of necessary forms and permits to do coffee business. It includes business entity applications, tax forms, contracts and store leases and so on. The company also need abide by the laws and regulations issued by the local and federal governments, such as food handling regulation and labor laws. The socia l-culture segment based on the reflection of consumers and how the company response to it.As growing number of health-conscious customers, the company should keep up with the changing situation and meet demand of new market needs. Although companies like Starbucks initially resisted using anything other than whole-milk in coffee beverage preparation. Under the pressure, the product producer need come up with new products with both nutritious and tasty to satisfy the customer’s needs. Nowadays, the technological is getting more important to help extend business almost in any industries. It is also a major factor in the coffee industry.The technology is related to the product innovation, services and the consumer’s interaction. According to Starbucks, as a world’s famous coffee producer, no matter the operation or customer service, what only you could see is technological equipment. The article in â€Å"AdAge† on February 2010, Starbucks was able to use soc ial media to its commercial or customers’ feedback. Technological software is being launched in 2011 that is App Starbucks. It is could help customers make purchase, track reward numbers and check balance by mobile with internet.It is convenient for both cashers in front desk and customers who need a cup of Starbucks. Digital network is also an advantage positioned by Starbucks; Starbucks could service as a moving office even a meeting place thanks to ultimate Wi-Fi connection in its store. For brewing, Starbucks still equipped by advanced coffee brew machines. Such as clover, it precise control time, temperature, material volume in order to qualified coffee (Chorn, 2013). As environment deteriorated day by day, environmental conscious and protection is being paid more attention.It is committed to a role of environmental leadership in all facets business (Starbucks Coffee Company, 2013). Starbucks is considering replacing plastic package by some special biodegradable material ; what is more, Starbucks try it best to do recycling even if some location is hard to come true that. According to industry environment, coffee service has evolved into very specialized profession, the coffee retailer do not believe themselves as merely coffee seller any more. With a profusion of advanced delivery system and a wide variety of products, they willing to create an awesome culture those customers have even experienced.Truthfully, there is no direct offense to Starbucks by other coffee firms; however, more recently an intense competition between those major coffee brands, there will be more pressure on Starbucks. For instance, McDonald's has 14,000 stores in the U. S. and caters to a wider demographic than Starbucks; it also enjoys increased traffic from its variety of well-established breakfast options. McDonald's coffee sales increased 15% in 2006 (Hub Pages, 2012). From the side of customers, customers are powerful force in coffee industry. The largest segment of rev enue is coming from individual buyers.They can influence the price, quantity and quality of the product. That is to say the rate of profit of a coffee company directly affected by customers. Starbucks’s most supplements come from its loyal customers, Starbucks brand has been deep widespread among crowded. But as no apparent lower unemployment rate exists and lots of people fired from their work position, they have to tight daily expenditure even if they are crazy about Starbucks. The price strategy should be mentioned by Starbucks under tough market environment. Replan a flexible and reasonable selling price based on customer behaviors.Firm/Industry Location Starbucks is the largest  coffeehouse  company in the world, with 20,366 stores in 61 countries, including 13,123 in the United States, 1,299 in Canada, 977 in Japan, 793 in the United Kingdom, 732 in China, 473 in South Korea, 363 in Mexico, 282 in Taiwan, 204 in the Philippines, 164 in Thailand and 3 in India (Wikip edia, 2013). Starbucks’ located combined by daily and evening locations. Almost every location builds at corner of traffic lots. Besides, some of Starbucks located in college campus, because college students are its target market either.Taking a conclusion, Starbucks’ location always depend on how service customers efficiently in order to profits getting back. Business and Pricing Strategies Starbucks planned its pricing strategies divided to two columns. One is that it headed downwards most popular production such as, brewed coffee and lattes coffee. It is also redesigned its menu to feature out low priced brewed coffee or lattes. Another one is increasing the prices of its higher-end more complex drinks including Frappuccinos and caramel macchiatos, of which there is less competition from rivals.In some cases, prices are rising by 30 cents (Pricing for profit, 2009). As a result, some speculate that Starbucks is trying to make the most profit from its devoted custome rs who are hooked on its products. Different price strategy on different marketing production is in order to make good profits. Entrepreneurial Ability of Managers Entrepreneurial Ability of Managers it is an important function of management which helps to maximize efficiency and to achieve organizational goals. The mark of an effective leader is his ability to foresee the business trends and stay ahead of his rivals. Howard Schultz who is the owner of Starbucks.In a sense, Howard Schultz did what similar to Steve Jobs and other innovators have done, creating something that we really did not know we needed until we had it. He spends lots of his time in working place and focuses more on company innovation and effective management. Recently, Starbucks launched its new production that is named Verismo (Business Insider, 2013). Schultz stated that its plan is to use Verismo to be a global leader. As well-know, Starbucks cover more employees’ benefit than other coffee related comp any. No matter part-time workforce or full-time there, Starbucks provide unbelievable benefit that you never seen.That is exactly what Schultz’s belief that employee satisfaction lead to customers’ satisfaction. What is more, Starbucks encourage employee to participate to social activities, it is good way of brand reorganization. An efficient management will release a help to sales increase and profits maximizing. Starbucks always realign its top management based on specific situation. Unlike other company grouping their firm entirely wherever domestic market or international market, Starbucks divided their responsibilities for its business into three global regions, Asia, America and rest of world’s place.Every region has its own executive, which take a hold of the entire region. Which is possible of this change would help maximize its opportunities in growing market like China, Brazil and India. Conclusion Starbucks is the leader of the coffee industry devote to produces high quality and premium roasted coffee to market in many areas of the world. The success is hard to ignore the contribution from Howard Schultz. With his entrepreneurial ability and effective management, Starbucks is keeping moving forward to grow up and face changing situation and variety of problems caused by both internal and external impact.The management structure of Starbucks became a benchmark in coffee industry which many industry players are willing to emulate and study. Starbucks is powered by their continual bringing new innovative product, build good relationship with customers, ability to expand globally and right decision of select locations. Coffee and tea are popularly in all over the world and attract large number of population. Coffee industry is sensitive that can provide attractive revenues to the company. However, the company only could be success and get huge profit under the competition if the efficient and effective strategies are being taken.The key successful factors of coffee industry demand is utilize technology to enhance customer experience, innovate products, select appropriate location and prepare well to conquer competitors. References Business Insider. (2013, Jan 26). Starbucks Seems Almost Giddy about Its Verismo Machines. Retrieved from http://www. businessinsider. com/starbucks-verismo-2013-1 BrainMass. (2012). General Environment of Business. Retrieved from http://brainmass. com/business/business-analysis/191029 Chorn. (2012). Who Is Starbucks' Target Audience? Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. hron. com/starbucks-target-audience-10553. html Chron. (2012). Starbucks ; Its Use of Technology. Retrieved from http://smallbusiness. chron. com/starbucks-its-use-technology-28272. html CNNMoney. (2009, Oct 2). Starbucks' new high-tech coffee. Retrieved from http://tech. fortune. cnn. com/2009/10/02/starbucks-new-high-tech-coffee/ Forbes. (2012, Dec 19). Self-Righteous Starbucks Forced To Chug a Venti of Greedy Gove rnment. Retrieved from http://www. forbes. com/sites/kylesmith/2012/12/19/self-rigtheous-starbucks-forced-to-chug-a-venti-of-greedy-government/ HubPages. 2012). Specialty coffee industry analysis. Retrieved from http://meangreen. hubpages. com/hub/Specialty-coffee-industry-analysis Pricing for profit. (2009, Aug 26). Starbucks’ New Pricing Strategy: The Beginning of the End? Retrieved from http://www. pricingforprofit. com/pricing-strategy-blog/starbucks-new-pricing-strategy-beginning. htm Starbucks Coffee Company. (2013). Our Environmental Mission Statement. Retrieved from http://gr. starbucks. com/en-US/_Social+Responsibility/_Social+Responsibilities/Environment+Mission+Statement. htm Starbucks. 2013). A Brief History of Starbucks. Retrieved from http://philippines. starbucks. com/en-US/_About+Starbucks/History+of+Starbucks. htm The Wall Street Journal. (2010, Nov 15). Starbucks to Open China Coffee Farm, Securing Global Supply. Retrieved from http://online. wsj. com/articl e/SB10001424052748704462704575609733431622088. html Wikinvest. (2012). Starbucks Corporation. Retrieved from http://www. wikinvest. com/stock/Starbucks_(SBUX) Wikipedia. (2013). Starbucks. Retrieved from http://meangreen. hubpages. com/hub/Specialty-coffee-industry-analysis

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Advantages and Disadvantages of a Motorcycle.

All over the world are millions of motorcycles. With different shapes, colors, and dimensions. This is a motor vehicle similar to a bicycle but usually larger and heavier, chiefly for one rider but some times having two saddles or an attached side car for passenger. Also a motorcycle is fun and very useful but also dangerous. Motorcycles have many advantages and disadvantages. First, one of the advantages of this kind of vehicle is the gas miles per gallon. Motorcycles have smaller engines so they consume less gas. Therefore, a regular motorcycle usually expends fifty-five miles per gallon.For example; if you ride daily ten miles, you have to fill the tank ones each with two or thee gallons of fuel. Second, another advantage is that motorcycles have more parking facilities. Bikes usually have more parking because they are less popular than cars and also smaller. For example; In my college are building a new parking garage but now a days there is no parking for cars, but there is park ing for motorcycles. Third, the last advantage is the maintaining of a motorcycle. Maintaining a motorcycle is very inexpensive. Riders usually change the oil and fix the problems.Perhaps, this service is very inexpensive. Also, the parts of a motorcycle are less expensive than cars. Some bikes just cost the same as just the engine of a car. On the other hand, one of the disadvantages is the weather condition. Riders have to check the weather before the go out because this vehicle don’t have roof neither windows that can guard you from the water, iced, and high and low temperatures. Furthermore, another disadvantage is the storage space. Motorcycles cant moved big goods. They usually have small compartment that you can storage a backpack or some grocery bags.If you have to move a box or you did a huge shopping, you will need a car. Last but not least, motorcycles are dangerous. This vehicle doesn’t have safe systems like air bags or safety belt. Therefore, you are the bumper of the bike. Usually a motorcycle accident is dangerous than a car accident.. To sum up, motorcycles have advantages and disadvantages like good gas millage, more parking spaces and inexpensive maintenance otherwise they are dangerous, not weather proof and less storage facilities. In my personal opinion, I think that having a motorcycle is awesome but with respect and attention.

Computer and Enrollment

Chapter I: Background of the Study Introduction The technology todays plays a vital role in our society. It makes man work easier and fast. The discovery of computer was the great function of modernity for different to make work easier, more capable and more adaptable for the humanity. This desire to simplify lives and perform more effectively creates a new technology for improving lives within our society. Because need exist, man developed and applied technology to fill those needs. Technology is one of the tools to solved man’s craving for their needs.It made the man more efficient for students and provide path to communicate to entire earth. Many manual transactions can be computerized by using software application or computer system to make work easier and efficient. Information technology can give a company ready access to improve product and service quality, reduce costs, increase productivity in smallest time possible, and communication between employees and to make thi ngs with lesser effort but having better output and even improve quality. Computerization is a control system that manages processes in industrial workplace.It reduced human errors and processing time, thus it can boost productivity and resulted into high quality of product produce. In Information System, computerization is concerned about interrelating different but interdependent transactions. This can result in a system with well-integrated processes that can perform much faster and more accurate than a manual system. Enrollment is the process of entering and verifying data of student to register on a particular school. Different interrelated processes build up enrollment procedures called Enrollment System.Enrollment System is used particularly in recording and retrieving students’ information. Tracking students’ information is also one feature of Enrollment System, in which the school can trace the standing of a student. Verifying payments was also added to update or browse students’ billings. Enrollment System is a good example of a computer generated process. This can lessen the workload and provides accurate information needed of the school. As a result, it  will benefit not only the student but the administration as a whole.The system design project, Enrollment System that will provide the needed and storing information in a faster,    more convenient way by storing file of the student enrollees in a computer system that will lessen the effort of faculty staff in storing files of each student every now and then. This will also serve as information especially for the irregular students, freshmen, transferee, and professor in able to get access in course, subject, professor, and student enrollees. This information here can be viewed in just a second without worrying that a single file is lost.The idea behind a enrollment system is not a new concept. As student enrollees increase every year, enrollment procedure become harder to deal. This will only serve to increase the problem facing enrollment that provides more easy way in enrolling. A computer based system is a system in which the computer plays a major role and this kind of system is needed by every companies and institutions nowadays. This is the best way of storing and retrieving data on a server or hard disk rather than using papers and file cabinets.This will also be a big help to all the enrollment staff especially under the computer department because they are the one who are entitled to touch and read the information from here. It will help our institution to have another system that will upgrade the enrollment processes so as to meet the quality that our institutions are trying to meet. This study is to know if Computerization is very much in need in Enrollment System of Montessori Professional College. We conducted reserches and survey to get information from the student to know what does computerization can give to improve this institution. Significance of the StudyThis study aimed impart to the mind of the readers the importance of the technolgy in an institution. The advantages and disadvantages ofusing this extra-ordinary creation of man. How the students and employee will respond if this computerization will be implemented. The reason why the researchers conduct this study is because of the reason that many of students having difficulty in enrolling because of Manual Operation Enrollment in Montessori Professional College. This study will may be a references from the administration to implent or not the Computerization Enrollment System. To avoid some conflict to the students nd administration the survey we prepared have no means of any identifacation, and the actual Survey Report will be kept secretly by the reserachers. After this study, we will determined how the students will respond to the Computerization, the current experiences encountered by the students in Montessori Professional College while enrolling, t he comment of the employee regarding this proposal. The actual percentage of the agree and disagree students to the survey conducted. This study also serves as a references in Administration of Montessori Professional College to change the current Enrollment System.. . Defnition of TermsComputer-is a general purpose device that can be  programmed  to carry out a finite set of arithmetic or logical operations. Since a sequence of operations can be readily changed, the computer can solve more than one kind of problem. Manual Operation- Any processing operation performed by hand. Computerized- To furnish with a computer or computer system. To enter, process, or store (information) in a computer or system of computers. Institution- is any  structure  or  mechanism  of  social order  and  cooperation  governing the  behaviorof a set of  individuals  within a given community — may it be human or a specific animal one.Institutions are identified with a  s ocial purpose, transcending individuals and intentions by mediating the rules that govern cooperative living behavior. Enrollment- The act or process of enrolling, The act or process of enrolling, A record or an entry. System- is a  set  of interacting or interdependent components forming an integrated whole or a set of  elements   and  relationshipswhich are different from relationships of the set or its elements to other elements or sets. Boredom-is an  emotional  state experienced when an individual is left without anything in particular to do, and not interested in their surroundings.Administration- The act or process of administering, especially the management of a government or large institution. The activity of a government or state in the exercise of its powers and duties. Students- is a learner, or someone who attends an educational institution. In some nations, the English term is reserved for those who attend  university, while a schoolchild under the age of eighteen is called a  pupil  in English . In its widest use,  student  is used for anyone who is  learning.Employee- A  person  who is hired to provide  services  to a  company  on a  regular  basis in  exchange  for compensation and who does not provide these services as part of an independent  business. Survey- A  detailed  study  of a  market  or geographical area to gather  data  on  attitudes,  impressions,  opinions,  satisfaction  level, etc. , by polling a  section  of the  population. Research- is formal work undertaken systematically to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of humanity, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications CHAPTER II: Project Description Statement of the Problem 1.How does Manual Operation in Enrollment affect the Institution’s image to the students? 2. What was the advantages and disadvantages of using Manual Operation i n Enrollment? 3. In Montessori Professional College, does Manual Operation in Enrollment was still effective? 4. What was the advatages and disadvantages of Computerization of Enrollment System? 5. How will Computerized Enrollment System affect Montessori College System? 6. Would the student agree if the administration apply this new system in Montessori Professional College? 7. If Computerized Enrollment System will be implemented, how will the employee respond to the new system?Proposed Research Project Scope and Dilimitation Out of all the students in Montessori Professional College, 50 students were randomly selected to be used as a sample in conducting survey about the curent Enrollment System. This study limits only to those who were studying in MPC. Its main purpose is to determined the comment of the students with regard to the existing system. The advantages and disanvantages of Manual and Computerized Enrollment System. This study considers every aspect of students persona l information that has an impact on their academic performances as their educational background, allowance, gender and age.Each of the respondents are given same questionnaire to answer. And this study focuses on the current student of the present academic year 2012 – 2013. General Objectives This study was aiming to impart to the mind of the reader the importance of innovation in an Institution. Specific Objectives This study aims to create an idea for the current Adminstration of Montessori Professional College to change the old system of the enrollment as a demand of students to lessen the work but with greater payoff. Scope and Limitation Cases Study on Computerized Enrollment System A computerized enrollment system is a multi-function processing operation.Computerization of enrollment information interrelates different yet interdependent transactions in a systematized and functional way. The use of computerized enrollment systems by organizations to help coordinate peopl e and information is increasing throughout the world. Many experts cite numerous reasons why computerized   enrollment systems are viable choices for schools, training programs and workplace operations. Educational institutions, such as colleges and grade schools, are assessed for a case  study. Computerized enrollment systems for educational services and training programs reduce processing time and human errors.Online automated systems, which accept and organize enrollee information, can boost productivity. Systems operations proceed faster, more efficiently and with greater accuracy than manual enrollment systems. Programs are comprehensive and capable of handling all interrelated processes, including: completion of all related forms; development, organization and maintenance of files; creation of master lists and other special reports; fee assessments and balances; departmentalized accounts receivable reports; class schedules; and record  updates.Computer generated enrollme nt solutions afford students choices like options for payment 24/7 that can benefit the whole operation. Systems typically include data protection and backup frameworks. Student enrollees have access to their personal information only. School personnel are able to keep up with teacher and student photos, grade point averages and other pertinent identification data, such as grades, quizzes and any other modules that are considered necessary for efficient administration.Modifications in school policies and requirements are easily edited online. Career guidance and evaluations are facilitated and traceable. What the online enrollment program effectively amounts to is a self-service, on-demand student and administrator friendly guide and process optimizer. Employee workload is decreased and administrators can spend more time giving students more personalized attention and encouragement. Also, the enrollment system is compatible with mobile app versions for students and school staff. In Philippine Setting